Eagle's Eye
September 2-September 6
Power School Portal Update
Update your PowerSchool information The EIPS Correction and Verification Form is available online through your PowerSchool Parent Portal—at the top of the left-hand menu. Use the form to access and update your child’s records information—including address, parent and guardian information, emergency contacts and medical information. Reviewing the form and submitting updates ensures the school has the most up-to-date information regarding your child.
When reviewing the form, pay close attention to all listed phone numbers, email addresses and emergency contact information. Also, if you recently moved, now is the time to ensure the Division has your updated address. Throughout the year, the Division and school use the listed information to communicate with families about important information, including updates, the latest news and events. PowerSchool Correction and Verification Form Review and update the form by Sept. 25, 2024
If you have questions about the form or your Parent Portal account, contact the school office at 780-464-7127.
Back to School year 2024-2025
Back to School 2024-25: What to Expect https://www.scasecondary.ca/preview-page/8f5357b3cb6f50a7d839fc05fa77347e
Student Life Handbook
Access the SCS student life handbook: https://www.scasecondary.ca/students/scs-student-life-handbook
SCS Daily Door Locking Procedures
The safety of students and staff is of paramount importance to Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS). To improve safety and security in schools, the Division has implemented a new initiative to keep student safety and learning a top priority. For some schools, this new division wide process aligns with current practice, for other schools it will be something new.
Effective for the start of the 2024-25 school year, all school exterior doors, including the front door, will remain locked during operation hours, 0900-3:20, and opened for student access during specific school entry times. (08:20 am-09:00 am for drop off) (11:45-12:45 for lunch)
Students will enter and exit the school using their designated doors, and parents/caregivers will continue to meet their children outside their dismissal doors.
Students who arrive after the entry bell—as well as parents/caregivers, volunteers, school visitors and other guests—will be welcomed into the office through the front door after ringing the front doorbell/video-monitored intercom entry system. The visitor sign-in protocol at schools remains the same as it has been in the past: upon arrival, all visitors must report to the school office and sign in.
The video-monitored intercom entry system will enable office personnel to determine who’s at the door and admit arrivals without having to leave the front desk. The video camera will display the individual’s image on a screen in the office, and once admitted, the individual will sign in at the office as they have in the past. This new procedure enables staff to know who’s in the building and helps prevent trespassers from entering the premises. Students will continue to come and go from the school at the start and end of the day and at recess and lunch as they have in the past. Parents, caregivers and volunteers are still welcome and appreciated for your visits to and involvement with the school.
We ask that families please assist school staff with reminding your children, for safety reasons, not to open any locked doors for individuals attempting to enter the school. When the doors are locked, all individuals must approach the front door and follow the new procedures. For any food service deliveries throughout the school day, parents/caregivers or students must inform the school office staff in advance, so staff know to expect the applicable delivery at a specified time, and all deliveries will come through the main school entrance.
For extracurricular, after-hours or community use, one designated door will be unlocked for the applicable times as specified in the agreement when the space is booked.
Refer to the new Administrative Procedure 538: Building Security and Door Locking on the Division website for more information. These changes are one more step EIPS is taking to support the ongoing safety and wellbeing of everyone in Division schools. If you have any questions about the new procedure, contact the school directly at 780-467-7127.
I love that as followers of Jesus we're invited to spend time with Him. One of the greatest invitations to closeness with God is through prayer. How cool is it that the God of the universe, your creator, longs to hear from you? So much in fact that when we do pray the Psalms tell us that “God bends down to listen” (Psalm 116:2).
Prayer is simply talking to and listening to Jesus - it’s being with Him in conversation.
The way I like to think about prayer is it’s our way of staying connected to God. When we talk with Him our friendship grows and trust builds. Think about it… if we never talked to our friends we wouldn’t have a thriving relationship, in fact we may not have one at all. In order to do life together with God we need to get to know one another and feel a certain level of comfort and safety with sharing things with each other. This is where prayer comes in.
This year's Monday devotionals are going to focus on prayer - what it is, why we do it, Who we're talking to, how we hear Him, and so on. We want to demystify prayer and invite you to experience firsthand the wonder and mystery of prayer.
In Philippians 4:6 we are encouraged to "... pray in every situation" with thanksgiving. The Apostle Paul reminds us to posture ourselves with grateful hearts and pray about anything as a means to conquer worry. When I begin a prayer with gratitude, thanking God for what He has done and is continuing to do, I’m reminded of His faithfulness - I am reminded I can trust Him.
It's the first week of September and I can imagine we're all worried about one thing or another. Why not talk to God about it? I invite you to say a simple prayer and invite God into your back to school season.
"God, thank you for the changing of seasons. I am grateful that ________________ ______________. With this back to school season I'm feeling _________________ because _____________. Meet me here today God. Amen."
Pastor Kiara
New Students
All new students are invited to join us for A new student Pizza lunch on Friday, September 6, 2024 at 11:45 in the SPAC Atrium. There will be no cost, and gluten free options will be available!
All new to Elk Island Public School students, please come to the New Student Kiosk on the first day of school to receive your new student package.
A reminder for parents to review EIPS policy and Procedure for Assessment
Division Code of Conduct
EIPS has three administrative procedures (APs) that address the Division’s code of conduct: ·
AP 311: Welcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe Learning Environments for Students
AP 350: Student Code of Conduct
AP 351: Student Conduct on School Buses
The Division, and Strathcona Christian Secondary School, are committed to ensuring all members of the school community are provided with welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments that respect diversity and foster a sense of belonging. EIPS encourages all students, staff and families to review the procedures to understand and practice the conduct expected throughout the Division.
