The Leeland Buzz - Monthly Updates
February 19, 2024
A Message from Principal Williams
Greetings Imagine Family
I hope this message finds you well as we reach the midpoint of the academic year. I am thrilled to share with you some exciting updates on the growth and achievements we have witnessed in our scholars.
First and foremost, I am incredibly proud of the progress our students have made so far. Their dedication to learning and personal development is evident, and it's inspiring to see their enthusiasm for education. As a community, we continue to foster an environment that encourages curiosity, resilience, and a love for learning.
As we approach the testing season, our educators and students are gearing up for the challenges ahead. I have full confidence in their abilities and commitment to excellence. Our focus on providing a well-rounded education ensures that our scholars are not only academically prepared but also equipped with essential life skills.
I would like to express my gratitude to our dedicated teachers, supportive parents, and engaged scholars for their collaborative efforts in creating a positive and enriching learning environment. The partnership between home and school plays a crucial role in our scholars' success, and I am truly grateful for your ongoing support.
Looking ahead, I am excited about the potential for further growth and success in the coming months. Together, we will continue to nurture the academic, social, and emotional development of our scholars, laying the foundation for their future success.
Thank you for your commitment to Imagine Leeland. I am confident that with our collective efforts, we will achieve even greater heights in the remainder of the school year.
Important Dates
February 2024 - March 2024
February 19, 2024- Presidents’ Day – Schools and Offices Closed
February 20, 2024- Parent-Teacher Conferences – 2-Hr. Delayed Opening for Students
February 22, 2024 - PTO Meeting
February 27 - 29, 2024 - 2nd Quarter Awards Ceremony
February 28, 2024 - Imagine Foundations Board Meeting
February 29, 2024 - High School Night
March 4, 2024- Professional Development – Schools Closed for Students
March 13, 2024- Staff/Parent Vs. Scholar Basketball Game
March 13- 14, 2024- MISA Testing
March 22, 2024 - End of Third Quarter (43 days)
March 25 - 28, 2024 - Spring Break – Schools Closed
March 28 - April 1, 2024- Spring Break/Easter Holidays – Schools and Offices Closed
April 2, 2024 - Professional Day for Teachers – ½ Day Asynchronous Learning for Students
Imagine Foundations at Leeland Board Meeting - February 28, 2024 @ 5:00pm
Meeting ID: 971 8302 1433 Password: 597413 To join by computer, click below https://imagineschools.zoom.us/j/97183021433?pwd=b2JyU0xJdjA1dlFzd1cxR2NJWTNvQT09
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parents Teacher Conferences will take place on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, from 8:10 am to 10:00 am. During the conference, you will have the opportunity to discuss your child's progress, strengths, areas for improvement, and any concerns you may have. Teachers will also share insights into your child's academic and social development.
Please find below the Sign Up Genius for all grades.
Teachers will share a Zoom Link once the conference time has been selected.
Unfortunately, the schedule will only allow for 15 - 20 conferences. Additional conferences will be avaliable at request. Please contact your scholar's teacher directly for a date and time.
There is a 2hr. delay for scholars. Scholars will arrive to school at 10:10am.
2nd Quarter Awards Ceremony
Join us to celebrate the academic accomplishments of our Imagine scholars for Quarter 2. Assemblies will be held by grade band :
- 2nd -3rd Grades - February 27, 2024 @ 9:00 am
- 4th-5th Grade - February 28 @ 9:00 am
- 6th Grades - February 28 @ 9:45 am
- 7th - 8th Grades - February 29 @ 9:00 am
Per PGCPS Grading Policy, scholars with at least a 3.0 GPA on their second quarter report card will be recognized on the Honor Roll. Scholars with a 4.0 GPA will be recognized on the Principal's Honor Roll.
All visitors to the Imagine campus must be cleared through the Raptor Security System when attending school-related events during the instructional day. Parents, please complete this form 24 hours before the identified event. Proof of I.D. will be required to collect the visitor pass upon arrival.
2nd - 3rd Grades
4th Grade
5th - 6th Grades
7th - 8th Grades
Testing Updates
MISA 2024
In the coming weeks, all students in grades five and eight in the state of Maryland will participate in the Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA), one of the assessments in the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP). The Federal Every Student Succeeds Act requires Maryland to test science content at least once in the elementary and once in the middle school grades. This is an online assessment based on the Next Generation Science Standards which the state of Maryland has adopted for its curriculum. The test will be administered over two days from March 13th to March 14th and will take approximately two hours each day. More information will be forthcoming.
