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Head of School Update
November 22, 2024: Issue #14
From the Office of Art Campbell, Head of School
Mr. Art Campbell, Head of School
Ms. Kelly Stauffer, Admin. Asst. to the Head of School
As a reminder, the schedule for the week of 11/25-11/29 is as follows:
Monday, November 25: Early Dismissal at 12:45 pm for all students/PD for staff
Tuesday, November 26: No School for Students/Parent- Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, November 27: No School for Students/Work Collab. Day for Teachers
Thursday, November 28: No School/Thanksgiving
Friday, November 29: No School/Thanksgiving Recess
Attention all Junior Class Families: The STEM Academy SAT Prep Course information was shared with all families on Monday, November 18. Please be sure to review the 2025 SAT Prep Letter and register for the course no later than December 16, 2024. If there are any questions about the information in the letter, please reach out to the counseling office directly. This information is also available on our website for future reference.
Parent/Teacher Conferences: The window to schedule conferences closed 11/14 at 3:00 pm. Please reach out to your students' teachers if there are any questions you may have regarding conferences that will be held on Tuesday, November 26.
Early Dismissal Procedures, Tardy Notes, Absences, etc: Please be reminded that if a student will be picked up early, an email should be sent to stemattendance@dasd.org . Students should stop by the office to pick up an early dismissal slip to show their teachers, and then should report to the main office at the designated dismissal time to check out in the front office. Students will be dismissed to meet their parent/guardian along side of the building that exits back to Manor Ave. If your student is absent, those notes can also be emailed to stemattendance@dasd.org
Traffic: Please review the student pick up and drop off procedures located under School Day on our Website. Please allow enough time for traveling to school in the morning.
Volunteers: We would like to welcome volunteers throughout the school year. Please take a moment to review the Volunteer Requirements. The Annual DASD Volunteer Disclosure Form should be completed and returned each school year. All volunteer clearances and forms can be emailed to Kstauffer@dasd.org.
Important Information from our School Nurse, Ms. Jennifer Mikulich
Medication Reminder: Please be advised that any and all medications that students are required to take throughout the course of the school day must be left with the school nurse in the morning, and administered from the nurses' office as needed. Any questions, please contact Ms. Jennifer Mikulich.
Pertussis and pneumonia are on the rise in Chester County and nationwide. Please review the common symptoms and recommendations if your child has a cough.
Common symptoms of Pertussis:
- Pertussis starts with cold-like symptoms and a mild, occasional cough.
- The cough becomes more persistent, causing coughing fits.
- The cough may become violent, causing vomiting, the skin to appear blue, or difficulty catching your breath.
- Some people experience a whooping noise, but many do not.
- The cough may last up to 8 weeks or longer.
Common symptoms of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection:
- Fever
- Worsening cough
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Scratchy or sore throat
- Potential mild shortness of breath
We strongly encourage the following recommendations if your child has a cough:
- Visit a healthcare provider if your child has respiratory symptoms and follow recommendations for prescribed treatment.
- Keep your child home if he/she is symptomatic.
- Keep your child from passing the infection to others. Cover coughs and sneeze with a tissue, upper sleeve, or elbow.
- Wash hands. Hands should be washed after using the bathroom, before eating, preparing or handling food, and after blowing the nose.
Downingtown Area School District
DASD/Immaculata Dual Credit Program
Registration for dual credit with Immaculata University will be starting at noon today, 11/4/24, and last through the rest of the month of November. For a complete list of eligible courses, and answers to frequently asked questions, please consult this link: DASD/Immaculata Dual Credit Program. Below is the link to access the dual enrollment courses available. This link is exclusive for DASD students.
Application and registration link: https://admissions.immaculata.edu/register/dualenrollmentDASD
Here's a brief overview of the registration process:
- The application page collects demographic information and requires FERPA sign-off from parents.
- On the second page, students can view the courses offered and select the ones they wish to register for.
- The payment page completes the registration process.
Once registered, students will receive an email with their MyIU portal username and instructions for setting up their password. The email also includes contact information for the Immaculata University Help Desk if they encounter any issues. Please note Immaculata’s refund policy: refunds are available if a student withdraws before the course begins. No refunds will be issued after the course has started.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please reach out to me directly at tpodell@dasd.org.
Junior Class SAT Prep Course Info
IB Program
IB Program Requirements and Testing Schedule
Mr. Michael Sheehan, Dean of Currciulum and Instruction
Ms. Meghan Schell, Administrative Assistant
STEM Academy Class of 2025 IB Fees Letter: IB Fee Payment #6 is due January 15, 2025.
