Emory Eagle News
January 13th - 17th
Dates to Remember
January 13th
Students Return from Winter Break - Minimum Day
January 14th
DELAC Meeting at Nicoloff - 9:00 am
January 16th
Community School Steering Committee Meeting - 7:30 am Library
January 20th
No School - Martin Luther King Jr Day
January 21st
ELOP in person registration
PTA Family Glow Dance Party - 5:30 pm
January 22nd
6th Grade Camp meeting - 9:30 am (families welcome)
January 23rd
SBUSD Board Meeting
January 30th
Clothing Swap 2:45 - 4:30 pm
January Calendar
Global Leaders - Understanding the Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 6 means "clean water and sanitation for everyone" - it's about making sure that every person in the world has access to safe drinking water and proper toilets. Many people around the world have to walk long distances to get water that might not even be safe to drink, and they might not have a proper toilet to use, which can make them sick.
Some things you can do to help:
Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth, take shorter showers, and use a watering can instead of a hose when you water plants.
Don't litter: Throw trash in the bin so it doesn't end up in rivers and lakes.
Learn about water conservation: Talk to your family about ways to use water wisely
Sustainable Development Goal #6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
Superintendent's Advisory Committee Meeting Update - Dec 10th
On December 10th, the committee met to continue the conversations around next steps for our district and possible recommendations to the superintendent. As a committee, the members had the opportunity to go into one of 4 different sub groups; School Closures, Academic Achievement, Specialized Programs and a Nestor specific group. For more information on the discussions, I recommend reading the notes in the link below.
Great Kindness Challenge Week - Jan. 27th to 31st
Emory Clothing Swap
Community Schools - Update
Thank you to the staff and family members that were able to attend our first Steering Committee Meeting. We will have our next meeting on January 16th at 7:30 am. Even if you were unable to attend the first meeting, we hope you can attend this meeting.
During our meeting, we determined 4 key areas of need:
1. Social Emotional Needs
2. Supports for our Multilingual Learners and their families
3. Wrap around services for students (Food, mental health, medical...)
4. Academic intervention
Community School Definition: A family-centered, equity-driven hub that serves every child and strengthens our community through partnerships that provide comprehensive integrated services in health, wellness, and education.
Food Resources Available - Second Wednesday
YMCA Behavior Consultation Services
YMCA Behavior Consultation Services is a resource for parents and primary caregivers with children ages 0-8. Through their work, they promote children’s social-emotional development while transforming challenging behaviors. If you are interested in more information, please click the link below for more information.
Military Family Corner
The California Kids Investment and Development Savings Program (CalKIDS) is a taxpayer-funded scholarship program designed to help kids start saving for college from the day they're born. Every child born in California on or after July 1, 2023 are automatically enrolled in CalKIDS, and can receive $100 in free deposits by registering in the online portal. For older children, CalKIDS will automatically grant $500 to all eligible low-income students in grades 1-12, plus an additional $500 for those in foster care or experiencing homelessness.
Learn More/Register: https://calkids.org/
USC Summer Programs extends a tradition of excellence to outstanding high school students through a diverse offering of four-week summer courses. As a “Summer Trojan,” you will balance academic and campus life as you prepare for college — and earn college credit.
Need more info? Attend an information webinar session:
January 14, 4 pm - Register: https://usc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KNeR4oRBQ7qIC0R0CZpE_A#/registration
February 11, 4 pm – Register: https://usc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fql1VJQTTO25ztP_014EGg#/registration
Looking for quality, safe, and fun care for your student during school breaks? The Navy’s Silver Strand Youth Center (SSYC) offers camp for children, Kindergarten through 12 years of age. Fees are on a sliding scale based on total family income. Put your child on the interest list by visiting www.MilitaryChildCare.com. See interest list opening dates below:
- Spring Break Camp, March 31- April 3, Interest List Opens: January 3, 2025
More Info: 619-435-5056 or stop by SSYC at 1302 Leyte Road, Coronado, CA 92118
MilitaryChildCare.com has now launched the ability to generate travel memos in support of a pilot program to assist Service members and their families when assigned to a new duty station and awaiting on-base child care at the new location. The program reimburses families for travel expenses when they bring a designated person to a new permanent duty station (PDS) to provide child care because child care is not available at the PDS within 30 days of their date care needed (DCN) – see attached memo for full details or visit https://militarychildcare.com.
Now is a good time for graduating high school seniors to research and apply for scholarships! To help with your search, your School Liaison has a great “List of Military Scholarships” packed with opportunities. Request a copy today!
Email: nbcslo@us.navy.mil
CALSOAP provides helpful information for all students (elementary through high school students) about postsecondary education opportunities, the application and admission process, and financial aid. Check out their Monthly College Bound Webinars or Cash for College 1:1 Workshops.
Details: https://calsoapsandiego.org
Don’t miss out on any of the fun! Subscribe to Naval Base Coronado’s Monthly Newsletter and be the first to learn about events, activities, and news! Newsletters release before events are announced on social media and print calendars, giving you the first opportunity to sign up before spots sell out!
