Bobcat Strong Tracker
May 30, 2024
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Our Mission
At Santa Rita Elementary School, we foster curious, motivated learners who reach their highest potential in a supportive community that appreciates diversity.
Minimum Day Tomorrow!! Friday, March 31 Dismissal 12:15
May 31 - Minimum Day 12:15 dismissal
June 5- Last Day to pick up school medication. Medication can not be stored over summer break.
June 5 - Last Day of School - 6th grade graduation 9am; dismissal TK-5th 11:30am
- LASD 2023-2024 Calendar
- Reporting Attendance: To report a student's absence, please fill out this form or call
- Please fill out your Bobcat Strong Registration!
- Food Menus
Just a few of our wonderful Science Olympiad Events!
Thank you to Lisa Sung and all the volunteers! It was an amazing day!
Thank you Ms. Rosa and Ms. Theresa for all of your hard work in the servery this year!
Congratulations to our Multi-lingual Bobcats!
The 1st grade competed in the "Spud Olympics" this week!
3rd graders were inspired to write and perform their own play at lunch
Hello Wonderful Bobcat Community,
I first want to thank our wonderful Bobcat Community for all the support and love that I have received over the last 3 years. This has been an amazing first experience as a principal and I am so happy that I got be a part of Santa Rita again. I will miss all the students so much, staff and parents too!
Tomorrow, there will be NO ASSEMBLY as we have Field Day starting at 8:40. Please be sure that your students were shoes they can run in and a water bottle.
Tomorrow is also a minimum day, dismissal for Kinder at 12 and TK, 1st-6th at 12:15. The office and campus will close by 12:45 to get to a District mandated event.
I also want to thank our wonderful PTA who support every student and staff member unconditionally. President Kelly Sanders-Lo and VP Herb Marshall need a huge round of applause for their amazing dedication to Santa Rita. Our entire exec board and event leaders tirelessly work to make Santa Rita the fun-filled, inspiring school it is. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Here is to our last week of school and all the fun ahead!
See you all soon!!
Stay Bobcat Strong,
Kelly Rafferty, Principal
2024-25 School Year Preliminary Teaching Staff
Transitional Kinder: Cici Nakano
Kinder: Bailey LInden, Tarang Gupta
1st Grade: Jennifer Finley, Phoebe Chen
2nd Grade: Janelle Ho, Lauren Kim
3rd Grade: Carrie Middleton, Rachel Selincourt
4th Grade: Libby English, Jill Croft
5th Grade: Robin McLaren, Brianna Larinto
6th Grade: Carly Wilcox, Tegwyn John
TSDC Class: Kaili Salyers
Resource Specialist: Fiona Graham
Psychologist: Ana Shirazi
Interventionist: Katrina Watters
Saying Goodbye…
Please join me in wishing a few of our teachers farewell, they most certainly will be missed!
Philina Kabertlin -Moving to Loyola Kindergarten "It is with a heavy heart to share that I am leaving Santa Rita after five wonderful years being part of our diverse and loving community, being the substitute principal for Mr. Land and Mrs. Rafftery, teaching First Grade with Mrs. Finley, and finally supporting every grade level in intervention work. I am thankful to be moving with our phenomenal principal, Mrs. Rafferty, to teach Kindergarten at Loyola Elementary School. Come visit us whenever you're at Loyola - I'll be in Room 7! Thank you for an incredible Five Years, Bobcats."
Kathleen Won -Moving to Covington TK "I can’t believe my 10 years at Santa Rita have gone by so quickly. I have to thank ALL the students (whether you graced my class or not), parents, and my colleagues who have made my journey here incredibly memorable! You all have touched my heart and I will miss my Santa Rita family always! Huge Hugs forever!"
Natalie Cannon -Moving to Gardner Bullis 3rd grade "After 10 wonderful years at Santa Rita (nine of those in sixth grade!), Ms. Cannon will be moving to Gardner Bullis to teach 3rd grade. She is grateful to the amazing Bobcat community for their years of support, and is excited for this new opportunity to grow."
Mary Fox -Moving to Gilroy "This summer, my husband and I will be moving to our new home in Gilroy, California! I plan to continue my teaching career there in a 4th grade position. While I'm excited for this new adventure, I'll miss this amazing community and always remember my time at Santa Rita so fondly. I feel incredibly fortunate and grateful to have crossed paths with such wonderful students, families, and colleagues on my journey so far, thank you all so much for being a part of it."
Monica Morosin -Moving to Oak 4th grade "Teaching at Santa Rita for the last six years has been an absolute joy. The enthusiasm and curiosity of our students, the unwavering support from our parent community, and the camaraderie among the staff have made this such a remarkable place. While I am excited about the new opportunities that lie ahead at Oak Elementary, I will miss all of the wonderful students, families, and teachers at Santa Rita. I will always have a special place in my heart for Santa Rita!"
AJ Johnson -Moving to IST for LASD "It feels like just yesterday I was walking down the halls of Santa Rita for the first time. Little did I know how lucky I was to be part of the Santa Rita community. Thank you to all of the families, students, and friends who have shown me nothing but love and care. I am thankful for all of the laughs and all of the memories. I look forward to seeing everyone around in my new role and you can bet that I will still be out there supporting all of our bobcats."
