October 13, 2023
Nederland Middle-Senior HS Community,
Wednesday evening we took part in the BVSD is the Place To Be Showcase at the CU Event Center along with the other elementary, middle and high schools in BVSD. It was a great event that allowed us to show off our school and the many things we offer. As most people know, families in Ned and throughout the state of Colorado, have a choice about where they send their kids to school. About one third of students in BVSD transfer to a school other than their neighborhood school. Every year we have students who transfer to other schools.
Our goal at Ned Middle-Senior High School is to do what we can to provide a high quality place to attend school, so people will want to send their students here. We want strong academic programming with attractive offerings, a place where students feel like they belong and are safe, and an environment where opportunities for student involvement and engagement are plentiful. Last night’s Showcase gave us the chance to promote our strengths to the greater Boulder community. While we have things to work on and areas to improve, we also have a great deal to offer.
Have a great weekend!
Upcoming Events
- October 16 - 6th Grade High Trails Parent Meeting in NMSHS Library
- October 17 - NCL Pop Up Library at Lunch
- October 17 - Band and Orchestra Concert, 7pm
- October 18 - Lifetouch Picture Retakes
- October 18 - NES Choir Camp Concert, 6pm
- October 18 - Choir Concert, 7pm
- October 20 - First Quarter Ends
- October 24 - Parent Teacher Conferences (virtual) 5-7pm
- October 25 - 11th Grade PSAT
- October 26 - Parent Teacher Conferences (virtual) 5-7pm
- October 27 - Middle School Dance and Social, 4:30-6:00pm
Important Announcements
We have a lot of important announcements! Please read them below.
High School Alpine Skiers - This Monday 10/16 at 6:00 pm via Zoom is our annual required meeting. Here is the link to participate, and if the meeting goes over 40 minutes, switch to this link to participate due to Zoom time limits. Online registration opens Monday 10/23 and closes on Sunday 11/12. Late registrations will not be accepted. The agenda will be posted to the Nederland HS website. If you are unable to attend the meeting, email Coach Krista Crabtree by Tuesday 10/17.
Middle School Alpine Skiers - On Monday 10/23 @ 6:30 pm via Zoom will be the annual informational meeting. There will be additional details sent in an email to all middle school students and families next week, including the Zoom meeting links. Save the date!
Middle School Boys’ Basketball - Practice starts on Wednesday 11/1 from 4 pm to 5:30 pm. Register online today! Your new coach, Kevin Cronan, is looking forward to meeting you shortly. He will meet with students during lunch time shortly before the season begins.
High School Nordic Skiers - Online registration opens Monday 10/23. Practices tentatively start Monday 11/13. Coach Dan Vardamis will have a meeting with athletes and families prior to practices starting. Email him any questions.
High School Girls’ Basketball - Unfortunately, there were only 6 high school girls who were committed to playing basketball, so we won’t be able to field a high school girls team this year. Contact Mr. DePaula to learn about other winter sports and extracurricular opportunities.
High School Boys’ Basketball - Online registration opens Monday 10/23. Official practices start Monday 11/13. Email Head Coach John Leventhal with any questions.
Congratulations to Laila Waldron, Sam Harkness, Halle Peiffer, Amika Begin, Maddie Perry, and Finn Fitzer for qualifying for the Mountain Biking State Championships!
HS Boys’ Soccer beat Windsor Charter Academy 2-1. They dealt with adversity, but they were resilient. This is our first team in any sport to beat Windsor Charter. Great job, boys!
Congratulations to Amika Begin, Abby Hess, Trinity LeBlanc, Eliza Brundege, Ben Weber, and Lukey Mahorski-Bodley for representing Ned super well at the Foothills League Championships. This is the best cross country team we’ve had in several years. Amika Begin even completed the race in the low 24s. Good luck at Regionals next week!
MS Volleyball beat Platt Middle School on Tuesday. They’re really playing as a team. Nice job, ladies!
Home Contests & Major Events
Fall Seasons are wrapping up! Last home fall events include:
TONIGHT @ 4:00 pm - HS Boys’ Soccer SENIOR NIGHT vs. Jefferson @ Nederland - Come out Senior Soccer Parents!
Tues. 10/17 @ 5:15 pm - MS Volleyball vs. Angevine
Tues. 10/17 @ 7:00 pm - Band & Orchestra Concert
Wed. 10/18 @ 7:00 pm - Choir Concert
Fri. 10/20 @ 5:00 pm - HS Volleyball SENIOR NIGHT vs. Golden View @ Nederland - Come out Senior Volleyball Parents!