2024-2025 IB Testing Schedule: Mark your calendars! (Updated schedule as of 10.28.2024)
IB Updates: Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS)/Extended Essay (EE)
Ms. Alyssa Sherlock, CAS/EE Supervisor
Senior CAS/Graduation Project Spotlight:
Alex Breitfeller and Tyler Guy plan to create a 5k event to raise money and awareness for men's mental health. They plan on donating the majority of the funds to the Movember foundation. Additionally, they plan on donating a portion to Downingtown Area School District to put the money towards gaining awareness and developing more programs and resources for mental health. In addition to raising awareness/funds for men's mental health they also want to demonstrate initiative in combating problems in the community.
Class of 2025 [Seniors]:
Students continue to upload evidence for their experiences and projects to ManageBac,
December 1st is the last day that Class of 2025 CAS or Graduation Project Proposals can be accepted because the projects must span at least one month/40 hours.
Class of 2026 [Juniors]:
The CAS Plan (“Aims and Goals”) section is due for completion by Dec. 1.
Now that they have a good basis of experiences in ManageBac, they can start to brainstorm collaborative CAS Projects. Once they have a group and plan established, they may complete a CAS Project Proposal Form from Schoology.
Class of 2025 [Seniors]:
Advisors and students have begun meeting to discuss EE Rough Drafts, and fine-tuning the students’ work for the Final Paper that is due February 1. Students have access to the assessment criteria/grading rubric on Schoology, and are encouraged to evaluate their own work, or with a peer.
Class of 2026 [Juniors]:
Students should be narrowing down a subject area, and then coming up with a focused topic of research within that subject. Once this is in place, they can begin researching what information is available to see if it is something they want to pursue.
STEM Academy Class of 2025 Senior Mantle Winner: J. Nolan Dobry
2025 Senior Mantle Design by J. Nolan Dobry
Quote: “Throw me to the wolves, and I'll return leading the pack.”
Congratulations to the winner of the 2025 Senior Mantle Design Contest, Nolan Dobry! Nolan’s design was voted by the senior class as the winner out of 23 entries. The Senior Mantle is a Downingtown tradition, unbroken since it was established in 1908. The Mantle is a cloak of honor (graduation robe) worn during graduation. Each year, the outgoing senior class president removes the robe and places it on the shoulders of the incoming senior class president, as a symbolic transfer of the honor and distinction of Downingtown High Schools to the next class. The three Downingtown Mantle robes are decorated with emblems representing the hopes and aspirations of each graduating class since 1908. To read more about this unique legacy, you can visit a website created by Sara Hallahan, DEHS Class of 2023.
Downingtown High School Senior Mantle Designs Through the Years
Class of 2025 Reminders
Class of 2025 IB Fees Letter with Payment Schedule : IB Fee #4 is due 11/15/2024
2024-2025 IB Exam Schedule: Mark your calendars! (Updated schedule as of 10.28.2024)
Upon reveiwing the Cap and Orders received by Herff Jones thus far, it has come to my attention that we still have a large number of the senior class that has not placed their order.
In order to make sure everyone has all of the items needed for commencement, it is important that orders for Caps and Gowns be placed as soon as possible. The initial suggested deadline was November 1. Please place any outstanding orders before December 15, 2024.
Follow the instructions below to place your order:
- Caps/Gowns and Stoles: Each graduate is responsible for purchasing a cap, gown and stole for graduation. The cost of this package is $32.55. Other items are available for sale as well through the website. The Cap/Gown Stole orders should be placed as soon as possible. Once shipped, they will remain at STEM until graduation in June. Orders must be received by November 1.
- Online Ordering steps:
Go to: Herff Jones SHOP Grad Products Website.
Click the Grad Gear & Apparel tab (located next to Announcements & Accessories) Scroll down to Grad Essentials.
Choose Cap, Gown, Tassel and Stole: $32.55 (includes sales tax)
Includes Cap, Gown, Tassel and Silkscreen Stole. Be sure to enter height and weight information that is requested.
Senior Early Dismissal/Late Arrival Form (Senior Privileges) 24-25: This form is for Early Dismissal/Late Arrival permission for Senior Class students.
All of this information for the Class of 2025 can be found on our website throughout the year: STEM Academy Class of 2025 Important Reminders.
Senior Class Yearbook Ad
Internships and Partnerships
Downingtown STEM Academy Internships and Partnerships
Supervisor of Teaching & Learning
Ms. Kaitlin Brinker, Admin. Asst.