Subscribe today: tinyurl.com/nbcmwrnewsletter
Anyone aged 18 and under can ride transit for free as part of the SANDAG Youth Opportunity Pass pilot program. Get your Youth PRONTO app account or card today to get unlimited rides on the bus, Trolley, COASTER, and SPRINTER through June 30, 2026.
Info: https://youthopportunitypass.sandag.org/
Installation Code: 698053
The student recruitment landscape is changing drastically. Colleges and employers are looking for well-rounded holistic candidates. Be ready to showcase yourself with Circkled In: an award-winning, secure, easy-to-use profile and portfolio platform made just for YOU! Compile all your activities and accomplishments in a fun and engaging online profile. Add pictures, videos, awards --- no losing or forgetting. Share securely with one click with any application and increase your success. Find opportunities; colleges, internships, and jobs all in one place.
Sign Up for FREE: www.cirkledin.com
Tutor.com is a program that provides on-demand, online tutoring and homework help at no cost to eligible service members, civilian personnel, and their dependents. With live, expert tutors available 24/7, military-connected students can receive academic help at their moment of need—anywhere they have an internet connection.
- Work with a tutor from any internet-connected device, anywhere in the world
- Connect to an expert tutor available on demand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week*
- Get online tutoring help three ways: request a tutor’s help right now, schedule a future tutoring session, or upload a document for offline review and get comments back within 12 hours
- Get ready with free SAT and ACT test preparation
- Use the free Tutor.com app for IOS and Android mobile devices—take a picture of a homework problem and upload it for the tutor to see
Check out these brief video guides to discover how easy it is to connect with Tutor.com's expert tutors on demand or submit writing for review and feedback:
· How to Connect with a Tutor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smgwrMWqdRs
· How to Get Writing Feedback: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpNz_93qR4w
Plus, Tutor.com has a new Webinar Hub for you to register for upcoming webinars or view past webinar recordings: https://www.tutor.com/webinars.
Get Started Today: https://tutor.com/military
The Autism Ask Line is a call-in line for caregivers, autistic self-advocates, and autism service professionals in San Diego County.
The program provides
- Peer-to-peer support with a trained representative who has personal lived experience with autism.
- Compassionate guidance through the landscape of services and resources in San Diego County.
- Resources for a range of questions from newly diagnosed to adult services and programs.
- Referrals and information about the San Diego Regional Center, special education and IEP's, mental health referrals, adult resources, and much more.
They invite calls from autistic persons, family members, and autism professionals. Each call will be answered by a specially trained peer support staff member who has personal experience with autism.
Call: 858-715-0678 / Visit: Autism Ask Line | Autism Society San Diego
San Diego County is proud to offer the Blue Envelope Program. The program is designed to promote inclusivity and serve as an enhanced communication awareness tool between law enforcement and community members diagnosed with a condition or disability such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, dementia, anxiety or other conditions that might require additional accommodations or awareness during a law enforcement interaction. The Blue Envelope Program does not have a registry component; therefore, the program is voluntary and self-implemented.
Info: https://www.sdsheriff.gov/community/blue-envelope
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of San Diego County is now enrolling youth in Operation Bigs; a free program providing mentoring and support to students of military families. Youth must be a least 7 years old, a military dependent, and able to participate 2-4 times a month for at least one calendar year.
Info: https://www.bbbs.org/military/ Questions/Enroll: Vanessa Hewitt, 858-746-9150
The Partnership in Education (PIE) Program is designed to encourage support of the local schools through Navy volunteer efforts. PIEs offer opportunities for military and civilian members attached to commands to give their time as volunteers at local schools. The program contributes military resources and services to help nurture the intellectual, emotional, social, and physical growth of children and youth. In addition, this program forges a partnership between commands and the local schools and increases awareness of the US military’s mission. Here are a few ways your command can support a PIE. Can you think of others?
• Be a guest speaker or reader.
• Plan a field trip to the ship.
• Establish a pen pal or video project.
• Provide positive, healthy engagement during lunch recess by playing outdoor games with students.
• Share an expertise or hobby with students.
• Assist with school self-help projects on campus.
Contact the School Liaison Program at 619-991-2509 or nbcslo@us.navy.mil to start your PIE today!
Individual active duty volunteers are also needed for Operation Pals, a weekly after school program, plus special event assistance. Contact the Navy School Liaison at nbcslo@us.navy.mil to be added to the Volunteer Distribution List.
The following anti-bullying resources/strategies are utilized to raise awareness and prevent bullying:
- Restorative Practices
- PBIS Lessons throughout the school year
- Alternative Means of Correction
- Social skills groups run by School Psychologist
- Social and Emotional Curriculum
- United Against Bullying Presentation
You can find the form here.
School Website
Visite el sitio web de nuestra escuela para obtener toda la información más solicitada, incluidos horarios, días mínimos, calendario del año escolar estudiantil, próximos eventos y nuestro manual familiar.
Emory Academy of Global Leadership and Empowerment
7:30 AM - 4:00PM
Email: rnelson@sbusd.org
Website: https://emory.sbusd.org/
Phone: (619)628-5300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067566983120
Twitter: @EmoryEagles