Sportsmanship Award
All coaches for all sports in the Foothills league voted for Nederland High School to receive the first ever Foothills League Sportsmanship Award! This is a testament to the outstanding sportsmanship of our coaches, players and fans! Go Panthers!
Here’s what’s happening from Nederland MSHS School Counseling:
Upcoming High School National Exams at Nederland:
*October 25 Nederland offers the PSAT NMSQT for juniors - this is the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Exam. The information packet- study guide is available. Register by bringing $20 to Ms. Jill. This is a great opportunity to practice for your April SAT which is in an all digital format.
*Next Wednesday’s Online Meeting topic with Ms. Jill @ 7:00pm will cover AP exams. All families of students enrolled in, or interested in, AP courses given at the high school level are encouraged to attend online.
October is AP EXAM Registration time: Why take your AP course exam? AP on your high school transcript shows colleges that you are motivated to succeed, and taking the exam demonstrates your commitment to tackle and complete college-level work. Also, your AP score could earn you college credits and may let you skip introductory courses in college. It also relates to the Graduation Performance Measure requirement for graduation. We will talk about the AP exam process and how scores relate to college credit awards, and how to submit the results as you graduate. Also, we will discuss this year’s exam schedule and how to pay for your AP exams by October 31. High school students currently taking AP examinations, must register and pay for the exams on Revtrak, or by bringing $98 per exam to the counseling office and registering with Ms. Pries. A reduced fee applies in qualified situations, Deadline to make your payment is October 31. Check with your AP teacher to be prepped for your best exam!
High School Students & Parents: Wednesday Night Meetings Online Google Meets with Ms. Jill. Ms. Jill holds Wednesday night online meetings @ 7:00pm for high school students and their parents. Upcoming topics:
10/11 - Google online meet @ 7:00 - AP exams Audience: Seniors, Junior, Sophomore families . All families of students enrolled in, or interested in, AP courses, at the high school level.
10/18 - In person @ NedMSHS - NMSHS Choir concerts in the auditorium.
10/25 - Google online meet @ 7:00 - Freshman & Sophomore families. Graduation measures, assessments, college exploration.
11/01 - In person. Ned Parent - Teacher - Association PTA meeting
11/08 - Google online meet @ 7:00 - BVSD College Concurrent Enrollment, earning credits while in high school. Audience: Junior, Sophomore families, and any family at the high school level.
11/15 - In person School Accountability Meeting SAC in the Ned MSHS school library
11/22 - Fall holiday break
11/29 - Google online meet @ 7:00 - Financial aid - FAFSA workshop - The Federal Student Financial Aid Application launches in December. Be ready with a review of what we have learned about this re-launch. Audience: Senior families. Junior families are also invited.
Free Active Parenting group for Nederland parents: Active Parenting is a free, online virtual parenting educational group that is holding fall sessions in November & December. This dynamic course is being offered to the Nederland community! See the attached flyer with details, and a code to register. Free dinner for pickup will be provided to participating families, and there are additional gift card incentives for attending. Families of Nederland students living in Gilpin, Ward and surrounding areas are also welcome to register/attend! Active Parenting Fall 2023.pdf
Upcoming College Fairs:
Legacy High School, Broomfield, CO. Wednesday, October 25, 6:00 - 7:00 pm or
Erie High School, Erie CO. Wednesday November 1, 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Public and Private Colleges. Meet in-person college fair offering contacts with in-state and out-of-state college representatives. More information here: 2023 Day/Night Fair Calendar
NACAC College Fair (National Association for College Admissions) Denver Coliseum Colorado Convention Center Sunday November 5, 1:00 - 4:00 https://www.nacacattend.org/23Denver
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences
Fall conferences will take place on Tuesday October 24th and Thursday 26th 5pm to 7pm. Parents will receive an email invitation and instructions to set up times to meet with teachers virtually. Please get in touch with Nicole Zotti at nicole.zotti@bvsd.org with any questions about signing up!
Here is a helpful questions list for parents/guardians to help you get the most out of your conferences.
What is Happening in Music and Theater - Oct and Nov
It is hard to believe that it is already October! Things are busy here in the Theater and Music Departments. I wanted to take some time to write to you and let you know what events are coming up.
Fall Plays are in full swing. This week and next week, the Triple Threat cast will be meeting on Fridays.
