Coyote Chronicles

December 1, 2024
A message from the principal
Perry Como made “There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays” a timeless classic. In the spirit of that song, we at Andover Elementary are dedicated to supporting community members facing challenges at home. Recently, our fifth graders embraced this mission through the Greyson Project, spreading holiday cheer by delivering festive decorations to families whose home will be at Children’s Hospital during the holidays. In addition, we've partnered with the Lions Club for the "Shop With a Cop" program, and our staff has adopted several Andover families to help make their holidays brighter.
Looking ahead to this coming week, we are excited to participate in the Anoka County Giving Project, expanding our efforts to support homes in need throughout Anoka County. A “Giving Tree” will be displayed near Door 1, inviting students to decorate it with new hats and mittens and place non-perishable food, personal care items, and monetary donations beneath it. All contributions will be delivered to the Anoka County Armory, where volunteers from local organizations will sort and distribute them to families in need.
From December 2-6, we will be collecting the following items:
New hats and mittens
Store-bought non-perishable goods (preferably in plastic, not glass)
Personal care items (e.g., shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes)
On Friday, December 6, we invite everyone to join us for "Slip Into Giving Day." Students who contribute a dollar or any monetary donation will be allowed to wear slippers during the school day (please note: slippers should not be worn outside or on the bus). Both cash and checks (made out to Christmas Committee, Inc.) will be accepted. All proceeds will benefit the Anoka County Giving Project.
I am consistently impressed by the generosity and compassion shown by our Andover Elementary families. Thank you in advance for your contributions to ensure that, as Perry Como sang, there truly is “no place like home for the holidays” for all families in our Anoka County community and at Children’s Hospital.
Anoka County Giving Project - Image from 2023
The Greyson Project - Image from 2024
Elementary Report Cards - Online
For the first time, last school year, elementary school report cards were available to view online. Report cards are no longer sent through postal mail or student’s backpacks. Families are now able to access report cards by logging into A-HConnect or viewing them on the ParentVUE mobile app.
2024-2025 Trimester 1 report cards will be available for viewing starting Dec. 10, 2024.
The switch to online report cards means that information is available to review at the end of each trimester. Schools notify families when the report cards are available to view. Parents, guardians and any person with educational rights to a student are able to access the student’s report card online.
To ensure access to report cards at the end of Trimester 1, families are encouraged to make sure they have their login information for ParentVUE, now. Currently, report cards from last school year are available for viewing.
How to view report cards from A-HConnect (view detailed instructions):
Login to AH-Connect
Click on the ‘My Student Information/Synergy’ icon.
Select a student from the dropdown menu.
Select ‘Documents.’
Select and view the applicable report card from the ‘Documents’ window.
The report card will open in a new tab where the capabilities to download or print will be available.
View from the ParentVUE app (view detailed instructions):
Go to the AppStore or Google Play and search for the ParentVUE app.
Enter your zip code when prompted, and select “Anoka-Hennepin School District” from the menu options.
Confirm ‘yes’ and select ‘Already Activated,’ if prompted.
Use login/password to login.
Select a student from the student list.
Select ‘Documents.’
Select and view the applicable report card.
Click the share button to save or share the PDF.
If you need assistance logging in or forgot your password, call 763-506-HELP (4357) or email 506help@ahschools.us. For questions about report cards, please contact the school office.
Enrollment Options Forms Available Dec. 1st. Deadline is Jan. 15th.
Families interested in applying for in-district transfer or open enrollment should check out ahschools.us/enroll for details and forms.
Please note that online forms will not be available until December 1st. The applications must be postmarked no later than January 15th. Applicants will receive a written response by February 15th.
Lost & Found - Will be donated Tuesday, Dec. 3rd
If your child is missing something, we urge you to come to school to check the lost and found. We donate our lost and found items periodically throughout the school year.
The Vietnam Veterans of America will pick up all of our lost and found items on Tuesday, December 3rd.
