Mrs. Trout's Weekly News
October 17-21st
We had a perfect week learning all about pumpkins!
Read below to find out what else we learned:
Language Arts: We reviewed our sight words: I , am the, little, to and a. We had our unit one Language arts test. We read books about pumpkins and wrote about pumpkins using adjectives. We wrote pumpkin facts. Students had the opportunity to work in differentiated reading groups reading books about pumpkins. The Students focused on the following good reading strategies taught to them ( using a pointy finger, sounding or tapping out sounds, using the pictures as clues, etc..). Students pointed out sight words in the books and discussed the main idea and characters of the story. I asked the Students comprehension questions and checked for improved fluency. The Students worked in literacy centers focusing on beginning sounds, word building, sight words and sentence writing.
Phonics / Handwriting: We learned the letters M and N. Students had the opportunity to brainstorm words that begin with these letters. Students completed a variety of activities where they will hadto identify, write and illustrate words that begin with these letters. Students were taught the proper way to hand write the uppercase and lowercase letters.
Math: We continued our math unit on number sense and writing and representing our numbers past 10. Students learned to use a 10 frame to help represent the numbers and use manipualtives to help in math centers. We reviewed ordinal numbers and we will made a craft and wrote ordinal numbers to go with the poem " ten little pumpkins". We completeed math centers on number writing, 10 frame representation, one to one counting and number sequencing.
Social Studies/ Science : We learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin. We learned how pumpkins grow and wrote about the different stages in order. We charted what pumpkins can, have and are. We compared the inside and outside of a pumpkin. Wemeasured our pumpkin using snap cubes and measured and estimated the circumference of our pumpkin. We also tasted pumpkin seeds and of course delicious pumpkin pie!! we charted if we liked the pumpkin foods.
We described and investigated pumpkins!
We measured the height of a pumpkin using snap cubes.
We measured the circumference of our pumpkin
Investigating the pulp of a pumpkin
Exploring seeds
Scooping out the pulp
The pulp is slimy!
We have our carved Jack o lantern for Parade of Pumpkins!
We know the life cycle of a pumpkin and how it grows!
The life cycle goes around and around!
Math center for ordinal numbers and the song " five little pumpkins"
Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate!
We wore pink to support Bringing hope home and for cancer awareness!
Reminders and upcoming events:
- Mr. Rodia will be out next week for the Principals conference. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Shepard.
- Next Friday will be our Halloween parade and party. We will have the parade at 12:30 followed by Halloween stations and a dance. All Parents are invited to attend and help out. PAC ( our parent association) needs your help.