Class T-Shirts and Hoodies: Each class has decided on a class shirt or hoodie. They will be here this week and ready to be worn for the concerts. HS and MS Band T-Shirts are 20.00, Loquations Crew Sweatshirts are 33.00. Festival Hoodies are 33.00. Altitunes (7th and 8th Grade Choir) T-Shirts are 15.00 and the 6th Grade Choir (Rockin’ Chip Punks) are 18.00. Please send in a check or cash with your student this week. (NMSHS)
October 13th: 4:00-5:00 meeting in the bandroom. Anyone interested in working on the Fall Play Tech Crew please sign up in the band hallway and attend this important meeting so we can start getting tech pieces built and props designed.
October 16th, 17th, 18th: 3:45-5:15 Elementary School Choir Camp. Interested K-5th Grade students will come over to the MSHS to work with our singers on warm-ups, singing and breathing techniques and some fun songs. Festival and Loquations members need to attend one practice and the Choir Camp Concert. ML students can attend if they would like, but it is not required. The students have signed up to bring and serve snacks, teach a song or warm up and help with the younger students.
October 17th: 7:00 pm - 7th-12th Grade Band and Orchestra Concert. Please have students here at 6:30 for warm-ups. ML Band and HS Band will wear their band t-shirts (please see t-shirt information), and black pants or skirts and black shoes and socks.
October 18th: 6:00- 6:30pm - Elementary School Choir Camp Concert. Festival Choir and Loquations need to attend and perform in this special concert in the auditorium . ML can participate if they would like. There will be a Choir Camp Dinner served by the choirs at 5:20. Students will change clothes and perform. Please bring food for your own dinner. Right after this concert, we will warm up for the October Choir Concert that begins at 7:00pm
October 18th: 7:00 pm- 6th-12th Grade Choir Concert. Students need to be in concert attire and on risers at 6:30 pm for warm-ups. Loquations will wear dresses, gloves, black shoes and music scarves or black tuxes, black tux shirts, white vests and bow ties and black dress shoes and black socks. The Festival Choir will wear blue dresses, and black dress shoes, or black tux shirts and black dress pants and dress black shoes with black socks. 6th Grade Choir (Rockin’ Chip Punks) will wear their choir t-shirt (see t-shirt details) and black pants or skirts with black shoes. The 7th and 8th Grade Altitunes will wear their choir t-shirt (see t-shirt details) black skirts or pants and black shoes.
October 20th: 2:15-3:45 - 6th Grade Choir, 7th and 8th Grade Choir, Festival Choir and The Loquations will go to the auditorium after 6th period and attend a very special concert and workshop with the CU Buffoons. The Buffoons are the longest running acapella choir on the CU campus. We will listen to them sing and they will workshop all of us and teach us a song we all can all sing at our December Concert. I will let all the teachers know that choir students will be missing 8th period on October 20th, but students are responsible for making up any missing work.
October 24th: 10:30 am -3:00 pm - Workshop with the world renowned Apollo5 acapella ensemble at Monarch HS. The HS Choirs will leave at 10:30 am to go to Monarch HS to attend a very special workshop with the Apollo5 acapella ensemble. The workshop will run from 12-2 and we should be back to the school by 3:00. Students should bring a water bottle. Permission forms will go out on 10/10. If you would like to chaperone please let me know.
October 26th: 4:00- 5:00 pm - Talent Show auditions in the Band Room. Please audition for the Talent Show. Selected groups will perform on November 4th as part of the Fall Plays and Talent Show. There is a $100 First Prize, $50.00 Second Prize and $25.00 Third Prize. If you would like to perform with your student, please do so. I would like to get the community and the teachers more involved.
November 3rd and 4th: 7:00 pm - Fall Plays and Talent Show. $5.00 per seat.
November 14th : 8:15 am- 4:00 pm - Rocky Mountain Invitational Choral Festival at The Arts Hub in Lafayette. Festival Choir and The Loquations will attend this awesome small school choral festival. They will leave NMSHS at 8:00 am and check in at the Arts Hub at 9:30, warm-up and rehearse until 12:30. They will bring a sack lunch to eat. And we will rehearse and have a sound check. Our concert is at 1:45 and we will leave at 2:30 getting back to school by 4:00.
Donate to help the Loquations get to Carnegie Hall in March: Please consider donating to the GoFundMe set up to help the Loquations get to NYC to sing at Carnegie Hall. Any amount is appreciated. If you do not want to go through GoFundMe, just send a donation to NMSHS at 597 Eldora Rd, Nederland CO 80466 Attn: Liz Evans.
New and Gently Used Shoe Collection:
Yes, your middle-schooler has outgrown his winter shoes again. And so has your high-schooler. And maybe so have you! The FANTASTIC news is that all those totally-wearable shoes will have a new home thanks to the BVSD Gently-Used Shoe Drive. We are partnering with EcoCycle and Soles4Souls to collect shoes of all kinds, that are in good condition, to be re-worn both locally and around the world. EcoCycle has requested that we emphasize that the shoes be in good condition.
