Evergreen Middle School
March 21, 2024
Message From Principal Collins
Hello Evergreen Friends and Families,
We are almost through the month of March. This school year we have brought into our school the science of HOPE. With hope comes happiness. This concept of cultivating happiness is one that I hope you, we can all join in to explore further. study that indicates that 50% of our happiness in life is predetermined through genetics—essentially the way we are wired. Only 10% of our happiness quotient is extrinsic or comes to us through external factors like doing well on a test, getting a job promotion, etc. The remaining 40% of our ability to be happy is based on intrinsic factors such as the habits we develop, the hobbies we engage in, or relationships we develop with others and with God. This is so important for us to keep in mind! In a world where we are constantly bombarded by advertisements and social media that tell us to buy certain products or services because “you deserve to be happy” we need to remember that this isn’t necessarily true. None of us “deserves'' anything. If we want happiness, we need to work at cultivating it. At a time in history when 42% of teenagers surveyed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control report being persistently sad or hopeless and 22% report that they have seriously contemplated suicide, we must teach our young people that happiness isn’t something to acquire passively—they need to go out and actively seek happiness for themselves. We are all responsible for creating our own happiness! I share this with you because this time in the school year can be a challenge for teachers and parents in dealing with our young people. Students grow tired and weary this time of year, and many are counting the days to Spring break.
That brings me back to the theme I opened with, the art of cultivating happiness. Please have conversations with your child about rigor and balance, please don’t forget to mention the 40% rule. Instead of focusing solely on the things that make them unhappy like work load, homework, tests, etc. help your student brainstorm the things that bring them joy—hobbies, spending time with family and friends, listening to music, etc. In teaching your son or daughter to cultivate joy when they are feeling overwhelmed or depressed, you are strengthening a skill they will use for the rest of their lives, long after they have graduated from high school and college.
Student-led Led Conferences are next week. Make sure to connect with your child’s advisory teacher to set your appointment. I am looking forward to seeing you all next week.
We will be going on spring break April 1st -April 5th. As the break approaches, may you relish precious moments with loved ones, returning rejuvenated for the final term ahead!
LOST AND FOUND- Our lost and found is growing! Please encourage your scholar to check the lost and found for sweatshirts, jackets, water bottles, and lunch boxes. When you come to the school during SLCs swing by the lost and found you may find a long-lost jacket of your scholars.
Thank you for being a part of the Grizzly family.
Your Partner in Education,
Mrs. Collins
253 945 5100
Updated Policy on Repeat Cell Phone Violators
Student Led Conferences March 27-29. Set up your appt with the advisory teacher
Different Schools, Different Rules
Something that interests me is how different schools do things differently. Let’s take Evergreen’s cell phone policy, for example. We implemented the policy both for the safety of the children, and to ensure that they were getting a high-quality education. Other schools have chosen to allow cell phones, to mixed results. At my last school, students were very responsible with their phones at school, and as an administrator, we only needed to deal with cell phone issues once or twice a week. At another school I recently visited in the area, I observed some classes having as many as half of their students on Tik Tok and messaging apps while their teacher was desperately trying to get them to pay attention to the lesson.
There are more differences between schools than meets the eye. I recently visited a school where the students were not grouped by age or grade, but by level. I observed lessons in which older students were with younger students, and younger students were with older students. It was different – striking, even - but the model won me over when I observed older students, who were labeled as non-readers and “dyslexic” in their previous schools, able to get the instruction that met their needs.
As a parent, it can be difficult to find the information about what makes your school the school it is. Schools have hidden personalities and quirks that make them unique. Is my child’s school strict, permissive, traditional, progressive, teacher-led, student-led or some sort of blend? Often enough, the school your child goes to is still figuring out what it wants to be. What I suggest is you give me a call at 253-945-5121 so you can ask me your questions. As the instructional coach at Evergreen, I know this place in and out, and I’d love to start a conversation.
Zach Groshell, Ph.D.
Instructional Coach
Evergreen Middle School
Yearbook sales resume March 27th. Get yours before they sell out
Important Dates
03/26 Tue- Girls Gymnastics- Varsity- District Meet @ Kilo
03/27 Wed- Popcorn Wednesdays! $1 a bag
03/27-03/29- Student Led Conferences- schedule with your advisory teacher
- 03/27 Wed- Normal School Day & Conferences 3:30 pm-5:30 pm
- 03/28 Thur- SLC's 10:30am-12pm & 3pm-7pm
- 03/29 Fri- SLC's 7am-10:30am
April 1-5- Spring Break- No School
04/08 Mon- Spring Sports Season starts
04/09 Tues- iReady testing starts
04/10 Wed- Popcorn Wednesdays! $1 a bag
04/12 Fri- Early Release Friday's, out at 1:15pm