Panther Press
October 2024
Prairie Lane News
Monthly Event Calendar
10 No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences
11 No School
14 No School - Professional Learning
15 4th & 5th Music Program, WMS 6:00 pm
17 PLCC Fundraiser Day of Awesomeness
22 PL Community Club Meeting 6:30 pm
31 Halloween Fun 2:45-3:15 pm
8 Picture Retakes
26 PL Community Club Meeting 6:30 pm
27-29 No School
You can link to the live calendar at https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r/month?tab=mc.
Picture Retake Day is Friday, November 8th.
Halloween Fun - Thursday, October 31, 2024
Dear Prairie Lane Families,
We’re excited for our Halloween festivities this year!
Halloween Parties:
Each classroom will have a Halloween party on October 31st, organized by the Prairie Lane Community Club room parent and the homeroom teacher. Please watch for details from your room parent regarding volunteer opportunities, donations, and needed supplies. This year, the room parent and 4-5 volunteers will assist in making the party a fun event for the kids. Thank you for your support!
Halloween Parade:
All Prairie Lane families are invited to join us for the Halloween Parade, which will take place on the school field.
Parade Time: 3:05 PM
Location: Students will proceed around the track. Families, please gather along the field to watch the fun.
Costume Guidelines:
Students may bring a costume for the parade.
Costumes must be worn over their regular clothes.
For safety, students will not change clothes at school.
Costumes should be school-appropriate: no offensive, scary, or inappropriate themes.
No weapons (real or fake) are allowed as part of the costume.
Please, no makeup.
Students should bring their costumes in a clearly labeled bag. Costumes should not be worn to school.
Arrival Time for Families:
If you plan to join us for the parade, please arrive between 2:45 and 3:00 PM and gather along the field.
After the parade, students will return to their classrooms and prepare for dismissal at 3:30 PM as usual. Teachers will follow regular daily dismissal routines.
Thank you for helping us ensure a safe, respectful, and responsible Halloween celebration!
Lunch Guests
If you choose to have lunch with your child, please call the office before 9:00 am so we can let the kitchen know, and to ensure that there will be enough space in our Learning Commons area for families.
You Can Pay On Line!
As we settle into our new school year please take time to explore our online School Store and load your student's meal account and pay for your student’s school fees online at MySchoolBucks.com. If their account has fees that are due, you can securely pay for them using your credit/debit card or an e-check.
If you need assistance with your account, you can find helpful how-to videos and answers to commonly asked questions by visiting myschoolbucks.com. Or, you can contact MySchoolBucks directly by logging into your account to start a chat conversation or give them a call at (855) 832-5226.
Prairie Lane Community Club Information
Prairie Lane Community Club Welcomes You
We hope you join us for our next meeting on October 22nd at 6:30pm! Suggestions or comments can be directed to president.plcc@gmail.com
Westside Unified Events
District News
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