8th Grade Yearbook Memory Page
We are excited to announce that this year you will be able to leave a heartfelt message to your child with words of encouragement, pride, and support in their yearbook, creating a lasting memory for your student for $14.99. This option is exclusively available to our 8th grade families. You will have until March 1st at 11:59pm to place your yearbook order with a Love Line. Starting March 2nd Love Lines will no longer be available for purchase.
Middle School Events
Imagine Foundations at Leeland PBIS
Core Value Scholar of the Month
This month, we are continuing to highlight our core values: trustworthiness, respect, fairness, and perseverance. Your scholar will engage in Second Step lessons and observe these values within our school community, through their texts, amongst their peers, and in themselves. We are excited to close the month by celebrating scholars who consistently demonstrate our core values.
We need your continued support to reinforce these values at home. Here are some tips to help:
- Ask your child about their day: Regularly engage with your child about their school experiences and encourage them to share how they are practicing the core values.
- Talk about making good choices and showing their “LEAD” at home and at school: Reinforce the importance of good decision-making and leadership both at home and in school settings.
- Read books/articles that discuss behavior or have lessons that teach them about character building: Choose reading materials that emphasize the importance of character and good behavior.
- Communicate often with your child’s teacher on behavior: Stay in touch with your child’s teacher to understand their behavior in school, ask how you can support them, and share effective strategies that work at home.
- Read books to your children that teach about character or behavior: Make it a habit to read stories that highlight character-building themes and discuss the lessons learned.
Core Value Scholars
PBIS Parent Vision Board Night
The PBIS Team needs YOU!!!
The PBIS Team needs YOU!!! Imagine Foundations at Leeland 's PBIS Team is looking for eager parent representatives to serve on our team and volunteers to assist with our events. Please complete this form if you are interested in being a part of our PBIS family.
PTO Updates
PTO Monthly Meeting
Thursday, February 22 · 6:30 – 7:30pm
Time zone: America/New_York
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/kyt-axyh-fbz
To learn more about the PTO and how to join click here.
The PTO is back!
We are an energetic, collaborative, and ambitious group of parents/caregivers with a shared passion for supporting our scholars and the Imagine Foundation at Leeland's community. Our priorities for the remainder of this school year are to 1) increase PTO membership 2) fundraise 3) build communication and community, and last but not least, 4) HAVE FUN!
We are so appreciative of your interest in joining the PTO. Parent involvement is a key ingredient for scholars' and the school's success! Please view the embedded and attached documents to familiarize yourself with the current PTO efforts and details on how to pay PTO dues. We will be communicating through multiple channels (e.g., dojo, email, google group, newsletter). Please spread the word about the PTO to other Leeland families.
Each grade level has a liaison that is a member of the PTO. The liaisons will be reaching out to teachers and parents to introduce themselves and share a bit about their role. You'll find your grade level liaison(s) on our website and attached media file.
Imagine Foundation at Leeland PTO Website
Contact Information:
General PTO inquiries: ifleelandpto@gmail.com
Due payment/finance inquiries: ifleelandtreasurer@gmail.com
Mark your calendar:
Next General PTO Meeting will be January 25th at 6:30pm. More information is forthcoming. We will get to know one another and discuss fundraising and school events.
We look forward to working with you,
Mana Carter (PTO President)
Erica Bell (PTO Vice President)
Parent vs. Scholar Basketball Game
The Parent Teacher Organization and Athletic Department are collaborating to host a Student vs. Staff Basketball Game in the gym, tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, March 13 at 6 pm in the gym. The event is intended to raise funds for the PTO and Athletic Department. Grades K-2 will have the opportunity to engage in a shooting competition during halftime. Grades 3-8 will be split into teams to play against staff.
The Athletic Department is also interested in building relationships with parents/caregivers who are involved in sports within the community (e.g., current or past coaches and referees) to support future sports-related clubs and events at our school.
Any questions or concerns please contact ifleelandpto@gmail.com
PTO Winners
I Need a Name Contest
The PTO would like to thank scholars and parents/caregivers for participating in the "I Need a Name Contest". Please see the winner below!
PTO Celebrations & Incentives
Read-a-Thon Winner
The PTO would like to thank scholars and parents/caregivers for participating in the Read-a-thon Fundraiser. Please see the winner below!
