CES Weekly Communicator
Issue #23: January 31, 2025
Principal Corner
Happy Friday, Chapelfield families.
Today, we ended the week in PACKS through our PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) system. Our focus was having a growth mindset. Here is a video that we shared with ALL students about what a growth mindset is and how we can set goals to grow. Consider watching the video AND talking to your child about how you have had a growth mindset doing something new. Maybe you can share a story of how you rode a bike, learned how to swim, learned how to multiply, read harder books, or something you had to that was hard as an adult. Share those struggles and growth moments. Students grow by hearing from the adults around them when we share examples of when we struggled and grew. Encourage your child to set a goal, work towards that goal with HARD WORK and celebrate those moments when they didn't give up when it was hard!
Kindergarten also celebrated the 100th day of school. It was fun to see everyone dress up including our wonderful educators.
This is the last day to complete our survey for parents to find interest in a free family workshops. Please CLICK ON THIS LINK TO BEGIN THE SURVEY.
Have a great weekend.
Nikki Miller
Mental Health Team
School Counselor's Corner with Mrs. Jasin
In kindergarten this month we learned the phrase and song, "I think I can do! I feel I can do it! Come on let's give it a try!" to begin introducing a growth mindset. We also discussed helpful words vs. hurtful words we can think and tell ourselves when we come to something hard.
Mistakes help me learn. vs. I am not smart.
I believe in myself. vs. I can't do this.
I will keep trying. vs. I give up.
In first grade, students learned what it means to have a positive mindset. We made mindset rainbows to remind them of all the things they've learned to do with hard work and a positive mindset.
In second grade, students learned the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset which is made up of thoughts we tell ourselves. We also explored and chose new years affirmations as a way to remember positive self-talk when we're working to reach a goal.
In third grade, we compared growth mindset and fixed mindset to a bubblegum brain or a brick brain. Someone with a bubblegum brain (growth mindset) likes to chew on their thoughts, flex, bend, and stretch their brain to expand the way they think! They make great mistakes that help them learn! A brick brain (fixed mindset) believes things are the way they are…and they're probably not going to change much. They avoid mistakes and talk negatively to themselves. Students unwrapped their bubblegum thoughts by choosing positive mindset phrases to stick with them when they are faced with something difficult.
In fourth grade, we discussed resiliency which is our superpower to get through hard times. Even when hard things happen, we can bounce back or overcome the hard situation. Resiliency is learned and we all have the ability to develop it; sometimes this might take mental toughness, having a positive outlook, or leaning on others in our circle of support.
In fifth grade, we compared the difference between a growth mindset and fixed mindset. We discussed how the different mindsets approach feedback, mistakes and challenges. We also read the book Trying by Kobi Yamada. The book follows a character who learns that the process of trying, despite setbacks, is more important than immediate success. Through perseverance and self-belief, the story encourages embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.
Related Arts Spotlight
Library Updates from Mrs. Long
We have been learning about the Caldecott and many other book awards, and reading books that might win the Caldecott. Students will get to vote on their favorite book to nominate it for the Buckeye Children’s Book Award. Some classes have seen the award ceremony video to see what books won, and some will see the video next week (shhhh… please don’t tell!!). One book we read was The Yellow Bus, written and illustrated by Loren Long. He actually lives here in Ohio!! We analyzed the artwork, which shows the changes that happen within a town in a valley over the course of 50 or 60 years. We also watched a video about how he created the artwork with its many different perspectives. At the end of the book a dam is built, which drastically changes the landscape. We looked at some local dams on Google Maps to see how they affected our local landscape. The students have asked me to share them with you in case you want a free educational family trip!
Hoover Dam and Reservoir - this one controls some of the flooding here in Gahanna along the Big Walnut Creek in Woodside Green Park and Creekside
Alum Creek Dam- You can sign up for a tour of this dam to see how it works. This site includes more information and is easier to understand
Caesar Creek State Park - I told the students this was my favorite dam (a sentence I never thought I would say!!) because you can go to the very cool Visitor Center to get a fossil permit, and then find fossils in the spillway that you get to keep!!
