Central Stars Circular
October 2, 2024
Principal's Column
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope this message finds you well! As we wrap up the first month of school, I want to take a moment to reflect on the wonderful start we’ve had this year. It has been a joy to see our students engaging in their learning and embracing our school-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) expectations. Their dedication and enthusiasm truly contribute to a positive school environment, and I am incredibly proud of their efforts.
As the weather begins to cool down, please remember to send your child to school with warm clothing. This will ensure they stay comfortable and ready to learn, both inside and outside the classroom.
Our playground is closed during the school day. Please do not go on the playground or have your littles play on the playground until after school is dismissed. Unfortunately we are having parents and young siblings playing on the playground before school gets out and we have students on the playground at recess.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Together, we are creating a vibrant and nurturing community for our students to thrive.
Educationally yours,
Mrs. Perreault
Meet Ms. Amanda - Alcona Therapist
Amanda Stanek is our Alcona Behavioral Health Services Therapist located at Central Elementary. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), with experience involving social skills, self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and family issues. This is her sixth school year at Central. If your child is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to her directly at 231-412-6452.
Music Corner with Ms. Laur
In grades 2-5, we’re working on our mallet technique! Following the Orff pedagogy of music education, students learn how to accompany themselves in music class on small xylophone-type instruments. We work on proper hand hold, using appropriate force when striking the bars of the instrument, and playing to the steady beat.
When we’re working as a team, it’s beautiful music!
Spirit Week
The Book Fair is Coming Oct. 14 - 17th
We are excited to announce we will be having a book fair the week of October 14th - 17th. We will be having two family nights Oct. 15th and 17th from 3:05 pm - 7:00 pm.
Halloween Costumes
Students are allowed to wear their costume to school or bring it with them. It needs to be a costume they can put on themselves. Masks and weapons are not allowed at school even they are part of the costume. Also no full face paint. More details on the Halloween parade and festivities will be sent out by the individual teachers.
Central Elementary Students are Filling Buckets
Our Focus of the Month: Responsibility
Throughout October, our students are embracing the spirit of kindness by participating in our Bucket Filling Challenge, inspired by Carol McCloud's book, Have You Filled a Bucket Today? When we express kindness, we not only brighten someone else's day but also fill our own buckets in the process.
As “bucket fillers,” students will receive cotton balls as a tangible reminder of their positive actions. Our goal is to overflow the school bucket with kindness by the end of the month!
Encourage your child to be a “bucket filler” at school and at home. Let’s spread kindness and watch our buckets overflow!
Ways to be a “Bucket Filler”
-Help a friend when they are hurt
- Hold a door
- Smile
-Ask a new friend to play
-Write a Thank You note
- Say “Good Morning” to the bus driver
Unity Month
Unity month is celebrated all October to prevent childhood bullying and promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. In PE, we will be working on a dance that will be performed as a whole school on Thursday, October 17th. Students will be encouraged to wear Orange on that day!
Auggie is doing an amazing job!!!
Remind Updates
Remind should be up and running.
Follow Our Central Facebook Page
Follow our Central Elementary Facebook page for updates and all things Central!!
Upcoming Dates
10/3 - Run - a - Thon
10/9 - PTO Meeting in the library 3:30
10/10 - Kindergarten Field Trip
10/10 - Fire Prevention Presentation From The Fire Fighters
10/11 - Field Trip K-5
10/14 - 10/17 - Book Fair during lunch for students, after school Tuesday and Thursday for families
10/15 and 10/17 - Parent teacher conferences
10/16 - Picture Retakes
10/18 - No School
10/22 - 2nd Grade Field Trip
10/24 - 4th and 5th Grade Fall Concert 6:30 - 7:00
10/31 - Halloween - Parade and classroom activity details to be sent out
11/1 - No School for Students