Great Oak High School-2024/2025
Home of the Wolfpack
GOHS Mid Year Reflection 2024-2025 School Year
In January, the GOHS Administrative Team presented to the TVUSD Executive Cabinet (Superintendent, Assistant Superintendents and Directors) the work that we have done over the first part of the 2024-2025 school year to improve student outcomes for our Students with Disabilities and our plan for the work with English Language Learners in second semester. We have linked the presentation below so that we can share with our community the work that we are doing as a school to help ALL students achieve academic success.
We know that we continue to have work to do, but are committed to working together as a school and with our parents in support of our Wolfpack Student Body. Should you have any questions about what we are doing at GOHS we encourage you to come to our Community Action Partnership meetings where we discuss school related data, issues on campus and solutions to help ALL members of our student body find success. Our next meeting will be in March (please see thus newsletter, email and text message for invitations) and we hope to see you there!
Vaping Concerns at Great Oak High School
Dear Wolfpack Families,
At Great Oak High School, we strive to foster a safe, healthy, and supportive environment for all our students. However, we have recently observed an increase in vaping among our students—a concerning trend that poses risks to their health, well-being, and academic success. We are committed to addressing this issue proactively by raising awareness, educating our students and families, and working collaboratively to create a culture that prioritizes healthy choices. Together, we can guide our young people toward better decisions and a brighter future.
Trends from First Semester 2024-2025 School Year:
26 students found with Nicotine Vapes
8 students found with THC vapes/devices
This is mainly occurring in the bathrooms with students out on hall passes. While these numbers may seem small, they constitute a 25% increase from the 2023-2024 school year.
As a school we are doing the following to combat vaping on campus:
Monitoring of students on passes to ensure they are not out for extended periods of time.
Random searches of bathroom facilities
Closing Bathrooms when reports of unsafe conditions are reported
Partnering with Riverside County Health and with yvape.org program from UC San Diego Health for a educational program
Creating lessons in Biology classes that help students understand the dangers of vaping and the consequences.
We encourage all of our families to have conversations with their students about vaping and its consequences.
If you have any additional ideas or suggestions on how we can support students on campus in making healthy choices, please reach out to our PBIS Team:
Mr. Michael Hubbard, Assistant Principal, mhubbard@tvusd.us
Mrs. Maria Castillo, PBIS TOSA, mcastillo2@tvusd.us
Mr. Sadiki Ellis, Lead Campus Security, sellis1@tvusd.us
Thank you and we appreciate your partnership!
Dr. Amber Lane
February is Black History Month
February is Black History Month, a time to celebrate the culture, history, achievements, and contributions of African Americans. The origins of Black History Month began in 1915, half a century after the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the United States. Historian Carter G. Woodson and Minister Jesse E. Moorland founded what is known today as the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), which was dedicated to promoting achievements of Black Americans and other people of African descent. In 1976, President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month, calling upon the public to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”
Black History is American History and should be taught year round. February is another opportunity to highlight African Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our Nation and society.
Our Black Student Union has planned events for the month to honor and celebrate Black History. Please follow them on Instagram @gohsbsu to learn more about what they have planned!
Save the Date - SPIRIT Showcase!
AP and IB information
Current 9th graders
Mrs. Casady will be holding interventions regarding AP options for students entering their sophomore year. Students can check their 5-star to see what day they need to attend intervention. Please email Mrs. Casady if your student does not have a pass.
AP Exam information
Important deadlines
The deadline to order or cancel AP exams is March 7th. There is a $40 cancellation fee for any AP exam. All exams must be paid in full by March 10th. Any unpaid exams will be cancelled on March 11th and will incur the cancellation fee. After March 11th, there are no refunds.
Our Intervention is a 30 minute block of time where students can get extra support from their teachers. Interventions purpose is to intervene with the student BEFORE they fail the class. Students with failing or near failing grades should seek out interventions regularly to help achieve academic success.
Are you interested in your student's invites and attendance in intervention?
Please check out our Intervention Newsletter.
Saturday School
Please check out our Saturday Website for:
1. Sign ups for Our Current Offerings
2. The Saturday Google Calendar for future offerings
Saturday offerings are because teachers volunteer their time on the weekend. If you don't see what you're looking for, please look to our Intervention Newsletter to get academic support from your teachers during the school day.
Graduation Announcements
Please see the sample graduation announcement offered by Jostens. Click this link to be taken to the Josten's website directly to order your graduation items. The earlier you order, the more money you save!
Handbook Highlights
Tobacco and Nicotine Policy: INCLUDING PARAPHERNALIA & VAPES
Per Temecula City Ordinance 8.36.030: Citations will be issued by our School Resource Officer for possession of tobacco, nicotine, vapes, and smoking paraphernalia on a school campus. School consequences include multiple detentions and Saturday Academy. Additional school consequences including but not limited to suspension or expulsion may result from repeat violations.
Activities and Athletics
CIF Foundation Belong Connect Compete Fund
The CIF Foundation is accepting donations to support school communities impacted by the fires in the greater Los Angeles area.
Many people have asked how they can help. We have directed them to impacted communities and the local CIF-Los Angeles City Section and CIF-Southern Section offices, which have provided leadership and support during this difficult time.
The CIF Foundation has also launched an online portal for individuals and organizations to donate to affected schools and families. These donations help replace equipment and ensure students can continue participating in athletic programs.
Interested donors can use the link below to contribute or send a check made out to the CIF Foundation to the address provided. Every contribution reflects our shared commitment to rebuilding and strengthening education-based athletics in the region.
Please be aware that these are the only approved GOHS social media handles:
*GOHS does NOT endorse or support the messaging of any other social media platform claiming connection to our site.