Attendance boundary change update
Community meeting on proposed boundaries 10/4 at Blaine HS
September 30, 2022
Community meeting on proposed boundaries set for Oct. 4 at Blaine High School
This message is being sent to parents and guardians with students who attend Northdale Middle School, Roosevelt Middle School, Eisenhower Elementary, Jefferson Elementary, Johnsville Elementary, Madison Elementary, McKinley Elementary, Sunrise Elementary, and University Avenue Elementary.
The Anoka-Hennepin School District continues the process for determining updated attendance boundaries. The district has identified a need to balance enrollment to ensure operational efficiencies and a quality education for each student. The school board is expected to approve new boundaries in November which would be in place for the 2023-24 school year.
The School Board is seeking feedback prior to decision making. Residents will be able to review draft proposals, discuss considerations with school and district leaders, and provide feedback at a community meeting on Tues., Oct. 4 at 6 p.m. at Blaine High School. The meeting begins at 6 p.m. with a brief presentation, which will also be streamed live at Provide feedback at
Community feedback presented to the school district to date on the draft proposals has been reviewed and there are no changes to the draft boundary maps from what was presented at the Sept. 26 school board meeting. Proposed changes only impact Northdale and Roosevelt middle schools, and Sunrise Elementary School, Jefferson Elementary School, Johnsville Elementary School, and McKinley Elementary School. High school attendance boundaries will remain unmodified.
Proposal maps and additional information is posted at under the approved and proposed boundaries tab.
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