So please start gathering them and get ready to bring them to the NMSHS next week or anytime through 10/26.
If you cannot make it to school, email Andrea Cox at atellobr@gmail.com for alternative arrangements. LET'S DO THIS!
Homecoming Photos
Crowdsourcing photos from homecoming week! Please send all photos to jeanine.thurston@bvsd.org
Senior Portraits Deadline
Deadline for turning in senior portraits and a baby photo is November 6, 2023. Please email both of these photos to aimee.tomlinson@bvsd.org
Please reach out to aimee.tomlinson@bvsd.org if you need assistance with getting a professional portrait. We have a couple of options so that everyone can have a beautiful senior picture.
Middle School Mountain Biking
The Middle School Mountain Biking team ended their season this week with a scavenger hunt in the West Magnolia Trail system! It was a great season. Thanks to all the parent volunteers who rode with the team this year!
Psychology Students Drawing a Neuron
World History Students Gallery Walk about Second-Wave Empires
Middle School Prepping for a Science Test
Panther Parents PTA
We had a really good (but small) PTA meeting last week. When the school had bond work done over the last couple years, sadly student murals were lost when they were painted over. Theresa Redmon would like to add a lot more art to our school and would like to create an Art Committee of parents who will help design a new program of selecting 1-2 students each year to create a piece of art that will be installed in the school to leave as their legacy (the art will be mobile so that it will not be lost in the future). Please contact nmshspta@gmail.com if you would like to be on this committee. She would like to meet in early December to design the process/criteria.
Harvest Feast is scheduled for Friday November 17. This is a PTA-hosted Thanksgiving for our students, staff and some community members. This is such a fun event that the students and staff look forward to every year, and is a wonderful way to kick of the holiday season. We need LOTS of volunteers to make this happen. Be on the lookout for a volunteer sign up coming soon.
There are SO many ways to be involved at the school from very minimal to as much as you’d like! We know it’s not possible to make every PTA meeting in person, but most of the ways we help the school are not at meetings so don’t let that deter you from joining! YOU can make a difference in your child’s school! Please visit the Panther Parents website (https://neh.bvsd.org/school-life/panther-parents-pta) to see our list of meeting dates and to join if you already haven’t. Please spread the word!
Meet this year's BVSD School Board candidates!
Nederland Community School Board Candidates Forum on Monday, October 16th, 6-7:30pm
NES/NMSHS PTAs along with the Nederland Youth Leadership Academy & Nederland Community Library are pleased to host a forum for current candidates running for the BVSD School Board!
RSVP at this link: https://nederland.libcal.com/event/11356618 or use the QR code below by Sunday, October 15 at 5pm so we may get an accurate count of those attending.
This forum promises to be a valuable platform for them to introduce themselves to our mountain community, discuss their plans for our children, and connect with a wide range of stakeholders who care deeply about equity and equal access for students and families within our Nederland schools. Community members will have an opportunity for Q&A with the candidates.
PLEASE NOTE if we receive more than 45 RSVPs the event will be moved to the Community Center.
Interested in helping with Halloween Ned? Please sign up here! https://forms.gle/fgUiYAEAiL1dMGFs9
NMSHS/NES Mentorship Kick-Off
On Wednesday, we had our first official day of mentorship, and it was a great success yet again!
This year our numbers have grown significantly on the mentor side! We went from 11 mentors last year to 22 mentors this year. Putting the total number of youth between highschool and elementary at 50! Special shout out to the youth for their excellent peer recruitment skills! Without them our numbers would not be the same!
Additionally thank you to both PTA's, TEENS, Inc., Caleb, Sean, Gavan and Stephen for your support! Excitement and awareness of this program continues to grow and I look forward to seeing how we can evolve this program over the years and make it even more successful!
For your viewing pleasure please see the attached photos to get an inside look at how launch day went! We played swamp ball (variation of dodgeball) Spent some quality one-on one time with our mentor - mentee matches, and shared in lots of laughter and fun!
Nederland Middle Senior High School
Bell Times: 8:30 am-3:45 pm; 9:30 am-3:45 pm Wednesdays
Front Office: 720-561-4900
Attendance line: 720-561-4902
Transportation: 720-561-6241
Email: nmshs.contact@bvsd.org
Website: neh.bvsd.org
Location: 597 County Rd. 130, Nederland, CO 80466
Phone: 720-561-4900