APTCO is excited to be hosting Santa’s Brunch and the Merry Market Craft Sale again this year. Please join us on Saturday, December 14th at Andover Elementary from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM where kids can shop for gifts for their immediate family. All items are priced at $2 and Santa’s Elves will be on hand to help kids shop for gifts while adults can shop at the Merry Market Craft Sale. Best of all, kids can meet with Santa and Mrs. Claus, share their wish list, and snap a few pics. There will also be donuts and a beverage available for purchase. We hope to see you there for the festivities!
It is hard to believe, but Raffle for Readiness and Carnival are right around the corner. For those of you who want a jump start on selling raffle tickets during the Holidays, watch for an option to receive the tickets before Winter Break,
There will not be an APTCO meeting this month. We hope all our Andover Elementary families enjoy Winter Break!!
Andover Parent Teacher Community Organization
Andover Elementary School
2024-2025 APTCO Board:
Tia Borich & Jessica Van Wyhe ~ Co Chairs
Melissa Hayek ~ Vice Chair
Olivia Pizinger ~ Treasurer
Amanda Kasten ~ Secretary
Connect with us!
Follow us on Facebook
Volunteer News
Happy Holidays! It is a busy month and there are a lot of needs around Andover Elementary. Here is a look at the volunteer opportunities for December:
Santa's Brunch:
Many volunteers are needed to make sure this event is a success!
Decoration and Set Up - 12/13: SIGN UP HERE
Event - 12/14: SIGN UP HERE
Classroom Parties:
Some teachers will ask for volunteers to help with their classroom festivities. Get ahead by making sure you're an approved volunteer. If you haven't already completed your volunteer application, take a minute to do it today: Andover Elementary Volunteer Application
Kelli Anderson, Volunteer Services Coordinator
email: kelli.anderson@ahschools.us, phone: 763-506-1723
Video - Andover Elementary's Veterans Day Program
Health Office News
December Tidbits from the Health Office
- It’s time to practice your penguin walk! The snow and slippery ground is here.
- Don’t forget those hats, mittens, snow pants, and boots for recess.
- The best defense against germs is washing your hands and doing it often.
- Remember to cover your cough.
- Call the attendance line if your child will be absent from school: 763-506-1706. The attendance line is available 24/7.
- If your child has outgrown some clothes, we would love any of the following: Socks, sweatpants, leggings, joggers, t-shirts, and sweatshirts.
Darcy Weingartner, LSN, RN
Health Office
Community Education
Community Education is excited to share our lineup of upcoming January classes! Join us for:
Floor Hockey Camp starting 1/7
Volleyball starting 1/13
Bobcat Cooking Club starting 1/14
Grandmasters of Chess starting 1/15
Pickleball Camp starting 1/16
Art Memes starting 1/16
Video Game Creation starting 1/24
Snow Slime on 1/29
More News From Community Education
Virtual flyer gallery - Opportunities for families from local nonprofit groups
The Anoka-Hennepin School District allows qualifying flyers from nonprofit groups to be distributed at school and sent home with students. These flyers have gone through the district approval process. A virtual gallery of flyers is also available. These events, classes and activities are not sponsored or endorsed by Anoka-Hennepin Schools.
This does NOT change our regular flyer policies or procedures! To have a flyer posted, the organization still needs to go through the process, be approved, and deliver paper flyers to schools in our district.
News from the District Office
MCA Scores - Now Online
The 2024 Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA) Individual Score Reports for students who took a test during the 2023-24 school year are available for families to access online. Families can access the document by logging into A-HConnect or viewing it on the ParentVUE mobile app.
12/02 - 12/06 - Anoka County Giving Project
12/03 - Lost and Found Items to be Donated
12/10 - 2024-2025 Trimester 1 Report Cards Available to View in AH-Connect
12/14 - Santa's Brunch & Merry Market - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
12/20 - No School for Students - Staff Development Day
12/23 - 12/31 - No School - Winter Break
01/01 - District Closed
01/02 - School Resumes
01/17 - No School for Elementary & Middle Schools
01/20 - District Closed - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
This e-newsletter is published by Andover Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.