MEA: Networking and Resume Basics (Sophomores)
On Wednesday, November 20, sophomores were presented Networking and Resume Basics through the Mid Atlantic Employers Association.
Attention 10th -12th Grade High School Students
2025 PARS Program now accepting applications for a free research experience in Penn labs!
Ever wonder what an embryo look like as it develops? Want to know how the environment effects development and how clinicians treat patients with infertility? Want to gain research experience and network with scientists and doctors? If so, then you should apply to the Penn Academy for Reproductive Sciences (PARS)! We invite high school students (grades 10-12) who are interested in science and medicine, to apply. PARS will run 4 consecutive Saturdays (March 1, 8, 15, and 22), from 9-1 each day at the University of Pennsylvania. Participants must be able to attend all four sessions of the workshop to apply. PARS is free and transit cards can be provided. Teacher are asked to complete a brief recommendation survey HERE. Find out more information on the curriculum and how to apply HERE. Deadline for applications is Jan. 17th.
The schedule below outlines additional MEA Softskills trainings that will take place during the 2024-2025 school year. Thank you HSA for the funding provided for these events.
STEM Student Life
Ms. Katherine Cole, Dean of Academics & Student Life
Ms. Kaitlin Brinker, Admin. Asst.
Class of 2025 present "Parents' Night Out" Fundraiser
French Exchange: Gift Wrapping Service during Parents' Night Out! December 6
Do you get overwhelmed with holiday gift wrapping?
Hate how your back aches sitting on the floor after the kids go to bed?
Dread the December 24th stress-wrapping session where you find yourself questioning your life’s decisions?
Le Cercle Français wants to help you with PÈRE NOËL’S GIFT WRAPPING SERVICE
Gift wrapping services will be available on Friday, December 6, during the Parents' Night Out event here at the STEM Academy. Let Le Cercle Français members wrap your gifts while you enjoy a night out!
Your voluntary donations benefit STEM French Exchange Travelers 😊
We look forward to making your holiday season easier.
HOSA Eye Glass Drive: November 13 - December 10
HOSA Disaster Emergency Kit Collection November 13- December 1
2024-2025 Yearbooks
Yearbooks are now on sale!
Any questions? Please contact Ms. Janette Romano or Ms. Megan Dunn, Yearbook Advisors
Contact Ms. Jocelyn Long for more information regarding the Summer of 2025 and the Summer of 2026 trips.
Upcoming Trip Opportunities
Contact Ms. Holly Sokira-Smith for more details!
STEM Counseling Department
Ms. Stephanie Rockowitz, Counseling Secretary/Registrar
- To schedule an appt. to visit your school counselor, please complete the following form: Counseling Appointment Request Form
- Additional Resources from the STEM Counseling Department
Ms. Jennifer Stull, Prevention Specialist
Guide to Districtwide Mental Health Resources
College visits for the senior class during the school day, have been added to our STEM Academy website calendar and will be updated throughout the school year.
If you are in need of a work permit, please find the application located in the STEM Back Pack at the bottom of the page under Work Permits. Permits can be obtained in the counseling office. Please be sure to review and provide the necessary documentation listed on the website.
Additional Resources
Class of 2025: Financial Aid 101
The Counseling Department hosted Dr. Sonya Mann-McFarlane from our higher education partner PHEAA on Monday, November 4. She discussed the financial aid process and shared important updates related to the 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) with STEM seniors and parents. Families should be aware that the FAFSA application opens on December 1st this year.
More information on the financial aid process is available on the Federal Student Aid/FAFSA website, and in the slides from Monday night’s presentation.
Students can also stop into the Counseling Office to pick up hard copies of the PA Student Aid Guide 2025-26.
Attention Class of 2025!
The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) Form is now live!
Check out the below tutorial to assist in maximizing your student’s eligibility for Federal, State, and College-Based Aid.
DASD Counseling Department’s Annual College Night!
All parents, guardians, and students in 9th-12th grade are invited to join the DHSE, DHSW, and STEM Academy Counseling Departments for a conservation about post-secondary planning--Build Your Future--Be Your Own Architect! --on Wednesday, November 20th, 2024, at our Downingtown High School East Campus, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Keynote speaker Dr. Troy Podell will share the many opportunities our students have while in high school, and also his presentation on "Keeping Higher Ed in Perspective". Please see the attached flyer for more details and to RSVP — We hope you will join us!
(HSA) Home and School Association
2024-2025 STEM Academy HSA Board
President: Kerri Roberts
Co-Vice Presidents: Mary Gasser and Heather Steiger
Secretary - Marcie Epstein
Treasurer - Kousalya Alapati
Annual Family Donation Drive Update
We're thrilled to share the incredible progress on our Annual Family Donation Drive! Thanks to your early support, we've surpassed a third of our goal inside of the first week.
