Gibson Weekly Newsletter
January 27 - 31
Weekly Newsletter
We had a busy but great week at Gibson last week! Students were excited to get their 2nd quarter awards, with most of the students receiving an iReady improvement certificate. Keep up the great work!
Our annual Spelling Bee contest was last Wednesday in the cafeteria. There were eleven students that qualified in grades 4th - 6th. After many rounds of spelling, three students qualified for the district's Spelling Bee at Fresno High School. Those students who advanced are Carter Mannoring, Selene Molina and Noah Richter. Congratulations to all those that participated and also to Mrs. Sanchez who coordinated the event!
We will be on a minimum day schedule this Tuesday, January 27th. TK and Kindergarten releases at 12:25pm and 1st - 6th grades at 1:25pm.
Let's have a great week!
Mr. Hansen
Weekly Events
Regular Schedule
- 7:50am - Breakfast Served in Cafeteria
- 8:15am - Students dismissed to blacktop area
- 8:25am - Instruction Begins
- 1:30pm - TK/Kindergarten Dismissal
- 2:30pm - 1st-6th Grades Dismissal
This month's Character Counts! color is orange for the character trait of Fairness.
Events & Activities for the week/month:
January 27 - Minimum Day Schedule (TK-K releases at 12:25pm, 1st-6th releases at 1:25pm)
February 6 - Boys Basketball @ Malloch (2:30pm)
February 10 - No School in Observance of Lincoln's Birthday
February 11 - PTO Meeting in Room 22 (6:00pm)
February 12 - SSC Meeting in Room 22 (5:00pm)
February 13 - Boys Basketball @ Wawona (2:30pm)
February 17 - No School in Observance of President's Day
February 19 - Family Literacy Night in the Cafeteria (5:30pm)
February 20 - Boys Basketball @ Powers (2:30pm)
February 21 - Super Son Dance (6:00pm)
Regular and Minimum Day Schedules
Regular Day Schedule
- 7:50am - Breakfast Served in Cafeteria
- 8:15am - Students dismissed to blacktop area
- 8:25am - Instruction Begins
- 1:30pm - TK/Kindergarten Dismissal
- 2:30pm - 1st-6th Grades Dismissal
Minimum Day Schedule
- 7:50am - Breakfast Served in Cafeteria
- 8:15am - Students dismissed to blacktop area
- 8:25am - Instruction Begins
- 12:25pm - TK/Kindergarten Dismissal
- 1:25pm - 1st-6th Grades Dismissal
Minimum Days
January: 28
February: 4, 25
March: 4, 18, 25
April: 1, 8, 29
May: 6, 13, 20
June: 3
Parent-Teacher Organization
Gibson Academic and Attendance Data
Attendance Rate (8/19 - 1/24)
Our current attendance rate since the beginning of the school year is 94.5%. Gibson continues to have the fourth highest attendance rate among Elementary Schools. Thank you for your support in making sure students are at school on time, every day. Our goal is to reach over 96% for the school year.
I will continue to display academic data throughout the school year as students are assessed on benchmarks in ELA & math.
iReady Results - Diagnostic 2 (Grades K-6th)
ELA - 55%
Math - 38%
This assessment was given in December before Winter break, and is a benchmark to show where students are meeting their grade level standards to begin the year, in comparison to where they will be at the end of the year. Our schoolwide Reading results showed an increase of 23% and Math results showed an increase of 22% since the beginning of the year. Gibson is one of the top five schools in the district in both Reading and Math scores. Thank you to all our teachers for their hard work in preparing our students, and to our families for supporting us at home to ensure students are on or above grade level!
Fluency Assessments - Update 1/13/25
Students were assessed at the end of the second semester. As we move through the school year, the Lexile level of each passage will become more difficult. Our schoolwide data shows that 64% of our students in grades 1st - 6th are at grade level or above based on the end of the second quarter expectation. 63% of students increased the number of words they read per minute from the end of the first quarter to the end second quarter. The next benchmark assessment will take place in February at the midpoint of the third quarter.
Social Studies Adoption 2025-26
Fresno Unified will be adopting a new social studies curriculum for the 2025-26 school year. Our second history and social science potential adoption review is here for SAVVAS. The review window is from January 21st until February 19th. Materials are up in the library and attached is the flyer for TCI California and their curriculum, and how families can view online.
Also attached is a QR code where you send in your review of the curriculum.
Yearbooks On Sale Now
Please scan the QR code below to purchases yours today!
Yearbook Pictures
Please helps us fill our yearbook with memories. You could upload photos for the following events in the links below.
You will use password: Gibson2024!
Red Ribbon Week:
Please keep pictures in the correct category. 😊
Thank you,
Character Counts! Month for Fairness
We will celebrate January's Character Counts! trait of fairness on Wednesdays. Students are encouraged to wear orange on that day.
Fairness is a character trait that involves treating people and ideas with justice and impartiality. It can also be defined as giving everyone a fair chance and believing in equal opportunity
Parent Square
Below is the flyer to sign up using the QR code.
Raptor Management System
- Visitor will be required to give valid state-issued ID (no ID = name and birthdate typed in manually)
- Only scans visitor’s name, birthdate, and photo
- Visitor badge will be printed out
- Badge not required if only visiting the office