Wayland All Schools News
November 6, 2024
This E-Blast is full of school news and school-related community announcements that are not building specific. All announcements that interest families of multiple schools are published here, allowing each individual school to focus their e-blasts on announcements that are specific to their families only.
Please email any submissions to All_SchoolsNews@WaylandPS.Org no later than end of day on Friday for distribution on the following Wednesday. All Schools News is published every other week during the summer.
School Committee
Dates To Remember
11/11 Veterans' Day - No School
11/13 Super Early Release
11/27 Super Early Release (no lunch)
11/28-29 Thanksgiving Recess - No School
12/4 Super Early Release
School Committee Meetings
November 6, 20
December 4, 18
Public welcome! The agendas will be posted here. (Please note this information may change. Please check the website before attending)
Wayland Boosters
Curious about Wayland High School Sports?
Thursday, November 14 from 7-9PM at the Wayland High School Field House
Sports Rush is a “sports fair” where WHS student athlete leaders share their passion and knowledge of their sport with peers and future incoming high school students. This student-led community event is an opportunity for younger athletes and their families to learn about the wide variety of sports teams offered at WHS.
This is not a drop off event, parents must remain on-site.
Arts Wayland
Check out the art exhibits, music, classes, performances and Community events currently being offered by ArtsWayland!!!
Wayland Public Library
Check out the many classes, events and enrichment opportunities at the Wayland Public Library this week by clicking the orange button below.
Girl Scouts
Treats For Troops
Got Candy? Donate It! Wayland Girl Scouts are collecting WRAPPED candy for the USS Bataan Deployed of the coast of Israel.
Drop Off Locations: All School Offices and Council on Aging
Also Collecting: beef jerky, Ziploc sandwich bags and 3x5 coloful notecards
Project Pajama
Please donate brand-new pajamas November 18th to December 9th to donate to the Chelsea Public Schools. Donation bins located at 22 Shaw Drive and 44 East Plain Street.
Please note, not all announcements included in the Wayland All Schools News are school sponsored, but are community based, non-profit, non-sectarian, non-political, and are included here as a service to the Wayland school community.