Tuesday, August 11 @ 1:30 PM
Join us as we talk alternative education!
We will start with a brief business meeting to introduce our new officers, Board of Directors, and Regional Representatives. You can tune in LIVE by at clicking on the link below at 1:30 on Tuesday!
Next, Amy Hill with Burrell will share some mental health tips for us and our students as we plan for the start of a new school year during a global pandemic!
Finally, Dale Wimer will provide a quick update on the latest MO-Option updates for the 2020-2021 school year.
Please plan to join us for 60-90 minutes of professional development, networking, and learning how you can help MAEN grow!
Business Meeting Agenda
You can access the agenda here!
In the agenda, you will find links to our new Board of Directors, Regional Representatives, 2019 Business Meeting Minutes, and more!