Dolphin Spirit News
Aug 23, 2024
Welcome Back!
--Mr. Kevin Komenkul
Feast Day of St. Augustine Mass - Wednesday 9:00 AM
Join us for a special 9:00 AM mass with the parish and school community to celebrate the Feast Day of St. Augustine. This year the church is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its founding by Augustinian fathers in 1925. This is our first school mass of the school year.
Back to School Night - Thu 8/29 - Mandatory
RSVP for Back to School Night here LINK
Parent/Guardian may earn a service hour by attending Back to School Night. Please report your hour on Gradelink. Homework is not assigned to students for Back to School Nights.
Classroom Session 1 15-20 mins 5:00 pm start
Classroom Session 2 15-20 mins 5:30 pm start
Raffle 5:55 - Student Free Dress Passes - St. Augustine Center
All School Session - 6:00 pm start - St. Augustine Center
Classroom Session 3 15-20 mins 6:40 pm start
Childcare from 5pm -7pm will be available for $25/ child or $40 / family. For currently enrolled extended care families, $10 additional fee for 6pm to 7pm.
Getting Along Together Curriculum
During the first few weeks of school our goals as a faculty are that students learn and practice team building, active listening, and conflict resolution. Research shows that students who master these skills have lifelong tools to be successful in higher education, the workplace, and in relationships.
Read more about Getting Along Together here. LINK
Hot Lunch Update (emailed 8/23/24)
This is to update you regarding our hot lunch program for this year.
Unfortunately, the hot lunch provider we had planned to work with, who was going to use our kitchen facilities, will no longer be able to provide services. As a result, we will continue with the hot lunch program from last year, where we partnered with local businesses to provide meals, which are delivered and distributed to the students.
We understand the importance of offering a variety of meal options, and we are currently working on arranging additional choices and partnering with more local restaurants to ensure a diverse and satisfying menu for our students.
We appreciate your understanding and support as we make these adjustments.
Thank you for your continued partnership and commitment to our school community.
Place your hot lunch orders here LINK. Parents click here to sign up. (Domain is omgc, code is omgc)
View sample menus
Extended Care Enrollment
Monday, August 26, 2024 Extended Care will start.
Morning Care- 7:00 AM-7:30 AM
Afternoon Care: Monday-Thursday- 3:15 PM-6:00 PM and Fridays-12:45 PM. 6:00 PM.
This form MUST be filled out before using this Program.
Parent/Guardian/Student Handbook 2024-2025
Parent/Guardian/Student Handbook
Please review the handbook for full details. Signed acknowledgment is due to office by Fri, Sep 13, 2024.
After School Enrichment
Cooking Class - Parker Anderson Enrichment
Grades 1-6 - Visit www.parker-anderson.org to sign up.
Yoga with Emily Philips
Welcome Emily Philips back to OMGC. After having a baby, she's back to teach OMGC students the benefits of yoga. Sessions will be 30 minutes on Wednesdays after school. $20/session.
Fall Musical Auditions
Auditions for OMGC's fall Musical; Once Upon a Mattress: Youth Edition are this coming Tuesday!! This show is open for all grades to participate. Auditions will take place Tuesday, August 27th after school until 5pm, invited callbacks Thursday August 29th until 5pm, and our first rehearsal will be Friday August 30th until 3pm.
To find all audition information look at the attachments below. I look forward to seeing the kiddos auditions.
Warm Wishes,
Haley Wolff
After School Sports
Girls Volleyball - Signups are located on the 2nd floor. Additional questions should be directed to Coach Isa.
Cross Country (coed) - Cross country will begin on Saturday, Aug 31 at 8:00 am. Meet at the Griffith Park Pony Rides Parking Lot. We will go for an easy 2-3 mile run. All paces welcome. Parents/Guardians/Family welcome to join. Please email komenkul@omgcschool.org if interested in joining.
Keep an eye out for Sports Permission slips going home next week.
Communication Channels
Gradelink: View grades, Announcements, and submit Family Service Hours
Weekly Newsletter: Stay informed with updates from the school via email(Smore) and Gradelink
Parent-Teacher Conferences: Scheduled after Trimester 1 and 2, with additional meetings available upon request.
School Website: www.omgcschool.org
School Calendar: www.omgcschool.org, Scroll to bottom of page and click on + sign on calendar.
Social Media: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for news and events @omgcschool
Remind App: Receive instant updates and reminders directly to your phone. Class code @omgcs
Conversations with teachers regarding student concerns should be completed by appointment.
