GIS School Newsletter
MAY 2024
Important Dates
Friday May 10- Progress Reports
Tuesday May 28- 4th Grade Field Day (Make Up May 31)
Wednesday May 29- 5th Grade Field Day (Make Up June 3)
Thursday May 30- 6th Grade Field Day (Make Up June 4)
Wednesday June 5- Tentative Last Day of School- Report Cards Go Home
Points of Pride
- Students who qualified for the series of fundraiser prizes will distributed and taking place over the course of the next few weeks now that MSTEP testing is finishing up. The Prize Raffle took place Friday and we have Community Center trips planned for Monday and Tuesday. (Please contact the school if you do not want your student participating in the CC trip)
- 6th graders will participate in our 6th Grade day camp. This year we are attending Camp Daggett.
- Students showed great focus and strong a work ethic during MSTEP testing.
- In PE our students are prepping for the annual field day events.
Last Day of School
Currently our last day scheduled for the 2023-2024 school year is June 5. We are tentatively on schedule to meet the required minimum number of days and hours of pupil instruction. Therefore, if there are no more inclement weather days, our last day of the school year will be June 4, 2024. This would be a half day for students and a full day for staff. GIS Dismissal time is 11:30.
Parents Who Order GRASP Materials
For parents who are participating in the Summer GRASP program... Materials have arrived and will be sent how with your student.
Counselor Corner- Career Lessons
In the month of May Mrs. Skowronski and Mrs. Martell are going into all grades to teach lessons on careers. Fourth grade students learned about various careers through a fun game of career bingo. Fifth grade students learned about the Holland Hexagon’s six personality types (Doer, Thinker, Creator, Helper, Persuader, and Organizer) and explored careers found in each. Students had the opportunity to discover their personality type and consider what career/s they might enjoy based on the results. Sixth grade classrooms have the opportunity to explore O*Net, an online database that provides information on multiple careers. Students take an interest inventory that matches their interests with a career. They gain an understanding of different types of careers that are available.
OKAY2SAY Program
GIS Office Hours: 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM Monday - Friday
GIS Contact Information
Email: Pallasl@gaylord.k12.mi.us
Website: gaylordschools.com
Location: 240 East 4th Street, Gaylord, MI, USA
Phone: 989.731.0856