Ridgeway RAP January 17, 2025
Phone (573)214-3550 ~ Fax (573)214-3551
Upcoming Events
- Monday, January 20 - No School, MLK Jr. Day
- Thursday, January 23 - Talent Show 5:30 - 7:00 PM
- Friday, February 7: Early Release dismissal at 12:10
- Thursday, February 13: Valentine's Day Parties
- Friday, February 14: Early Release Dismissal at 12:10
- Monday, February 17: No School - President's Day
- February 18 to February 21: Kindness Week
- Friday, February 21: Munch-n-Read
- Wednesday, February 26: Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences & Book Fair 3:00-6:30 PM
- Thursday, February 27: Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences & Book Fair 3:00-6:30 PM
- Thursday, February 27: Panera Dining Out Fundraiser
- Friday, February 28: No School
January 20 - January 24
***Please be sure to double check dates listed on your club menu sheet. Not all clubs meet every week!
Tuesday/Thursday Morning (7:10-7:35 AM) ***TBD based on weather/blacktop conditions
Running Club - Tuesday January 21 and Thursday, January 23
Afternoon Clubs
Monday, January 20 - No Clubs - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, January 21 - Friendship Bracelet Making Club
Wednesday, January 22 - Photography & Yearbook Club
Thursday, January 23 - Choir & Guided Drawing
Friday, January 24 - No Clubs
Principal's Pen
We wrapped up our first full week of school since mid-December! It was a great week of reconnecting and getting back into routines. As you likely know, students have been completing iReady testing this week. Testing will continue next week for most students. We are so excited to share the growth students have made this year once testing concludes!
THANK YOU to all who have participated in our restaurant night fundraisers. We have raised several hundred dollars so far this year.
We appreciate your support. Have a wonderful three day weekend!
Unit Notes
Unit A
We have been working very hard on iReady this week! Thank you for ensuring your kiddo has had a great start to their day.
Unit A is running low on snacks, since we missed Munch N Read this month. If you are willing and able to donate a box of healthy snacks, please reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher to check on allergies.
Looking ahead to Valentine's Day- Unit A does not do Valentine boxes. We will decorate a bag here at school to hold our treats.
Here is the sign up link for donations and volunteering time:
Mincke and Triplett- We have been continuing to work on uppercase letter formation and focusing on identifying medial vowels in words.
Horn and Blades- We have been learning about digraphs, tri-blends (example: scr-), and contractions. We have been practicing the high-frequency words were, our, could, & these.
Mincke and Triplett- We have been working on identifying and describing attributes of 3D shapes, combinations of 10, and addition/subtraction problem-solving strategies.
Horn and Blades- We have been working hard on place value, adding and subtracting two, two-digit numbers, comparing two- and three-digit numbers, and measuring a path with standard and non-standard units.
Unit B
- In second grade math we have started Unit 5. We are working with coins. Please help your students coin identification, making change, and adding/subtracting with money. We sent home math journal volume one. They do not need to complete the journal but it is a great at home practice tool.
- In third grade math we have started Unit 5. We are focusing on fraction representations and multiplication strategies. We sent home Unit 4 practice pages for optional work. We also sent home math journal volume one. They do not need to complete the journal but it is a great at home practice tool.
- We sent home a scholastic book order. Please place your orders by Wednesday January 22nd.
Unit C
This week we began iReady testing in math and will take the reading portion of iReady next week. In literacy, we are moving towards the end of our historical fiction unit. Students have been working hard on a piece of historical fiction writing. Ask them about their writing piece!
Unit C Valentine Party Signup:
Specialist News
From the Music Room
And we’re off! The second half of the year has officially begun after a snowy beginning. It’s been so nice to be back and jump right into music making.
Unit C has an extra exciting start to the new year with beginning our ‘ukulele unit and preparing for the 5th grade extravaganza! The extravaganza will be Wednesday February 12 and it is a field trip where students get to see what performing arts looks like once they leave elementary school. While this is a mostly instrumental heavy experience I always like students to know they have many options for fine arts once they leave Ridgeway, both visual and performative. Following the extravaganza there will be an opportunity for all interested 5th graders to try out instruments before signing up for one. I highly recommend attending one of these nights to get a feeling for what instrument suits each individual best. There will be more information coming soon about those nights.
Unit B is jumping in quickly practicing their rhythmic reading skills and preparing for two new melodic notes. They are doing wonderfully at musical reading skills as well as rocking their dancing skills!
Unit A is off to a great start preparing for steady beat and high vs. low. This will be a really fun time as it involves a lot more instrument work and we will even get to play with some puppets!
Ms. Meeds
From the Health Office
Tiger Tuesday
Incoming Ridgeway Siblings
As we prepare for next year's Kindergarten class, it is time to let the Ridgeway office know if you have a younger sibling of a current or former Ridgeway student entering Kindergarten next year. In order to hold a spot for your child, please let the office know by completing this form https://forms.gle/pSJkr1ytCJ97EeG6A by Wednesday, February 26, 2025.