Maple Grove Grizzly Gazette
January 3, 2024
Happy New Year Maple Grove Families!
Happy New Year! I hope everyone has had a phenomenal winter break and you're ready to jump right back into school and all the learning we have left to do this school year.
Our next Hy Vee Receipt competition is under way.
Just a reminder that we are collecting receipts from now until January 10 to see who our NEXT big winners are! This time, it's a battle of the grade levels! Whichever grade brings in the MOST total receipts will earn a very special grade level celebration!
PTA Meeting Next Week:
We have another PTA meeting next week on Tuesday, January 7 at 6:00 pm here at Maple Grove. We hope you'll join us to learn more about how you can support our community, as well as hear about upcoming events we have planned for the second half of the year. Can't make it in person? Join us online via this Google Meet: meet.google.com/okn-qeog-ogg
District Leadership to Visit Maple Grove Next Week:
Next week, our district executive cabinet will be onsite at Maple Grove to walk through our building, check out our learning, and engage with students and staff. We are eager to host our leaders and show off the amazing work our learners and staff are doing, and look forward to hearing what feedback they may have for our Maple Grove community.
January 17 & 20: No School!
Don't forget that we have a teacher work day on Friday, January 17 and a staff learning day on the following Monday, January 20. If your children attend Champions Daycare, Nixon will be the consolidated site for those two days.
Welcome back and Happy New Year. It's a great day to be a Grizzly!
Jeni Goebel, Principal
Maple Grove Elementary
Winter Weather Reminders!!!
Since we have already seen the first snowfall of the season, we wanted to remind our CRCSD families about how to stay informed about winter weather closures and delays:
1: Check that your contact info is up-to-date in Infinite Campus. This is the email and phone number weather notices are sent to.
2: Get your weather-related delays or closures through multiple district communication platforms - District website, district messaging system (email, phone calls, and texts), and our district Facebook and Instagram pages. Information will also be shared with local media outlets.
3: Have a plan in place for transportation and child care for unexpected late starts or early dismissals.
Temperature Guidelines to Help You Plan for Your Child's Day
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
- Monday 12/23-Friday 1/3/25: No School (Winter Break)
- Monday (1/6): First day back from winter break
- Tuesday (1/7): Maple Grove PTA Meeting (6:00 pm)
- Thursday (1/16): Eat & Earn at Chick-Fil-A (3241 Blairs Ferry Rd NE--near Lowes) 5:00-7:00.
- Friday (1/17): No School: Teacher Work Day
- Monday (1/20): No School: Staff Learning Day
Maple Grove Contact Info
Principal: Jeni Goebel
Email: jgoebel@crschools.us
Website: https://maplegrove.crschools.us/
Location: 1300 38th Street NW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52405
Phone: (319) 558-2471
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MapleGroveCRCSD