Innovation Learning Updates & Announcements
This month’s core value topic was: We Thrive on Innovation. Our students participated in various projects this month and had a chance to be innovative through each step. Two of their favorite activities from our Innovation Station curriculum were Art & Sports/Stem Week. The students had a chance to create their art masterpieces using easy acrylic paint and designed Olympic games. Homework support has been going great as well. Our daily schedule and pictures from this month are attached.
New Team Member
- Madison Brown, our newest staff member and a previous student of Imagine Leeland, started on January 15th. 2024.
Caught Ya Card Highlights
The students below received the most Caught Ya cards for following the core values this month.
- Zori Hunter (Kindergarten) – Lead the sighted the core values each day of the week. This encouraged the other students to memorize and learn the true meaning behind each value.
- Makenzie Walston (4th grade) – Helped Ms. Chanel and Ms. Jasmine with homework support for the first and second graders.
We are interested in exploring potential opportunities to participate or partner with Imagine Leeland for upcoming events. Innovation Learning is beyond grateful for this continuous partnership as we continue creating an enriching student experience. Most of all, thank you so much for your support!
Richard Johnson
Area Director - MD Region
Create, Educate, Innovate
Developing tomorrow’s innovators today!
Caught Ya' Club
Caught Ya' Club
Student Absent Notification Update
Whenever a student is absent from school, please complete the IFL Absence Google Form This excuse should explain why the child was not in school and the exact date(s) of the absences. This is required even though a parent may have informed the school of the absence by telephone. If an excuse is not received within three (3) school days of the last date of absence, the absence(s) will be considered unexcused.
Volunteer with Imagine Leeland
Please note that all volunteers must undergo a security process (fingerprinting & CPS clearance) https://www.pgcps.org/fingerprinting/
Volunteers Must:
Undergo a fingerprint check - at least 15 business days in advance of volunteer activity
Undergo a Child Protective Services (CPS) clearance - at least 15 business days in advance of volunteer activity
Complete the required SafeSchools training modules each school year - prior to engaging in volunteer activity.
Fingerprinting link: https://www.pgcps.org/offices/humanresources/fingerprinting#volunteer
Safe school link: https://offices.pgcps.org/required-training/
Important Updates & Reminders
Birthday & Celebrations
Only students in grades Kindergarten – 5th Grade will be permitted to have birthday celebrations during the school day. Student birthday celebrations may only be conducted on the last Friday of each month, during the last 45 minutes of their core subject(s) class. If schools are closed on Friday, birthday celebrations can be held on the last day of that school week. No celebrations will be allowed for grades 3-8 during MCAP Testing. Parents must contact the child’s teacher if they wish to celebrate their child’s birthday. If parents want to be a part of the celebration, the parent must volunteer and follow the PGCPS volunteer process. Please note that all volunteers must complete the PGCPS Volunteer Application and Approval Process. This information can be found on the link below.
Birthday Celebration Dates
January - Friday, January 26, 2024
February - Friday, February 23, 2024
March - Friday, March 29, 2024
April - Friday , April 26, 2024
May - Friday, May 31, 2024
June - Friday, June 7, 2024
When to Keep Your Scholar Home
Cold, flu, and germ season is in full effect (yuck!). The PTO is working with the school on germ busting!
We have printed and laminated hand hygiene signs for the school/bathrooms. Remind your scholars of hand hygiene practices.
If you would like to donate cleaning materials (e.g., Lysol wipes, Lysol spray, hand sanitizer etc.), please take these items to the front office or send them with your scholar to give to their teacher.
Please review and spread the PGCPS Sick Policy:
When to Keep Your Child Home From School.pdf
Lunch Updates
Principal's Account
The Principal's Account has been set up to support scholars who have forgotten their lunch/lunch money. Letters will be issued once a week to scholars who have borrowed money from the Principal's Account, the money must be replaced immediately to ensure future access to scholars in need.
Parents/Guardians are asked to send money in a sealed envelope with your scholar's name.
Imagine Foundations at Leeland Parent Handbook
The goal of this handbook is to ensure everyone works together to make this a successful school year for our students. This handbook will help us in this effort by providing all stakeholders with a high standard of expectations and protocols that will increase our daily effectiveness. Everything within this handbook considers our scholars first and ensures/supports instruction as our number one priority.
Please carefully read this handbook in order to become increasingly familiar with how we will provide our scholars with the best well-rounded education possible.
We value our Imagine Leeland Team and Family and will work together and support each other to carry out the following vision and mission statements. Thank you for your dedication in helping prepare our future leaders!