Please check at home for any Chapelfield Library books. They will have a barcode label on the back with “Chapelfield Elementary School” on it. We have MANY students with overdues books, and notices were sent home today (or next Monday). We also have some books missing that were not checked out. Students are often excited about a book they find, and then forget to check it out, so if you find one, please send it back to school.
Book Fair is coming soon!!
Students will be bringing home a flyer and a letter with information.
The dates are listed below. Book Fair will be open during conference night on Thursday, 2/20 from 3:30 - 7:00.
If you have specific requests about what your student purchases at the Book Fair, please email me at longj@gjps.org.
Our online fair is now open! You can purchase items online, and even buy gift cards for your student to use at the Book Fair!
Volunteers are needed for every class. Please use the Sign-Up Genius to sign up, and you are welcome to stay for classes that need volunteers before and after your child’s class as well!
Please email me with any questions you have about class lessons, missing library books, or the book fair. Happy Reading and Learning!!
--Mrs. Jessica Long
5th graders can receive a FREE HOCKEY STICK
Hello CES Families,
Just wanted to remind you that all 5th grade students are eligible to receive a free hockey stick set from the Columbus Blue Jackets. This is completely free and also includes free shipping! The Blue Jackets have also extended the order deadline till noon on February 14th, 2025. You can redeem your free stick at: www.bluejackets.com/freestick
Thank you and have a fantastic day!
Mr. Scheibeck
OELPA Testing for English Language Learners
OELPA testing will begin Monday, February 3rd for our English Learner students. This test monitors students’ progress in English in the areas of Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. Please click HERE for more information on the test. Please contact Mrs. Melville or Mrs. Sinkey with any questions.
Acadience Testing continues the first week of February
Spring Ohio State Testing (OST) Calendar
Spring will be here before you know it. As you know, there is a lot of state testing that happens in April. See the dates before for 3rd-5th grade state testing as you make appointments. Thank you for your support.
Recess Update-Dress Warm!
As you all know, the weather in Ohio is constantly changing. Some days are warmer than others while other days are just plain cold! Please make sure to check the forecast so that your child is prepared as we will be going outside for recess as long as the temperatures are above 20 degrees.
We kindly ask that ALL visitors follow the steps below each and every time you visit Chapelfield:
1. Once at the front, exterior doors of the school, press the buzzer. A member of the office staff will ask your reason for visiting Chapelfield.
2. Once inside the vestibule, you will enter your drivers' license or state ID into the scanner. ALL visitors/guests/guardians need to scan their drivers license EACH and EVERY time they visit Chapelfield.
3. Once your license has been scanned and processed you will be permitted to enter the main office area to pick up your visitor/volunteer badge.
4. If you have NEVER had your driver's licensed scanned at Chapelfield before, this will take a longer time. You will want to plan accordingly.
**As a reminder, if there is a non-guardian planning to visit Chapelfield for any reason (to eat lunch, read a book in the classroom, visit the bookfair, take your child to an appointment etc.), we ask that the guardian email the teacher and front office (gilzows@gjps.org ) to let us know prior to the visit.
Our Vestibule
The vestibule will be a place you have to wait if you are picking up a student, dropping off a book bag or lunch box.
The office is a busy place and there are times that we are dealing with student confidential issues. The vestibule will be a place to wait. It also allows us to keep our building safe. We want to keep students and staff safe including keeping confidential information safe. Thank you for understanding.
Inclement Weather Procedures
How to Know if School is a Go!
As we have entered the colder months of the year, we wanted to share our preparations for the potential impact of inclement weather on our school day. In the event of inclement weather, at approximately 4:15 a.m., a team of District administrators will begin the process of making a decision concerning students safely arriving to school. The group of administrators will analyze the weather, current community conditions and receive updates from the Gahanna Division of Police, with the goal of making a decision for delay or closure by 5:30 a.m.
If a delay or closure is deemed necessary, families will be notified by:
A phone call, text message and email
A post on Gahanna-Jefferson social media pages
A pop-up alert on the GJPS website, www.gahannaschools.org.
The following media outlets will also be notified: WCMH NBC4, WBNS 10TV, WSYX ABC6, WTTE FOX28 AND WTVN/WNCI.
If you are unsure, please be sure to check any variety of these platforms for an official announcement if there is a closure or delay.
