Correia Middle School News
February 9, 2025
Love/Handling Emotions
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all our parents, staff, and community sponsors for your tremendous support of the 80's Casino Night. Your contributions helped make it a truly unforgettable event! A special shout-out goes to FODAC for their unwavering dedication and hard work. Thank you!
Kyle Kupper
Please Help! Federal Impact Aid Survey Submission
Dear Parents and Guardians,
This is a friendly reminder that there are still 150 students who have not yet submitted either the hard copy or electronic version of the Federal Impact Aid Survey. All students have received, or will soon receive, a hard copy. All forms must be signed and dated by the Parent/Guardian.
The survey can be completed in PowerSchool in just a minute. We appreciate your quick attention to this important matter.
Federal Impact Aid Survey English
Federal Impact Aid Survey Spanish
Thank you!
Correia Administration
President's Day Holiday-No School
There will be no classes on February 14 and February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day. Classes resume on Tuesday, February 18.
Spelling Bee Winner!
Congratulations to Moses White, our Spelling Bee champion representing Correia at the Scripps Spelling Bee.
PrimeTime Tutoring - Math/English/Science/History/Spanish
Session Two of Primetime Tutoring will take place from January 7 to March 5. Parents do not need to enroll their students; interested students can simply attend on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3:15-4:15 p.m. in Room B-3 and 311.
After School Tutoring - Math/English/Science/History/Spanish
Afterschool Tutoring takes place on Mondays and Tuesdays from 3:00 to 4:00 PM in the Library. All students are welcome to attend, but they must stay for the entire hour and demonstrate respectful behavior. Students who do not adhere to these behavior guidelines will be asked to leave.
Correia Community Service
Community Service is in full effect with 8th graders working on their Action Phase and 7th graders logging their service hours. Students will need to complete their Community Service for eligibility to participate in End of the Year activities including Promotion.
7th Grade & 8th Grade EOY Requirements
An impressive 99% of our 8th grade students have committed to their projects! With creative service projects; such as, reading to younger children, Spanish tutoring, sweater contest for fundraising, figure skating lessons, gardening club, food baskets, dyslexia awareness, suicide prevention walk, wetsuit recycling, introducing music instruments to elementary schools, animal rescue, autism awareness and a whole lot more!
Save the date! 8th Grade Community Service Projects Exhibition Night
March 18th, 2025
Correia Middle School Career Fair 2025
We need you! We are seeking parents or community members for Career Fair.
Looking forward to your participation.
Career Fair Committee
Caught Being Awesome
Caught Being Awesome names for this week are:
Thanks to FODAC, we are enabling students in the Caugh Being Awesome program to earn Correia Bucks, which they can spend at the ASB Store. This is a fantastic way to contribute to the school community.
Caught Being Awesome names for this week are:
7th Grade:
Rayne Farque
Geneva Sannmann
8th Grade:
Valeria Avila
Sebastian Hart
Come to main office to claim a prize!
Correia has two counselors on staff to assist students and parents. Jessica Moreno supports 7/8 grade students with last names A-L and can be reached at jmoreno1@sandi.net. Estella Acosta supports 7/8 grade students with last names M-Z and can be reached at eacosta1@sandi.net. Both counselors can also be reached by calling 619-560-4809 x3056 or 3057.
Our main office is open every day from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. If your child must be absent from school, please call 619-560-4809 to report the absence or send an email to Joyce McDonald at jmcdonald1@sandi.net
If you would like to communicate with a staff member, please check our website for email addresses. Email is the most efficient method of communication. You may also call 619-560-4809.
Our website is our primary communication tool and is updated weekly. Check out the School News section for up-to-date communications. You will find answers to most questions on our website.
In addition, the Correia Staff works together to create a weekly SMORE newsletter that is informative, relevant, and time-sensitive. Newsletters are sent to the parent email address recorded in PowerSchool. Parents can access PowerSchool by following this link: https://powerschool.sandi.net/public/
ParentConnection accounts transfer from one school to another as your child matriculates. Parents who do not have an existing ParentConnection account can create one by following the “Create an Account” directions found on the link above. A job-aid is available as well. You will need the following information when creating an account:
Student Name: INSERT NAME
Access Password: INSERT PASSWORD
In an effort to be environmentally friendly, we rarely send home paper flyers. Please verify your email address is entered correctly.
All 7th graders need verification of immunizations for:
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis - 1 dose
Varicella (Chickenpox) - 2 doses
If you have not submitted an up-to-date shot record at a previous school, please email the SDUSD program Nurse for Immunization, Adrienne Lenhoff at alenhoff@sandi.net, and please copy our nurse, Mrs. Soriano at psoriano@sandi.net.
Thank you!
Sexual Health Education
At Correia Middle School, this program will be taught by 8th grade Science teachers. Correia Science teachers will teach the 10 Sexual Health Lessons in two windows:
Parents may preview the scope and sequence and all ten lessons on the SDUSD Website:
Families of 7th Graders who missed the SHEP program in 6th grade are welcome to visit the Sexual Health Education Program website, where you could view the Parent and Family Resources and Curriculum webpages for lessons, information, and other resources to guide discussions with children about sexuality and relationships. We know this does not replace the value of the Sexual Health instructional program and will continue to advocate for additional resources and support.
Order your Correia gear and support your school!
Looking Ahead
March 18-Community Project Exhibition
March -28-Additional Min. Day
3/27-Picture Yourself a Pointer
March 28-Min. Day
March 31-April 4 -Spring Break
May 15-Spring Concert
May 22-7th, 8th Grade and CIMA Awards Celebration
May 23-Additional Min. Day
May 26-Memorial Day
May 29-8th Grade Promotion
May 29-Last Day of School
May 15-Spring Concert
May 22-7th, 8th Grade and CIMA Awards Celebration
May 23-Additional Min. Day
May 29-8th Grade Promotion
Email: hhernandez@sandi.net
Website: correiamiddle.com
Location: 4302 Valeta Street, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: 619-560-4809