Your donation helps fund a variety of impactful events and initiatives that help motivate and engage our student body and faculty which wouldn't be possible without the generosity of families like yours. However, to create truly extraordinary events for our students and faculty this year, we still need your continued support.
Maximize Your Impact:
If your company offers matching gifts through Benevity, please consider donating through their platform to maximize your contribution!
Suggested Donation:
To comfortably cover the expenses for all of our planned events and programs this year, we're asking families to consider a one-time suggested donation of $100 per family for the school year. Of course, any donation, no matter the size, is greatly appreciated.
To Donate Click HERE
All donations to our Annual Family Donation Drive are tax-deductible.
With your support, we can continue fostering a vibrant learning environment for our future innovators!
Post-Prom planning is underway. We need YOUR help!
Join us for the next Post-Prom planning meeting on Thursday, January 9th at 7 PM in the Atrium at STEM! Parents of all grade levels are welcome.
Let’s make prom night unforgettable for our kids while keeping it safe and fun. Did you know after-prom events help cut down on risky behavior like accidents and substance use? Help us plan a night packed with games, prizes, and great memories! Best part? It’s FREE for the kids, but we can’t do it without you!
Can’t make it to planning meetings but still want to be involved? We’d love to have you onboard! Please contact Kate Cloyd at kate.cloyd@gmail.com so that you can be added to our volunteer list.
Stay up to date on all HSA activities by following our Facebook and Instagram pages.
MPA News: Information for all Downingtown High School Music Programs
What is the DHS-MPA?
The DHS-MPA is made up of parents and guardians of students involved in any of the Downingtown High School music programs, including Marching Bands, Concert Band, Symphonic Band and ensembles, String Orchestra and ensembles, Vocal Choirs and ensembles, Indoor Drumline, and Color Guard. Our mission is to provide program support to maintain the existence and the integrity of the music programs at all of the Downingtown High Schools, including the Downingtown East Campus, the Downingtown West Campus and the STEM Academy.
The MPA is seeking local business sponsorships to help support our efforts for the 2024-2025 season. As a thank you for sponsoring and supporting our music programs, we have put together a Sponsorship Benefit Program to promote your business and services to not only our band community, but to our entire school district!
Go to MPA SPONSORS to see what it's all about. Sponsoring is easy, simply go to BECOME A SPONSOR and check out all of the sponsorship benefits.
Wawa Shorti Coupons
Coupons are available for $5 each and never expire. A portion of each sale is donated to the MPA to impact EVERY DHS music program!
· Reach out to Tina Ayala or email DHSMPA.waysmeans@outlook.com to get your coupons today!
Please CLICK HERE and order your favorite coffee, merchandise, beans, and cold brew cards! This fundraiser will support the students and music programs in all 3 High Schools: East, West, and the STEM Academy! Enter the student's name at checkout to show who you are supporting in the program. If you do not have a student name but would still like to purchase, simply enter DHS MPA. Thank you!
Community Business Partnerships
The MPA is seeking local business sponsorships to help support our efforts for the 2024-2025 season. As a thank you for sponsoring and supporting our music programs, we have put together a Sponsorship Benefit Program to promote your business and services to not only our band community, but to our entire school district!
Go to MPA SPONSORS to see what it's all about. Sponsoring is easy, simply go to BECOME A SPONSOR and check out all of the sponsorship benefits.
MPA VOLUNTEERS: Concessions Volunteers Needed!
The concession stands need YOU! It does not matter if you are East, West, or STEM or band, choir, or orchestra because when you volunteer, your time benefits every music program. This is one of our two biggest fundraisers to support all high school music programs. Adults and students may volunteer, and students can receive honor society credit.
Get Your Clearances Now!
All Parent Chaperones are required to have clearances on file with DASD. Visit DASD Volunteer Info to get started!
Membership Toolkit
Thank you for joining the MPA's Membership Toolkit (MTK) Site. We are continuing to make improvements to make this system work for everyone. Have a suggestion? Email dhs.mpa.mtk@gmail.com. Know a music parent that hasn't joined yet? Share our website - www.dhsmpa.org. They can find new user information under the About Us tab.
DASD Athletics
All students at STEM are encouraged to participate in athletic programs offered at their home schools.
An activity bus is available for students heading to East to participate daily, and is located in the bus loop at dismissal.
