District Digest
Glen Ellyn School District 41
In this issue…
- Spring Break Dates
- Message from the Superintendent
- Upcoming Board Meetings
- #WeAreD41
- Hadley Orchestra
- Hadley Band
- Registration
- Spanish Camp in June
5 Essentials Survey Deadline
GPS Offerings
Message from the Superintendent
Earlier this week, the Illinois State Superintendent Dr. Tony Sanders sent a letter explaining the “proficiency rates” for Illinois school districts. I am extremely proud that District 41 is in the top 10 percent in the 6th highest ranking state with the toughest standards. To see the District 41 School Report Card, click here. Here is how Dr. Sanders explains the State of Illinois standards and proficiency:
“Illinois educators have a lot to be proud of. According to U.S. News & World Report, our state ranks #6 in the nation for prek-12 education. Six Illinois districts are among the top 20 public school districts in the nation, including claiming the top two spots. Last year, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (aka “The Nation’s Report Card”) showed that our students scored above the national average in both reading and math for Grades 4 and 8, while many other states saw declines. And we rank #11 for youth mental health.
Illinois has the most rigorous standards in the nation. Each state measures “proficiency” differently. It’s like comparing homeruns across ballparks with vastly different outfields or comparing someone’s mile time on a flat track versus mountain terrain.
Being "proficient” in Illinois requires much more than reading on grade level. Our standards include a depth and breadth of higher order language arts skills, including writing, logic, critical thinking, and analysis. Out of five levels, only the top two count as “proficient” in Illinois. These high standards guide us to ensure our students are truly ready for rigorous content at the next grade level.”
Click here for the letter from Dr. Sanders.
Thank you for your partnership to make District 41 a great place for students to learn and grow.
Dr. Melissa Kaczkowski
#WeAreD41 Video Story Series
District 41 is excited to announce the new video story series #WeAreD41. The new series will feature people in District 41 and their backgrounds. The communication department will produce these stories and the district will feature them first at Board meetings and then share them out with the broader community.
The first story in the series is "Eller's Story." It was shared Monday evening at the Board of Education meeting. Eller Schafer is a District 41 preschool student who has inspired so many through his life story. Thank you to Rachel, Blake and Eller Schafer for allowing the District to tell Eller’s story and for being at the Board of Education meeting as we shared the first story in the series.
The 6th & 7th grade orchestra students visited Wentz Performance Hall in Naperville to watch the dress rehearsal of the Chicago Sinfonietta this past week. This was a very exciting field trip for our Hadley musicians to see professional musicians in action. The students had the amazing opportunity to speak and ask questions to Music Director, Maestra Mei-Ann Chen. The students had the rare opportunity to hear Maestra Chen speak to the professional musicians during the dress rehearsal in preparation for their upcoming concerts. Mr. Jeff Handley, (Educational Outreach Program Director & Principal Percussionist) also kept the students engaged by giving the historical background of the piece entitled "Scheherazade" written by composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.
Thank you to Hadley Principal Steve Diveley, Hadley Assistant Principal Bob Guzzetti, The Chicago Sinfonietta including Mr. Jeff Handley, Maestra Mei-Ann Chen, and the DuPage Foundation for making this field trip such a memorable experience. The students were thrilled to see the Chicago Sinfonietta perform at Wentz Hall and they learned so much from this educational opportunity! Way to go, orchestra students!
Hadley Band Solo and Ensemble Festival
Congratulations to the many students who participated in the Hadley Band Solo & Ensemble Festival! Students performed solo and/or ensembles for guest professional musicians, received praise and constructive feedback, and participated in a workshop clinic experience. Hadley Band Directors Samantha Tribley and Chris Cooper are so proud of the students for performing solos, ensembles, or both, as well as taking the extra initiative to improve their musicianship. Ms. Tribley and Mr. Cooper would like to thank the Hadley Band parents and Glenbard West volunteers who helped make the night a success!
Registration is NOW OPEN for the 2023-24 School Year
Registration for incoming kindergarteners and current Pre-K to 7th grade students is now open.
Click here for information and registration.
Preschool Registration Starts April 5
The District 41 Preschool Program immerses children in a play-based, student-centered environment to maximize student learning, growth and development. Daily instruction targets all areas of development with a strong focus on literacy, math, language and social-emotional development. The classroom experience engages 3-5 year old children of all abilities, to thrive in an academic setting for a lifelong passion of learning.
Click here on or after April 5 to register! Your child must complete a preschool screener before they are eligible to start. Deadline to register is July 14 to start on the first day of Pre-k. If registration is completed after July 14th, students may start after the first day of school.
Program Details
Tuition is $250 per month
Offered to all families residing within the D41 boundaries
Tuition waivers for families in need based on the severity of risk factors and space availability
Bus transportation may be available for some (ask for details during registration)
Service providers work within classrooms, e.g. Speech, Occupational therapy, Physical therapy, and Social work
Special education supports and services available based on each student's individual need
Program Highlights
Blended classroom experience
Small student teacher ratios
Five day-a-week program
Two sections offered daily (8:50am - 11:20 am and 12:40pm - 3:10pm)
Research-based creative curriculum
Follows the District 41 school calendar
All Preschool Classes for all D41 students are held at:
561 Elm Street
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Spanish Camp for FLES and Dual Students - Save the Date
Save the date for the District 41 Spanish Camp for FLES and Dual Language Program elementary students (FLES 1-5 & Dual K-5), Monday, June 12 – Friday, June 16, at Churchill School. Morning and afternoon sessions will be offered. More information is coming soon!
Feedback Opportunity! Take the Illinois 5Essentials Survey
All parents are encouraged to participate in a brief survey to help District 41 gather valuable data to inform school improvement. The Illinois 5Essentials Parent Survey is administered annually by the Illinois State Board of Education. The survey is open through March 31, 2023.
Please CLICK HERE to take the survey and choose “Parent Survey.” The deadline is March 31.
Each school needs at least 20 percent parent participation for a data report to be provided for the school. For more information about the survey, see below. Thank you in advance for your participation. Your feedback is very much appreciated!
The 5Essentials Survey identifies five indicators that lead to improved outcomes for all students, including improved attendance and larger test score gains.
The five indicators that positively affect school success are:
Effective Leaders
Collaborative Teachers
Involved Families
Supportive Environments
Ambitious Instruction
Research derived from the Five Essentials for School Success has proven that schools strong on at least three of the 5Essentials are 10 times more likely to improve student outcomes.
For questions regarding the survey, please call Department of Wellness at (217) 782-5270 or email 5Essentials@isbe.net.
Glenbard Parent Series Offerings
Stay up to date on the upcoming offerings from the Glenbard Parent Series HERE
Liz Fosslien - Distinguished Glenbard Alumna
BIG Feelings: How to Be Okay When Things Are Not Okay
Tue, Apr 4, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Rosalind Wiseman
Supporting Our Kids Through the Inevitable Ups and Downs of Teen Relationships
Tue, Apr 11, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Click for more details
Dr. John Spencer
Empowering Students with the Skills of Tomorrow
Tue, Apr 18, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Click for more details
NOTE: Some speakers will present multiple times. See GPS website for all dates/times available for each presentation.
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Email: webmaster@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41