Parent Newsletter
Macdonald Drive Junior High, December 2022
Macdonald Drive Junior High
Location: 110 Macdonald Drive, St. John's, NL, Canada
Phone: 709-753-8240
Twitter: @mdjh
Dates to remember
December 14 - School Christmas Concert at 7 pm.
December 16 - Last day of cafeteria service before the Christmas Break.
- December 21 - Last day of school before Christmas Break. Dismissal at 12:30.
- January 3 - First day of school for the new year. It will be Day 5.
School based PD days are now confirmed for: February 13, March 10, and June 2
What's Been Going On
50th Anniversary Open House
On Tuesday, November 29, we welcomed back former students and staff at our open house. Many memories were shared, and it was a great evening. Thanks to all of our school community for coming out to celebrate with us, and to many others for your generous donations of food.
Lego Robotics
MDJH Lego Robotics had a fantastic outing on Saturday, November 26. Sixteen students across grades 7, 8, and 9, from our school made up the two MDJH teams who competed in the NL Regional First Lego League Competition, during the 2022 Skills Canada weekend. Twelve teams from other schools competed in the competition from across all parts of this province.
Eastern Edge Robotics Team volunteered as referees and our students benefited from talking with them. Some were even MDJH alumni!
The competition was geared towards a common love of innovation, technology, and inspiring young students. It was very exciting to be back in person for the first time since 2019, and to see everyone at the College of the North Atlantic.
The two Robotics teams did their school proud with the following awards:
- Innovation Project Award - 1st Place, MDJH 1
- Rising Star Award, MDJH 2
-Core Values Award - 3rd Place, MDJH 2
TechQuest fundraiser
We really need your help with a final push for this fundraiser! $5000 in cash or gift cards is up for grabs for a really needed WiFi upgrade for the school! Please get all stubs, money and unsold tickets back to the school by Wednesday, December 14. The grand prize will be drawn on Thursday, December 15.
The funds raised will be put towards increasing the capacity of our school’s wireless network so that all students will be able to use their Chromebooks inside the building at the same time.
All students have been given tickets to sell. We have been drawing daily seller prizes, AND there are prizes for the top seller and the top homeroom.
For more information, please click here!
For ticket purchase or further information, please contact us at:
- (709) 753-8240
Book Fair
Thank You!
Our Scholastic Book Fair was a success! Thank you to all families, teachers, and students who participated, supporting our school while enhancing home libraries.
Your investment in your reader helped our school to earn $1600 worth of new books for the school library! Bring on Reading Fridays!
Thank you for participating in our Scholastic Book Fair!
Happy reading!
Christmas Chaos
The countdown to Christmas is on! To show some MDJH and Christmas spirit, MDJH is having theme days in the 12 school days before Christmas break. Students and staff are encouraged to participate.
Other Info
A Conversation About Intimate Images
NLESD has released a memo with resources to help you talk with your child about the dangers of sharing intimate images.
Student Council News
Candy Cane Grams
The Student Council is selling Candy Cane Grams to raise money for needy families in our school community. Orders will be taken daily until Thursday, December 8. They are $1 each and can be bought for yourself, your friend, classmate or teacher. They will be delivered to homerooms on Wednesday, December 14.
Yearbook Photos
Any student, parent or coach with a group photo of any group from our school are asked to please email a picture to If you send a picture from your phone please be sure to select the option “actual size” to ensure good quality when uploading to the yearbook site.
Celebrate Student Success
We want to acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments of the students of MDJH. We have a wall of celebration where we place a certificate of acknowledgement highlighting participation and success in a variety of activities.
We want to know if your child has participated in any plays, musicals or has been on a team that has won a title or has been recognized in any individual competition.
We need your help with this. Please let us know so we can proudly display this on our wall. Please email with Celebrate YOUR CHILD’S NAME in the subject line.
MDJH Music
December Band Schedule
Winter Concert
Our annual Winter Concert will take place on Wednesday, December 14, at 7:00 pm in the school gym. Tickets are available at the office at a cost of $5.00.
Christmas at the Rooms
The String Ensemble was invited to help kick off the Christmas season at the Rooms on December 4. They provided a lovely set of Christmas classics as well as a sing-along and sounded beautiful in that space! Bravo!
CBC Classroom Music Competition Top 10!
MDJH Sports
MDJH Girls Basketball
Grade 9 Girls Basketball Practices
Practices will take place:
- Mondays: 7:00-8:30pm
- Sundays: 7:45-9:00pm
First team practice will take place on Sunday, December 11th from 7:45-9:00pm
Grade 8 Girls Take Banner
Congratulations to the Grade 8 Girls Basketball team. They went undefeated this past weekend, 5-0, to win the Leary’s Brook Invitational.
Way to go, Grizzlies!
Ice Hockey Tryouts
Open tryouts are this week. Please see Mr. Squires for the schedule. Any female or male player in grades 7 – 9 attending MDJH are eligible to try out. You should already be registered with a minor hockey association. If you are not and wish to try out, see Mr. Squires. The cost for four (4) open tryouts is $60.00. We will practice twice and then have two intra-squad games. This MUST be paid prior to stepping on the ice. Cash or cheque made payable to Macdonald Drive Junior High.
Players must wear all required equipment (including neck guards). Interested players are asked to sign up on the sheet in the front lobby. Should a player have a conflict with the tryout schedule, they should see Mr. Squires.
Macdonald Drive Junior High
Location: 110 Macdonald Drive, St. John's, NL, Canada
Phone: 709-753-8240
Twitter: @mdjh