Hollywood Headlines
Alamo Elementary - November 4, 2024
Important Dates
Nov. 4
- 4th Grade Field Trip
- STARS Rehearsal
Nov. 5
- Mileage Club
Nov. 6
- Delayed Start, school starts @ 10:00 a.m.
Nov. 8
- Veteran's Day Breakfast @ 7:30-8:15 a.m.
- 2nd Grade Field Trip
- Mileage Club
Nov. 11
- PTO Meeting @ 4:00 p.m.
- Board of Education Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
Nov. 12
- 1/2 day, dismissal @ 12:10 p.m.
- Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
Nov. 13
- 1/2 day, dismissal @ 12:10 p.m.
- Afternoon & Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
Nov. 14
- 1/2 day, dismissal @ 12:10 p.m.
Nov. 15
- No School
Veteran's Day Breakfast
Please join us for our Veterans Day Celebration Breakfast!
Alamo Elementary School is hosting a Veterans Day Breakfast on Friday, November 8, 2024 from 7:30-8:15. If your child has family members who are Veterans, we would love to honor them with a breakfast. To RSVP, click on the link below. You do not have to RSVP to attend, but we appreciate you letting us know so we can plan accordingly.
If you need more information about our event, please contact
Jamie Siegler at jsiegler@otsegops.org.
Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place in person this year. Your child's success is important to us. We desire to partner with you to make the best experience for your child. We are looking forward to connecting with all of our families. Please click on the button(s) below to sign up for your child's parent/teacher conference. Immediately after signing up, you should receive a confirmation email for each of your students. Please save this email. If you are in need of assistance please call the Alamo office at 694-7600. We are striving for 100% participation. Click on the link below to sign up.
CONGRATULATIONS October Students of the Month
Kindergartener - Elodie Pruis
1st Grader - Alexa Goodman
2nd Grader - Killian Czuk
3rd Grader - Remington Anderson
4th Grader - Everley Kelsey
5th Grader - Sullivan Brady
How Will You Show Your P.R.I.D.E. Today?
Positive Attitude
- Preston Hahn
- Elsie Garceau
- Kaiden Wikle
- Everett Rose
- Hannah Rudolph
- Albie Hoff
- Xander Martin
- Lyric Town
- Claire Olech
- Rijenah Clark
Conference Dinner Sponsorship
Throughout the year, PTO provides meals for teachers at conferences as well as gifts during staff appreciation week. This year PTO is collecting sponsorships or donations throughout the year to help support these projects. If you would like to help sponsor the conference dinner for staff, please click on the link below to donate.
Get Informed-Provide Your Input, May 2025 Bond Extension Community Conversations
Planning for the Future: Using current facility assessments, learning trends, and looking to the future, OPS is planning on a May 2025 Bond Extension and we want you to be involved. Hear about the plans and provide your feedback at any one of the Community Conversation sessions.
Hoopsters & Little Dawgs
Alamo WatchD.O.G.S.
Our WatchD.O.G.S. program will officially begin for the 2024-25 school year in October. “Dads” (or dad-like figures) who are interested in signing up to volunteer for a full or half day should contact Natalie Trumley (ntrumley@otsegops.org) or Nicole Knight-Lucas (nknight-lucas@otsegops.org) via email to schedule a date.
When you volunteer, you will receive a schedule for the day that allows you to help out in different classrooms doing a wide range of activities (reading a story, working with a child 1:1 on work, playing a game with a small group). You will also have scheduled time on the playground and lunchroom to interact with students and be a positive role model for them. We need a current background check on file before you are able to volunteer.
Social Work Scoop
Greetings Parents!
The month of October has provided your children the opportunity to focus on the Capturing Kids’ Hearts character trait of Self-Direct. Through this, we have been learning about short term goals and long term goals. We have learned about steps we can take to achieve success. We also talked about what happens when we don’t succeed and have to try again. The root to success, in meeting our goals, is resiliency. We need to help our children learn how to use their inner strength to bounce back. Here are some strategies to help reinforce this at home.
Focus on what you can control in uncomfortable situations.
Wonder with your children how the family or they themselves can grow through a difficult situation.
Encourage your child and walk alongside them as they face their fears.
Work together as a family to discover your values.
For more information or to dig deeper into the strategies above, please check out this link about building resiliency.
Mileage Club
You are also invited to join us any Tuesday or Friday (weather permitting) during your child's lunch recess time. Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes these days.
Here are the recess times for each grade level.
- K @ 11:35 a.m.
- 1st @ 11:45 a.m.
- 2nd @ 12:05 p.m.
- 4th @12:15 p.m.
- 3rd @ 12:35 p.m.
- 5th @ 12:45 p.m.
Alamo PTO - Make A Difference
Alamo PTO needs you! The PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) is a wonderful way to become involved in your child's education and to get to know other parents and teachers. The PTO has many activities throughout the school year that you can help with by volunteering. The PTO meets once a month at 4:10 p.m. in the Alamo Media Center. Listed below are the dates for this year's meetings. We would love for you to attend!
Meeting Dates
Nov 11
Dec 9
Jan 13
Feb 10
March 10
April 14
May 12
June 9
Attendance Matters
If your child is absent and the absence is unexcused, you will receive an automated phone call reminding you to report the absence. Please remember to report your child’s absence, before 9am, by calling our attendance line at (269) 694-7680.
Remind for Alamo Parents
Join Alamo Parents REMIND
Would you like to receive text updates on important dates and activities taking place here at Alamo Elementary? REMIND is a safe and efficient communication app designed for teachers/schools to communicate important classroom/school information. If you are interested in receiving updates from Alamo Elementary via text, text this message @alamopare to the number 81010 or click on the link below.
Alamo Elementary
Email: nknight-lucas@otsegops.org
Website: https://alamo.otsegops.org/
Location: 8184 North 6th Street, Kalamazoo, MI, United States
Phone: (269) 694-7600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/415538888654020
Twitter: @otsegoschools