Great Oak High School-2024/2025
Home of the Wolfpack
CAASP Testing Begins March 10th for Students in Grade 11
As we head into the final months of school, the teachers and staff at GOHS are committed to helping each child be the best they can be! We want our students focused on the work at hand, realizing that the finish line of the school year is very quickly approaching. Our efforts are intent on ensuring that our students have been taught and have learned grade level standards and are ready for the next grade. One way that we measure if students have learned all that we have taught is through the CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress). Additionally, this assessment provides EAP scores for college placement tests for the California Community Colleges and CSU System. It is also a component of students qualifying for the CA Biliteracy Seal, Multiliteracy Seal and Honors college acceptance.
At GOHS, our testing window is split into segments. The first segment for English Language Arts begins on Monday, March 10th and continues through Friday, March 14th for all of our 11th grade students. During this week GOHS will be on a Rolling Block schedule to allow students sufficient time to complete the assessment. The English Language Arts portion will take approximately 2.5 hours and will be administered by your student’s English teacher during their regularly scheduled English class.
The second segment for Mathematics and Science begins on Monday, April 7th and continues through Friday, April 18th for all of our 11th grade students. GOHS will be on a Rolling Block schedule to allow students sufficient time to complete the assessment over the testing window. The Mathematics and Science portions will take approximately 1.5 hours each and will be administered by your student’s Math/Science teacher during their regularly scheduled Math/Science class.
Testing Tips for Student Success on the CAASPP
We ask that during your child’s testing window that you consider the following in helping your child to do their best on the CAASPP:
Bring Technology to School
Each student will need to bring a charged school issued chromebook (or personal device) to school each day for testing. They will also need to bring a charging cable as a back-up! If your student decides to use their own device, they will need to download the Secure Testing Browser onto their device prior to testing. Students can access the browser on CAASPP website: Secure Browsers.
Get a good night’s sleep
Most high school students need up to 10 hours of sleep each night to do their best in school. Research shows that limiting technology such as video games, movies, cell phones, and the internet for at least 30 minutes before bedtime improves the quality of sleep.
Eat a Good Breakfast
The more nutritiously children eat, the better they tend to do in school. Properly fueled and with stable blood sugar levels, their concentration is enhanced. Consider providing them with a healthy breakfast and cutting down on high-sugar cereals, pastries, etc. especially on a testing day.
Encourage your Student
Let your student know that you believe in them and that you know that when they take their time, think carefully, and check their work that they will do their best. Encourage them to show what they know.
Get them Moving
Testing can be taxing. The concentration and effort that students put into doing their best can be tiring. Physical activity that gets students moving can help them not only perform better in school, but can also help them to sleep better.
Be at School and Arrive on Time.
We ask that if at all possible students are not pulled out of school for doctor/dentist appointments that would impact their testing time. If a student is testing, we will not interrupt the testing room to bring the student to the office. Once testing is over for the day the student would then be released for pick-up. Students that arrive late to school, when their class is already testing, will be held in the office until testing is finished for their class. At that time, students will be able to rejoin their classmates. We appreciate your support in protecting this time for all of the students.
PTSA Panda Express Dinner Night! Wednesday, March 12th!
TVUSD Wants to Hear from YOU!
TVUSD is committed to involving our educational partners (students, parents, staff, and community members) in planning for future years. There are two separate survey links to complete this year, and both are available in Spanish. The surveys are anonymous and will be a valuable source of information as we continue to develop and update student-centered instructional practices and fiscal budgets. District and staff leaders will have access to aggregate data from all staff/parents. Please take a moment to provide your feedback. Both surveys will be available through Friday, March 21st. We thank you in advance for your time.
Our Students #GOInspire
SOGO Places Third at WGI Regional Championships!
Congratulations to the Spirit of Great Oak Drumline for placing 3rd at the WGI Regional Championships! Thank you to our students for all of their hard work and dedication so far this season! We know that this is just the first stop on the road to nationals and we cannot be more excited to watch your journey. Thank you also to our directors and coaches for helping guide our musicians to reach their goals.
Ramadan Information for the Wolfpack Community
We wanted to take a moment to inform you that the Muslim holy month of Ramadan begins this Friday, February 28th, with fasting starting on Saturday, March 1st.
During Ramadan, Muslim students, families, and colleagues will be observing fasting from dawn until dusk, meaning they will not be consuming food or water during those hours. This can sometimes affect their energy levels, and they may need some extra understanding or flexibility during the school day.
If your student would like a fasting-friendly place to be during lunch, they can visit Room 354 - Mr. Ueno’s classroom.
We are committed to fostering an environment of respect and understanding for all cultures and faiths. If you have any questions or concerns about how this might affect your child, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for your support in creating an inclusive and respectful community for all of our students.
March is Women's History Month
This month GOHS celebrates women’s contributions to history, culture, and society. Women’s History Month has been observed annually in the month of March in the United States since 1987. Women’s History Month is an opportunity to highlight powerful women who fought against injustice and to reflect on the political, cultural, and socioeconomic achievements of women worldwide. Women’s History is American History and should be taught year round. March is another opportunity to highlight Women who have positively influenced and enriched our Nation and society.
In addition, March 13th, 2025 at 6pm the Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (REDI) Commission for the City of Temecula (41000 Main Street, Temecula, CA 92590) is celebrating Women's History Month by holding a recognition proclamation for Women Leadership clubs from our high schools.
TVUSD is Hiring!
AP Exam information
Important deadlines
The deadline to order or cancel AP exams is March 7th. There is a $40 cancellation fee for any AP exam. All exams must be paid in full by March 10th. Any unpaid exams will be cancelled on March 11th and will incur the cancellation fee. After March 11th, there are no refunds.
Please register at the link below:
Our Intervention is a 30 minute block of time where students can get extra support from their teachers. Interventions purpose is to intervene with the student BEFORE they fail the class. Students with failing or near failing grades should seek out interventions regularly to help achieve academic success.
Are you interested in your student's invites and attendance in intervention?
Please check out our Intervention Newsletter.
Saturday School
Please check out our Saturday Website for:
1. Sign ups for Our Current Offerings
2. The Saturday Google Calendar for future offerings
Saturday offerings are because teachers volunteer their time on the weekend. If you don't see what you're looking for, please look to our Intervention Newsletter to get academic support from your teachers during the school day.
Graduation Announcements
Please see the sample graduation announcement offered by Jostens. Click this link to be taken to the Josten's website directly to order your graduation items. The earlier you order, the more money you save!
Handbook Highlights
Activities and Athletics
Please be aware that these are the only approved GOHS social media handles:
*GOHS does NOT endorse or support the messaging of any other social media platform claiming connection to our site.