Field Trip Procedure
Field Trip Procedure:
Students are expected to have Permission Click field trip forms completed and signed in a timely manner, prior to the day of a field trip. Students who arrive at school on the day of a field trip without consent to attend that field trip will not be permitted to attend. Permission Click forms and reminders are emailed to parents and guardians in advance of field trips. Please ensure your email address with the school is correct.
EIPS Dual Credit
Through Dual Credit opportunities, students can earn college/university credits from a Post-Secondary institution and high school credits in select programs. These opportunities are in partnership with Elk Island Public Schools Division, Lakeland College, Portage College, Norquest College, Olds College, and Alberta Education.
Dual credit helps students to:
- get started on a Post-Secondary education while still in high school
- save money on Post-Secondary tuition costs (through the Dual Credit Framework, high school students do not pay post-secondary tuition fees (other than the cost of textbooks)
- potentially earn credits in high school and a Post-Secondary Institution at the same time
gain experience to succeed academically in a Post-Secondary environment
Students will be responsible for purchasing all textbooks and required resources materials (ie: robotics kit). These costs are set by the Post-Secondary Institution and indicated in the course descriptions. Information about purchasing the required materials will be provided to students once they have been accepted into the course.
Note: due to the independent nature of dual credit programming, students should be self-directed learners.
For more information about dual credit, reach out to Mrs. Matheson (dion.matheson@eips.ca)
Picture Day!
School pictures will take place on Friday September 27, 2024. Retakes will be available October 28, 2024. Stay tuned for ordering details once photos are taken!
Bus Apps
Download these bus apps for a successful ride! Is your child riding the bus this year? If yes, download the My Ride and Bus Status apps to stay in the know about your child’s bus stop location, route, pickup time and whether their bus is running on schedule.
Celebrate Each Other - Nominate a 10/10
Do you know a person at school that is great and deserves to be recognized? Nominate them for a 10/10! We want to hear all the good things that are happening around our school.
All these awesome stories will be shared on The Board and some may win a free meal at the Eagle's Nest!
Please Check for New School Fees!
Pay school fees online! Wondering when and how to pay for school fees? School fee information for the 2024-25 school year will be posted on the PowerSchool Parent Portal in late September. All fees are due within 30 days of being posted. NOTE: Additional fees may be added throughout the year—for example, at the beginning of each semester, as your child takes part in various activities, or they may be adjusted by changes in selected optional courses in junior and senior high school. If you’re unable to pay your school fees, you can apply to have certain fees waived. The application deadline is Dec. 16, 2024.
For more information, contact Jennifer Gibson at 780-464-7127
Did you know?
Video surveillance at schools and on buses
Did you know each EIPS bus is equipped with video surveillance, and many school sites have video monitoring equipment?
Video surveillance and equipment help:
· ensure the safety of all students, staff, drivers and property; and
· discourage destructive acts.
As needed, EIPS school administration and Student Transportation staff review video recordings, in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. The recordings assist schools and the Division with monitoring student and driver conduct and may be used as evidence in a disciplinary matter.
For more information about the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, contact the EIPS FOIP Co-ordinator at 780-464-3477
SCS SOARS - Staff Recognition
On behalf of the Strathcona Christian Academy Secondary School Council, thank you for helping us recognize our amazing staff for the wonderful work they do.
If there is staff member you'd like to recognize, please fill out this Google form.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
Eagles Nest
New From the Nest
We are super excited to launch our partnership with the new Community Kitchen high school course! Over the next year we are looking to support two ministries (to begin with), We Care and Youth Unlimited drop-in centers. Our goal is to provide meals and snacks for over 200 youth/adults each week in the hopes that by meeting the physical need for food, each individual will experience the love of Jesus. Our students will have an opportunity to serve selflessly and express compassion in a tangible way.
The proceeds from the Eagle's nest will go directly to this ministry and every meal you purchase will actually feed double-fold! Thank you in advance for all your support and please continue to pray that God will open even more doors of opportunity for us to serve!
The Eagle's Nest is open! Each day, Miss Higgs will have a delicious meal ready for purchase. Meals are $6 each or you can purchase a 5-meal punch pass for $25. Cash or cards are accepted.
Monday, September 2, 2024
Tuesday, September 3 (Day 1)
- Jumbo Hot Dog and Taters
Wednesday, September 4 (Day 2)
- Grilled cheese or Philly Cheesesteak with soup
Thursday, September 5 (Day 1)
- Teriyaki Chicken Rice Bowl or Butter Chicken with Naan Bread
Friday, September 6 (Day 2)
- Bacon Beast Burger with Fries
Upcoming Key Dates
- September 2- Labour Day- School Closed
- September 4- Early Dismissal
- September 5- All school chapel
- September 6-7 Genesis Jr Varsity Volleyball Tournament
- September 13- Eagles Run
- September 16- Grade 7 Retreat Birch Bay
- September 16- Meet the teacher
- September 16- School Council Meeting
- September 20-21 Varsity Volleyball Old School Tournament
- September 27- Picture Day
- September 27- Orange Shirt Day
- September 30- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - School Closed
Gym Schedule September 2-September 6
A note from Sherwood Park Alliance Church
SPAC Youth has weekly gatherings, and we would love to have you join:
Senior High (Grade 9-12)
Tuesday | 7pm
Junior High (Grade 7-8)
Wednesday | 7pm
We’d love to have you join
Follow us on Instagram - @spacyth for more details.
We hope to see you there.
Building Hours
Please remember that our building does not open for students before 8:20AM. Students who arrive earlier will need to wait outside until the doors open.
In the afternoon, we kindly ask that students pick up their children before 3:35PM. After 3:35PM, students are kindly asked to wait outside for their transportation.