Important Dates
8/26 - First Full Week Back to School - PE Uniform / Hot Lunch Begins / Extended Care Begins
8/27 - Fall Musical Auditions - 3:15pm
8/28 - Feast Day of St. Augustine - Mass Uniform / 9:00 AM Mass with Parish - Families Welcome
8/29 - Fall Musical Audition Callbacks - 3:15pm
8/29 - Back to School Night - 5pm - 7pm MANDATORY
8/31 - Hot Lunch for Needy - 11am - Service Opportunity - St. Augustine Multipurpose Center
9/2 - Labor Day Holiday - No School
9/3-9/13 - STAR Testing Window 1
9/8 - Centennial Year Kickoff Mass 10 am
9/8 - New Family Social - 5pm - Invitations to follow
9/17 - Parent Board/ Room Parent Meeting 8:15 AM
9/18 - Fall Picture Day - Shoob Photography
9/22 - Tardeada -Parish Event - see flyer
9/23 - 9/27 - Spirit Week
9/25 - 9/27 - Restaurant Nights
9/28 - Hot Lunch for Needy - 11am - Service Opportunity - St. Augustine Multipurpose Center
10/14 - Indigenous Peoples Day - No School
Add OMGC Calendar to your phone
Uniform Reminders (emailed 8/20)
This is a friendly reminder of the common uniform issues seen at the beginning of the year. Thank you for your partnership in shopping for items that comply with OMGC's uniform policy.
White/black/gray socks
White/black athletic shoes*
(athletic shoes are acceptable all school days, however students may wear solid black or white dress shoes on formal days and non-PE days)
*minimal white on a black shoe or black on a white shoe will be acceptable white shoes with a black sole or black shoes with a white sole are acceptable.
One pair of stud earrings, not to extend past the earlobe - Looped earrings are a safety concern
One item of religious jewelry may be worn.
Other than a watch, no other jewelry may be worn. The school does not accept liability if lost. Apple watches or other communication devices may not be worn.
Students may not wear colored nail polish or artificial nails, tattoos, hats, nor may they wear pierced rings/studs in other parts of their bodies.
Students may accessorize their hairstyles with minimal headbands, bows or ribbons in the following colors: OMGC plaid (available at Dennis), navy blue, red, white, black or light grey (non-school colors are not to be worn). Students may not wear headbands with additional accessories as they distract in the classroom.
RaiseRight-Easy Gift Card Fundraising!
OMGC Families,
Make your purchases of items, like gift cards, through the Raise Right Portal and support OMGC at the same time.
Get ready to make a difference effortlessly with Raise Right! Here are two easy ways to get started:
Option 1: Visit Our Dedicated Page
1. Go to our dedicated Raise Right webpage at https://www.raiseright.com/enroll?enrollCode=C7CA1BF57L384
2. Sign up using your email address.
3. Shop at your favorite stores from the list of participating brands.
Option 2: Accept Your Email Invite
1. Keep an eye out for an email invite directly from Raise Right.
2. Click on the link in the email to create your account.
3. Start shopping at your favorite stores from the list of participating brands.
Once you're signed up, every purchase you make through Raise Right will automatically contribute to Our Mother of Good Counsel. It's a simple way to support our school and students, and we appreciate your involvement in this exciting fundraising effort!"
Help Review OMGC!
Do your part to help spread the word about OMGC!
Many families use online reviews when considering a new school. Having plenty of recent positive reviews will help those families take the next step of finding out more. We appreciate your honest feedback and reviews. Many thanks to those families that have helped to share their reviews within the last year.
Mission Statement
Our Mother of Good Counsel School promotes the growth of faith in Christ, academic excellence and responsible citizenship. As a small community, together with parents, faculty and staff, it is our goal to develop these values in each student.
School Student Non-Discrimination Policy
The school, mindful of its mission to be a witness to the love of Christ for all, admits students
regardless of race, color, national origin, and/or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs,
and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.
The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, disability, medical condition, sex, or
national and/or ethnic origin in the administration of educational policies and practices,
scholarship programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs, although certain
athletic leagues and other programs may limit participation and some archdiocesan schools
operate as single-sex schools.
While the school does not discriminate against students with special needs, a full range of
services may not always be available to them. Decisions concerning the admission and continued
enrollment of a student in the school are based upon the student's emotional, academic, and
physical abilities and the resources available to the school in meeting the student's needs.