Saying Hello…
Please join me in welcoming our new Santa Rita Staff Members…
Lauren Kim, 2nd grade - Lauren is coming back to LASD after working at Teachers College
Jill Croft, 4th grade - Jill has been an IST (Instructional Support Teacher) for the last 5 years in LASD, she has taught multiple grades in LASD before being an IST
Brianna Larinto, 5th grade- Brianna is new to LASD and is relocating from the central coast.
Tegwyn John, 6th grade -Tegwyn new to LASD and is a Los Altos resident. She is excited to work in her community.
More information, including a Bio of each will be coming soon!
Pick up Student Medication by June 5
A reminder that if your child has medications/health supplies at school that must be picked up by June 5 from the front office.
We cannot store medications over the summer. If you are leaving before school ends, please pick up medications early.
An adult must pick up medication.
Student Art Show!
Gallery 9 welcomes the Summer with our Special Guest Artists: Children in the Los Altos
School District. The young artists’ selected work from a series of Spring art shows will
be displayed at the Gallery for the month of June. Additional work from students will be
exhibited for the first week as well: May 28 through June 2. Special Reception: Sunday
June 2, from 2 - 4 p.m.
Santa Rita Student Artists:
Matias Garcia Chavez
James Tooley IV
Devin Lui
Kenzo Naranjo Ban
Maya Imudianda Avati
Rylin Hsen
Alexa Cheng
Dariya Mukatova
Toko Konno
Thank You Art Docent Volunteers!
Community Events: End of Year Class Parties!
Grab a ticket to celebrate the end of the school year and kick off summer with classmates!
June 1- Kinder End of Year Party
June 5 - 1st Grade Last Day of School Swim Party
June 3- 5th Grade End of Year Pizza & Pool Party
June 4 - 6th Grade End of Year Pizza & Pool Party
7 fabulous elementary school music concerts this month! Our music teachers rock! Thank you to everyone who donated to LAEF and helped support music.
We still need $115K to fully fund teachers this school year. If you have yet to give, donate to LAEF today!
Can you help represent Santa Rita on the LAEF Board for the 2024-25 school year? Join a fantastic group of parents who work together to keep our nine LASD schools strong. If you are interested in learning more about this important opportunity, please reach out to your Santa Rita LAEF Board representatives at SantaRitaReps@LAEFonline.org.
CENG Free Online Summer Coding Classes: Registration Now Open!
Join us to unlock the power of coding! The Computer Engineers of the Next Generation (CENG) Team proudly presents three engaging sessions of weeklong online coding classes in June and July 2024. Classes are scheduled from 4:15 to 5:45 pm PST, offering an exciting curriculum covering Scratch, JavaScript, Python, Web Design, and Roblox.
Tailored for 3rd to 8th-grade students, our classes cater to beginners, intermediates, and advanced learners. Led by proficient high school students, participants will delve into the fundamentals of coding, culminating in a final game project.
Secure your spot today at cengclass.org. Registration closes on June 6th or when classes reach full capacity. For inquiries, please reach out to Alice Lee at cengclass@gmail.com.
Clases de codificación de verano en línea gratuitas de CENG: ¡la inscripción ya está abierta!
¡Únase a nosotros para desbloquear el poder de la codificación! El equipo de ingenieros informáticos de la próxima generación (CENG) se enorgullece de presentar tres interesantes sesiones de clases de codificación en línea de una semana de duración en junio y julio de 2024. Las clases están programadas de 4:15 a 5:45 p. m. PST y ofrecen un interesante plan de estudios que cubre Scratch, JavaScript, Python, diseño web y Roblox.
Nuestras clases, diseñadas para estudiantes de 3.º a 8.º grado, están dirigidas a principiantes, intermedios y avanzados. Dirigidos por estudiantes competentes de secundaria, los participantes profundizarán en los fundamentos de la codificación, culminando con un proyecto de juego final.
Asegure su lugar hoy en cengclass.org. La inscripción cierra el 6 de junio o cuando las clases alcancen su capacidad máxima. Si tiene consultas, comuníquese con Alice Lee en cengclass@gmail.com.
Special Education Events and Resources
Announcement: SELPA-1 CAC will be consolidated starting July 1 into the Northwest Santa Clara County CAC, covering 21 districts. The Santa Clara County Office of Education will have an updated website soon.
PHP: Advocacy 101: Organizing Your Child's Records ONLINE May 30
Are you overwhelmed by your child's file? Find out how to organize documents and reports, and tips and tools to create reference logs to find records easily during meetings.
Thursday, May 30th from 6-7pm
Do you have concerns about your child's ability to learn at school? This handout can help get you on the right track. I'm Concerned About My Child Handout - English or Estoy Preocupado Por Mi Hijo - Espanol
Please contact your SELPA-1 CAC (Special Education) liaison, Alison Biggs, at abiggs@gmail.com with any questions.
Santa Rita School
Email: krafferty@lasdschools.org
Website: https://www.santaritaschool.org
Location: 700 Los Altos Avenue, Los Altos, CA, USA
Phone: (650)559-1600
Facebook: santaritaPTA
Twitter: @BobcatsSR
Join us to support our students this school year!