9th Grade Updates-December 2023
CHS Counseling Office
Scheduling Update
What 9th Graders Wish their Parents Understood
Business Insider recently published an article written by a teacher. She asked her students what they wish their parents understood about being a high school student today. She offers interesting insight into the thoughts of her students and shares some wisdom with us through her reflections. You can check out the article below.
Message from Mr. Burke, Secondary Exceptional Learning Coordinator
Did you know that here at Chesterton High School and RISE Academy we have 14 Teachers of Record serving students who receive special education services? TORs provide a liaison between families and the school. They are responsible for annual IEPs, progress monitoring on goals, and communication with other teachers. This is on top of their regular teaching course load. There are over 300 students at the high school who have IEPs. Support for students here at CHS ranges from consult and check-ins to direct special education classes. Supported classrooms are also a benefit to many struggling students, both those in general education and special education. In these classes, students receive instruction within the general education setting, but with special education support in the classroom. These teaching teams work together to reinforce concepts, present information in a variety of ways, and provide students with their accommodations.
This great team of teachers just became a part of the Duneland School Corporation this year, and are now truly 100% of the high school team of faculty. They are a great asset to the school system and provide an invaluable resource.
Get Involved!
Check out the many clubs and sports offered at CHS! If you can't find a club that you are interested in, consider starting one!
Challenge Yourself Academically
Mrs. Tuzdae Bartow
Mrs. Gretchen Arthur
Mrs. Amy Snyder
Mr. James Moore
Ms. Johanna Hess
Mrs. Julie Roytan
School Counseling Office Staff
Ms. Lauren Pelletier-Intern and College and Career Assistant lpelletier@duneland.k12.in.us
Mrs. Christine Starkey-Registrar cstarkey@duneland.k12.in.us
Indiana Gold Star Counseling Award
Request an Appointment
CHS Counseling Office
Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a crisis counselor
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Dial 988
Email: jesmoker@duneland.k12.in.us
Website: https://www.duneland.k12.in.us/domain/145
Location: 2125 South 11th Street, Chesterton, IN, USA
Phone: 219-983-3730
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CHS.CounselingOffice
Twitter: @CHS_CCCoffice