To find more information about what sports are offered at your students’ homeschool, please choose one of the following that links directly to the correct Athletics page:
Downingtown East High School Athletics
Downingtown East High School Athletics Schedule
Downingtown Rugby Football Club - Girls State Champions
On Sunday November 3 the High School Girls team from Downingtown Rugby Football Club defeated the West Pittsburgh Girls Rugby team to win their first State Championship since 2019. The Girls team led the league the entire Fall 7s season finishing with 26 wins and 3 losses including the state finals tournament. The rugby club team draws from all three Downingtown High Schools with 6 players coming from the STEM Academy. The team will look to continue their success into the Spring 15s season beginning in February 2025. Congratulations girls!
Downingtown Rugby players from STEM:
Chloe Baxter
Tiara Fernando
Ella Hoke
Abbey McGettigan
Lily McGettigan
Morgan Whelan
Athletics Fundraisers
Campus Safety Reminders, Parking/Parking Permits, Traffic Pattern, etc...
Student Drop Off
Please be reminded that students are to be dropped off behind the school. No students should be dropped off on Manor Ave. We appreciate your cooperation. Safety is always our first priority.
Also for the safety of all students and staff crossing back and forth during lunch time, the entrance to the STEM Academy on Campbell Drive will be closed during all lunch times for the remainder of the school year. Please use the West entrance to access the campus during that time.
Parents are not permitted to park, drop-off, or pick-up students from the left side of the Academy or on Manor Avenue.
- All parent pick-up vehicles must enter from Manor Avenue on the right side of the building (Campbell Drive). Parents will be directed by the traffic guard to loop around the building in order to pickup students.
- Bus pick-up for students from the Downingtown East High School attendance area will be along the fence that faces Kottmeyer Stadium. Bus pick-up for students from the Downingtown West High School attendance area will be at Downingtown West High School and Downingtown Middle School. Students will then walk to the Academy.
- Please make sure students are prepared for inclement weather. Parents are not permitted to park, drop-off, or pick-up students from the left side of the Academy or on Manor Avenue.
- For the safety of our students, it is essential that all drivers adhere to traffic patterns and regulations
Please review the student pick up and drop off procedures located under School Day on our Website.
Bus Passes are for Emergency use only. All bus rosters are full and only in the event of an emergency will a student be allowed to ride a different bus home. The request for a bus pass should come to the main office and will need approval from Mr. Campbell.
The 24-25 Parking Permit application opened for the Senior Class on Monday, August 5, and for the Junior Class on Monday, August 12. Please be reminded that students should use their DASD student email address to apply, as the permit is issued to the student driving the car on campus. Information regading parking permits can be found on our website in the Backpack. Additional parking permits are available this school year as construction on campus is winding down.
From the Nurse
- Online Registration: Please remember to complete the Online Registration for your child(ren). This will provide me with updated health information as well as give permission for over the counter medication this school year. Go to Infinite Campus Parent Portal to complete the process.
- Medication: Students are only permitted to carry emergency medication (Epinephrine, Asthma inhalers, and diabetes medication). Any medication to be administered during the school day, should follow our current medication policy (attach board policy) and complete the authorization for medication administration
- Please contact Ms. Jennifer Mikulich with any questions or concerns.
Important Links for Parents & Students
2024-2025 School Year
The DASD 2024-2025 Calendar was board approved on Wednesday, January 10, 2024. Please note the change in school start times as shared on the district website and noted below:
The schedule for the 2024-25 school year is as follows:
- Elementary (Grades K-6): 9:00 a.m.-3:35 p.m.
- Secondary (Grades 7-12): 8:00 a.m.-2:45 p.m.
- Infinite Campus: Student schedules, report cards, and access to updating the annual registration verification can be accessed here.
- Payschools: All Activity, Technology and Food services fees can be paid quickly and easily in this portal. (All parking permit fees should now be showing in student accounts.)
- Schoology: Many courses and classes are updated daily. This is a very important tool for communicating!
- Service Desk: Technology support can be accessed here. Please review the directions for the new platform for service desk request for the 24-25 school year.
Downingtown STEM Academy
The Downingtown STEM Academy is the third high school in the Downingtown Area School District. The STEM Academy opened in the fall of 2011 at 335 Manor Avenue, Downingtown, PA 19335.
The Academy is an IB World School offering every student the opportunity to earn an IB Diploma. The curriculum offers Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Pathways. Students are engaged in rigorous, challenging academic work that requires a mindset of growth and effort.
Email: stinfo@dasd.org
Website: https://st.dasd.org/
Location: 335 Manor Avenue, Downingtown, PA, USA
Phone: 610-269-2420