Carver Family Newsletter
September 23, 2012
Greetings from the Principal's Office
We are now in my favorite season, which is Fall! My favorite parts of fall are cozy sweaters, crisp fall leaves, hot coffee, and amazingly beautiful fall sunsets. Oh, and football!
Here is a photo of one of my favorite fall scenes! Enjoy!
~Principal Manning
PS: #DaBears win over Cincinnati was a bit too close for my nerves. I hope they prevail over Cleveland this weekend! #BearDown
Principal's Coffee Chat
The coffee chat is an opportunity to have an informal conversation with the Principal about the latest news and updates regarding the school.
Our first coffee chat will be via zoom on Thursday, September 30, 2021 at 5:00PM. Click here to join.
Carver Book Mobile
The goal of the Bookmobile is to provide students with a wide variety of books they can take with them, read now, save for later, and have ownership of the books. I have printed up bookplates so that children can put their names in the books and have some ownership. Unlike the library, students will not need to return the books unless they choose to.
Many of the books come from the Children's Book Project, the SFPL, and friends. They are organized by age groups and range from board books to graphic novels. Most books will be for children ages 3-12.
I will be on the upper yard at Carver Elementary School on Saturday, September 25, 2021 from 1:00-4:00pm.
Greetings from Mr. Coopersmith
My name is Mr. Coopersmith and I teach instrumental music at Carver. I have been teaching here at carver for 5 years going on 6. I will be teaching music instruments to all 4th and 5th graders this year in Room 113. 4th grade will meet every Wednesday 12:30-1:10, and 5th will meet every Friday 12:30-1:10. Kids will learn Violin, Drumming, Ukulele, and Music Production. Feel free to reach out via email at any time and…Stay tuned for opportunities to see them perform for you!
Greetings from Assistant Principal Ari re: LatinX Heritage Month
Dear Carver families,
Happy Latinx Heritage Month! I am putting together resources for our teachers to celebrate the contributions of Latinx people. If you would like to share an aspect of Latinx culture with the students, please talk to me before or after school, or email me at Thanks, Ms. Ari
Estimadas familias de Carver,
¡Feliz Mes de la Herencia Latinx! Estoy reuniendo recursos para que nuestros maestros celebren las contribuciones de las personas Latinx. Si desea compartir un aspecto de la cultura Latinx con los estudiantes, por favor hable conmigo antes o después de la escuela, o envíeme un correo electrónico a
Gracias, Ms. Ari