PTO Updates
PTO Events
*PTO meeting: Tuesday, February 11th at 7:00pm
*Thank you for supporting our first Neon Family Night!
*Pancakes and Pajamas has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 19 from 6-7:30 p.m. Those families that had pre-purchased tickets for the event this week will be able to use those tickets for the rescheduled event.
5th Grade Committee Updates:
Art Night February 6th 6:30-8:00 $20/painter. RSVP due by January 31st.
Mad River snow tubing is booked for Monday, February 17th from 12:30-2:30 p.m.. Tickets are $35/person. If you are not tubing you do not need to pay. RSVP’s and waivers will be coming home with students next week. RSVP’s, waivers and payment will be due back to the school by February 5th. Students, families and friends are welcome to join us. You must provide your own transportation to Mad River.
Community Connections
GJPS Families,
Please be the biggest cheerleader for GJPS by volunteering for the 2025 Biggest Pep Rally Ever!
Please click on the following link, review available slots and sign up today! Volunteer Sign Up
Thank you for being involved! Go Lions!
GJEF: Fund a Need at Gala
We are excited to share an incredible opportunity to support a meaningful project that will benefit all students in our district. This year, the Gahanna-Jefferson Education Foundation (GJEF) Gala will feature a Fund-A-Need initiative focused on purchasing and installing communication boards at each elementary and preschool playground. We encourage you to support the cause in any way you can.
Communication boards are visual tools that use pictures, symbols, and words to help individuals express their thoughts, needs, and emotions. These boards are particularly useful for students with limited verbal communication, those learning English as a second language, and even young children still developing their vocabulary. Communication boards provide students with an inclusive way to connect and engage with peers during play.
While these boards are an invaluable resource for students with specific communication needs, their benefits extend to every child on the playground. Here’s why:
Promoting Inclusion: Communication boards foster an environment where all students can participate and communicate effectively, regardless of their language or abilities.
Encouraging Social Interaction: By providing visual cues, these boards help children initiate conversations, make friends, and engage in collaborative play.
Building Language Skills: For students developing their vocabulary or learning English, communication boards offer a fun and interactive way to learn new words and phrases.
Supporting Emotional Expression: Playgrounds are not just for physical activity—they are spaces where children express their feelings and build relationships. Communication boards give all students a voice to share their emotions and ideas.
How You Can Help: The GJEF Gala is a fantastic way to bring our community together in support of this initiative. Here’s how you can contribute:
Register for the FREE Online Silent Auction: Includes entry into the raffle for a $250 Amazon gift card.
Donate to Fund-A-Need: Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to making these communication boards a reality.
Spread the Word: Share this initiative with family and friends who may also be interested in supporting our schools.
Together, we can make a lasting impact by creating inclusive spaces where every child feels seen, heard, and valued. Thank you for your ongoing support of our students and schools. We hope to see you at the Gala on February 22, 2025!
Take care,
Sue LeHota, Director of Special Education &
Dr. Colleen Boyle, Curriculum Coordinator of Special Programs
Free Math Support for 3rd-5th graders
GJPS Heart and Pride Award
The Heart and Pride Award recognizes two outstanding staff members each month who make a profound impact on our students and Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools.
The Heart & Pride Nomination Form will remain available year-round and is open to any member of our staff, regardless of position.
January/February Important Dates
Friday, January 31:
*Yearbook Sales END: Here is the link to order.
Monday, February 3-March 21: OELPA testing
Thursday, February 6: PTO Art Night @ 6:30 p.m.
Monday, February 10: PTO Restaurant Night at Papa John's
Tuesday, February 11: PTO Meeting @ 7 p.m.; Free Babysitting
Thursday, February 13:
*4th grade field trip to see a jazz concert
*Valentine's Day Party @ 1 p.m.
Friday, February 14: NO School; Teacher Professional Development
Monday, February 17: No School
Thursday, February 20: Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7 p.m.
Monday, February 18-21: CES Bookfair
Thursday, February 27:
*Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7 p.m.
*Family Night at the Book Fair 3-7 p.m.
Friday, February 28:
*Learning Communities
*Student Council Movie Night 6:30-8 p.m.
Important District Links
280 Chapelfield Road
Gahanna, OH 43230