Somerset Academy Oaks
Week of October 9-13
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📚AR Read Aloud with Author Yuyi Morales📚
This week's book, Dreamers, is showcasing the witing and illustrations of Yuyi Morales.
Want to find out more information about Yuyi Morales? Click the link below.
Reading Level
- 2.2
- 0.5
Quiz #
- 500534
Calendar of Events
National Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
Inspired Free Dress Fridays to inspire our Hispanic Heritage Awareness---Students and staff are welcome to wear:
- traditional attire that may have originated in Spain, Mexico, the Carribean, or Central and South America
- shirt or jersey representing your favorite sport, team, or player whose Hispanic heritage has impacted the sports worlds
- represent your country of heritage by wearing the flag colors
- wear a hat or accessories that represent your favorite Latin American country
Read Alouds with Principal Wilson
- Principal Wilson will do read alouds to celebrate authors of Hispanic Heritage.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month! This year our campus will have Pink Out Mondays.
Students and staff are welcome to wear pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Other Ways We Can Help with Breast Cancer Awareness:
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon week is October 23-27. This year's theme is Be Kind to Your Mind: Live Drug Free! Details on our 2023 Red Ribbon Spirit Week coming soon.
How did this year's theme come about?
2024 Red Ribbon Theme Contest
Is your child interested in entering the Red Ribbon theme campaing for the 2024 year? Check out the details below.
Monday, October 9, 2023
- Student Holiday/Staff Workday
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
- Classes resume... Building opens at 7am
🎶5th & 6th Band-Saxophones
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Music Classroom & Ms. Bonar's Classroom
- Questions: Please contact karen.feazel@somersetacademytx.org
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
- No Woodwinds Band Practice
- Lunch
- It is 🍕 Day!
- Students will have their normal 30 minute lunch time.
- We want to maximize our lunch time by having students eat in their classrooms with their teachers enjoying read alouds and educational videos.
- We will follow last years early release protocol and will not be able to sell extra slices or snacks (lunch only) so that we can help get students through the serving line as quickly as possible.
- Students will receive one slice of pizza today with their normal milk/juice, fruit, veggie, and side.
- Questions? Please email Mike Jones, our Director of Child Nutrition at mike.jones@somersetacademytx.org.
- Students will be able to attend specials.
- We will dismiss at 12:15 PM.
- The ASCP will be provided for students who are already enrolled.
- All staff will be in training from 1pm-4pm.
- We will be on our normal schedule on Thursday, October 12.
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Drop Everything And Read (D.E.A.R.) Thursday
- Some grades opted to have the D.E.A.R. on Thursday.
- Others selected Friday.
- Please contact your child's teacher for details.
🥁5th &6th Grade Band Percussion
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Music Classroom
- Questions: Please contact karen.feazel@somersetacademytx.org
Friday, October 13, 2023
Last Day of First Quarter (9 Weeks Grading Period)
- Teachers will finalize grades
.National Hispanic Heritage Month Free Dress Friday! Students and staff are welcome to wear:
- traditional attire that may have originated in Spain, Mexico, the Carribean, or Central and South America
- shirt of jersey representing your favorite sport, team, or player whose Hispanic heritage has impacted the sports worlds
- represent your country of heritage by wearing the flag colors
- wear a hat or accessories that represent your favorite Latin American country
Drop Everything And Read (D.E.A.R.) Friday
- Some grades opted to have their D.E.A.R. on Friday.
- Please contact your child's teacher for details.
Anti-Bullying Assembly
- 1:00pm-1:45pm K-2 The Game Showsters Anti-bullying Show in the gym
- 2:00pm-2:45pm 3-6 The Game Showsters Anti-bullying Show in the gym
- What is the Game Showsters Anti-bullying Show? Click on the link below.
- https://gameshowsters.com/
3:00pm AR Deadline for students to meet earn 100% of their goal points and to earn an 85% or higher for a summative grade for Reading.
Week of October 16-20
Somerset Academy Oaks National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS) members will:
Check in with teachers to see who will be willing to participate in their November Decorate a Turkey community service project which is to raise money for the San Antonio Food Bank.
Students and teachers start working on their turkey decorating. NEHS Questions: Please contact diana.beltran@somersetacademy tx.org or tiffany.teer@somersetacademytx.org.
Monday, October 16, 2023
Second Quarter Begins (9 Weeks Grading Period)
1:45pm Symphony Docent speaks to 5th & 6th grade students
- Questions about the Symphony Docent Guest Speaker? Contact karen.feazel@somersetacademytx.org.
- Students and staff are welcome to wear pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Clinic News
- Nurse Barletta starts yearly screenings for Kinder students
🦉 "Little Owls" Choir
- Grades: 1st-3rd
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Music Classroom
- Questions: Please contact karen.feazel@somersetacademytx.org
🎨 Art Club
Last Day for 5th & 6th Grade
- Grades: 5th & 6th
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Art Classroom
- Questions: Please contact roxanne.briones@somersetacademytx.org or laura.dodd@somersetacademytx.org
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
🎶5th & 6th Band-Saxophones
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Music Classroom & Ms. Bonar's Classroom
- Questions: Please contact karen.feazel@somersetacademytx.org
Somerset Academy of Texas Board Meeting
- 5:00pm-6:00pm at the Somerset Academy Collegiate campus
- 4802 Vance Jackson San Antonio, Texas 78230
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
8:45am-1:30pm---5th & 6th Grade Field Trip to the Lila Cockrell Theater for the San Antonio Philharmonic Orchestra
- Questions about this field trip? Please contact Ms. Feazel, Ms. Black, and Ms. Kingsford.
