Emotional Support Teacher Training
& Networking
Please join the Allegheny Intermediate Unit's Training & Consultation Team for this HYBRID training & networking series.
Join us for a professional learning series that will support teachers of students with Emotional Disturbance in implementing best practices within their classrooms. Teachers will begin with two days of training where they will establish beginning of the year expectations and routines through the creation of a classroom matrix with a trauma-informed lens. Teachers will also learn how to use the Pennsylvania Career Ready Skills Continuum to center social emotional skill development in their daily teaching. Additionally, teachers will have the opportunity to participate in ongoing networking sessions throughout the year, which will focus on topics targeted at the core components of being an emotional support teacher.
Participant Information
Target Audience:
Special Education Teachers
Act 48 Hours:
- A total up to 15 (fifteen) Act 48 hours will be awarded for this training series.
- 5.5 (five and a half) Act 48 hours for each full day session.
- 1 (one) Act 48 hour for each networking session.
- Participants are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to attend all sessions in the series. Partial Act 48 hours will be offered.
Cost: There is no cost to attend this training series.
Registration Priority: Educators who work for LEAs in the AIU3 region will have priority registration.
ES Teacher Training, Day 1
Date: September 17, 2024
Time: 8:30am-3:30pm
Location: IMS, AIU 475 East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA 15120
In the first of a 2-day session, participants will learn about the key characteristics of emotional disturbance and develop a background of the trauma-informed practices that support students with ED. Participants will also learning about the function of students' behavior and engage in activities around how to set up their physical classroom space as well as their classroom expectations, rules, and routines to support student learning.
ES Teacher Training, Day 2
Date: September 25, 2024
Time: 8:30am-3:30pm
Location: FLEX, AIU 475 East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA 15120
In the second session, participants will learn more about trauma-informed approaches through the lens of social-emotional learning and Pennsylvania's Career Ready Skills Continuum. Participants will also be given strategies for how to teach students the necessary skills aligned with Pennsylvania's continuum. The second half of this session will be dedicated to designing systems for acknowledging student behavior and developing a continuum of responses to student behavior.
ES Monthly Networking: Emotional Regulation Skills
In this virtual networking session, participants will have the chance to engage with colleagues around their experiences as emotional support teachers. Participants will also learn about strategies for teaching students emotional regulation skills.
Date: October 9, 2024
Time: 8:30am-9:30am
Location: ZOOM
ES Monthly Networking: Understanding Function & Creating Consistent Responding
In this virtual networking session, participants will have the chance to engage with colleagues around their experiences as emotional support teachers. The focused topic for the meeting will be about how to engage in a problem solving process called the initial line of inquiry, which is helpful when trying to understand the function of a student's behavior. The session will also explore how to develop a behavior response plan that can help create consistency for all staff members when responding to behaviors.
Date: November 19, 2024
Time: 8:30am-9:30am
Location: ZOOM
ES Monthly Networking: Developing Behavior Goals & Monitoring Progress
In this virtual networking session, participants will have the chance to engage with colleagues around their experiences as emotional support teachers. The focused topic for the meeting will be around how to develop behavior goals for IEPs along with how to use data tools to monitor students' progress and update goals as appropriate.
Date: February 4, 2025
Time: 8:30am-9:30am
Location: ZOOM
ES Monthly Networking: De-escalation & Collaborative & Proactive Solutions
In this virtual networking session, participants will have the chance to engage with colleagues around their experiences as emotional support teachers. The focused topic for this meeting will engage participants in a range of strategies for how to respond to behavior. This will include discussion of de-escalation techniques as well as an overview of Ross Greene's Collaborative and Proactive Solutions problem solving process.
Date: March 5, 2025
Time: 8:30am-9:30am
Location: ZOOM
Contact Information
Training Content Questions:
Jacob Minsinger, Training and Consultation Coordinator
Registration Questions:
Jamila Robinson-Moore, Administrative Support
Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event.