🎶5th & 6th Band-Woodwinds
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Music Classroom & Ms. Bonar's Classroom
- Questions: Please contact karen.feazel@somersetacademytx.org
Thursday, October 19, 2023
🥁5th &6th Grade Band Percussion
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Music Classroom
- Questions: Please contact karen.feazel@somersetacademytx.org
Friday, October 20, 2023
AR First Quarter Celebration
- Students must have met 100% of their points goal and must have an 85% of higher for their summative grade.
- Questions? Please contact your child's teacher.
Week of October 23-27
Somerset Academy Oaks National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS) members will:
Create flyers and posters to hang around the school for their November Decorate a Turkey community service project which is to raise money for the San Antonio Food Bank.
Students and teachers start working on their turkey decorating. NEHS Questions: Please contact diana.beltran@somersetacademy tx.org or tiffany.teer@somersetacademytx.org.
Monday, October 23, 2023
- Students and staff are welcome to wear pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Clinic News
- Nurse Barletta starts yearly screenings for 1st Grade students
🦉 "Little Owls" Choir
- Grades: 1st-3rd
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Music Classroom
- Questions: Please contact karen.feazel@somersetacademytx.org
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
🎶5th & 6th Band-Saxophones
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Music Classroom & Ms. Bonar's Classroom
- Questions: Please contact karen.feazel@somersetacademytx.org
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
🎶5th & 6th Band-Woodwinds
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Music Classroom & Ms. Bonar's Classroom
- Questions: Please contact karen.feazel@somersetacademytx.org
Thursday, October 26, 2023
🥁5th &6th Grade Band Percussion
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Music Classroom
- Questions: Please contact karen.feazel@somersetacademytx.org
Week of October 30-November 3
Somerset Academy Oaks National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS)
See details below for the NEHS November Decorate a Turkey community service project which is to raise money for the San Antonio Food Bank. NEHS Questions: Please contact diana.beltran@somersetacademy tx.org or tiffany.teer@somersetacademytx.org.
Monday, October 30, 2023
- Students and staff are welcome to wear pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
- Students and teachers continue to work on their turkey decorating for the NEHS community service project to raise money for the San Antonio Food Bank. NEHS Questions: Please contact diana.beltran@somersetacademy tx.org or tiffany.teer@somersetacademytx.org.
Clinic News
- Nurse Barletta starts yearly screenings for 2nd grade & 5th grade students
🦉 "Little Owls" Choir
- Grades: 1st-3rd
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Music Classroom
- Questions: Please contact karen.feazel@somersetacademytx.org
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Favorite Character Costume Day
- Dress as your favorite storybook character.
- No costume masks, toy guns, toy swords, etc.
- Students and teachers complete their work on their turkey decorating for the NEHS community service project to raise money for the San Antonio Food Bank. NEHS Questions: Please contact diana.beltran@somersetacademy tx.org or tiffany.teer@somersetacademytx.org.
🎶5th & 6th Band-Saxophones
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Music Classroom & Ms. Bonar's Classroom
- Questions: Please contact karen.feazel@somersetacademytx.org
November 1-15
Voting for the Turkey Deocrating Contest
How Do We Vote: Drop money and non-perishable food items in the bin next to the turkey you would like to win. NEHS Questions: Please contact diana.beltran@somersetacademy tx.org or tiffany.teer@somersetacademytx.org.
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Students will take their AR monthly Star test.
🎶5th & 6th Band-Woodwinds
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Music Classroom & Ms. Bonar's Classroom
- Questions: Please contact karen.feazel@somersetacademytx.org
Thursday, November 2, 2023
🥁5th &6th Grade Band Percussion
- Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Music Classroom
- Questions: Please contact karen.feazel@somersetacademytx.org
Clinic News
- Week of November 6: Nurse Barletta conducts yearly screenings for 3rd Grade.
- Week of November 13: Nurse Barletta conducts yearly screenings for 5th & 6th Grade
Wednesday, November 15
NEHS Turkey Decorating Contest Winner is Announced!
November 20-24
Monday, November 28
Classes resume---Building opens at 7:00am
Please Do Not Hesitate to Contact Us!
Laura Dodd, Receptionist & Attendance Clerk
Jessica Gonzalez, Office Manager & Registrar
Abigail Batten,, Student Support Case Manager & After School Care Program Director
Leanna Tuttle, ESL Coordinator/Counselor/Social Emotional Learning
Dankel Paine, Counselor/Social Emotional Learning
Tiffany Teer, Instructional Coordinator & Data Coach
TaLisa Wilson, Principal
Need to call the front office?
We can reached at 210-627-6013.
Office Hours are 7:00am-3:30pm
Interested in more information about the campus?
Check out our website and social media pages!
Visit our website!
Join us in sending KUDOS to Ms. Jennifer, our librarian, who is working diligently with our IT department to get our website as perfect as possible! 👩💻 💻
Follow Us on Facebook!
We are so gratful for Ms. Jennifer!😘 She keeps our Facebook page updated with the latest happenings! 📷📸
Follow Us on Instagram!
Ms. Jennifer is our IG marketing tech!💻📱 Her wordsmithing and graphic designs are OWL-standing! 🦉