The Weekly Update
La Mesa Junior High --March 17 2023
Principal's Message
Greetings Lobo Families!
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We are One Hart, with our goal to make Every Student...Opportunity Ready!
Please take a look below for information on upcoming events and community resources available to students and families.
Happy St. Patrick's Day and final day of the 3rd Quarter! We hope you all had a wonderful 3rd quarter and that your student took advantage of all the resources available to them. The biggest announcement for this upcoming week is that Thursday is our Open House! Please see the details of this event listed below. We hope to see you all for this fun night together at La Mesa!
This coming week, I will be speaking on La Mesa Live on Monday to encourage all our students to be Respectful...Work Hard and Be Kind! Feel free to tune in and hear this message as part of our morning broadcast.
There are so many great opportunities for students and parents listed in this update. I hope you take the time to read through all of the exciting things happening at La Mesa!
These 3 options are listed below to stay connected here at La Mesa:
LA MESA LIVE: Subscribe Here
La Mesa Instagram Profile: lamesajhs
La Mesa ASB Profile: @lmjhasb
We hope you have a great weekend!
Kullen Welch - Principal
Upcoming Dates
3/20 - 3/24 - La Mesa Book Fair
3/20 - Hart Games
3/21 - Golden Valley Panera Bread Fundraiser Night / 4/8pm.
3/22 - Early Release
3/23 - Open House / Minimum Day
3/24 - Minimum Day
3/26 - Trent Irwin Football Camp
La Mesa Book Fair
March 20-24.
The book fair is here!! You can check out book selections early by visiting our fair homepage and scrolling down to explore the digital flyer. Students will bring home a paper copy this week as well.
To support your team teachers in building classroom libraries, visit our team wish lists and make a donation to your child's English teacher's eWallet. Any funds deposited into teacher eWallets this week will be available for teachers to use next week to shop for their classroom.
Thank you in advance for supporting literacy at La Mesa!
Open House is coming on March 23
* Food will be provided (Hot Dog, chips, drink)
* Kona Ice will be available for purchase
* Jazz Band Performance begins at 5:45pm
Golden Valley will be having a special meeting for all of our current 8th grade families in our MPR.
Incoming 7th Grade students and families are invited to a special introductory meeting to help start the process of transitioning to Junior High at La Mesa!
Open House Festivities Begin in the Quad with Classroom Visits.
Minimum Days
Please be aware of upcoming Minimum Days on
March 23 and 24.
Both days will have a school dismissal of 12:45pm.
Panera Bread Fundraiser
La Mesa PAC is hosting a Panera Bread Fundraiser at the Golden Valley Location.
Tuesday, Mar 21, 2023, 04:00 PM
Panera Bread, Golden Valley Road, Santa Clarita, CA, USA
Current 8th Graders! - Message from Sal Frias, Golden Valley Principal
Good afternoon, La Mesa 8th Grade Families and future Grizzlies. This is Mr. Frias, proud principal here of Golden Valley High School. This is your first communication from me but to be followed by many more over the next few years. Today your students came to GV to participate in our annual Black and Gold Day. It's a day of visiting, seeing GV performances, and learning more about what GV has to offer as your students prepare to be at GV. Your student probably signed up for a few activities. I hope you can discuss this with your student and become part of the process of becoming a Grizzly.
For parents, there are upcoming opportunities that are on the attached email in a little more detail than this communication.
March 23 - I will be leading a GV team effort at 5 pm before the La Mesa Open House on 3/23/23. This is a parent information meeting sharing GV highlights, counseling and athletic department information. Opportunities for parent involvement will also be shared.
* This Meeting will take place in the La Mesa MPR
March 30 - The following week on 3/30/23 our GV Open House is at 6:00 pm and begins with performances and classroom, program visits and a PAC 50/50 opportunity will take place.
After Spring Break tours are scheduled of our beautiful campus. This information is on the attachment and is currently being put onto our website.
I look forward to seeing you either again, or if it's for the first time. Welcome to GV!
Summer School 2023
Summer School is fast approaching and there are many opportunities available for your student. Please click on the link below that applies to your student for more information and an opportunity our counselors are offering for an informational meeting.
Wellness Update
Click HERE for an infographic with education on the importance of sleep for teens and tips on sleep hygiene.
Many Families One Community Rescheduled
Attention All Football Players
Please click HERE for more information about the FREE football camp with Trent Irwin, wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals and former Hart High Graduate.
Soccer Camp
Castaic Boys Soccer will be hosting a Spring Break Soccer Camp from 4/5 - 4/7 from 8am-12pm daily. 7th and 8th graders can train with Castaic Soccer staff and players Wednesday - Friday.
The cost is $35 if participants register by 3/25 and $40 if registered after 3/25.
Cost incluses a T-Shirt.
Healthy Choices Curriculum
Healthy Choices Curriculum is a specialized State Mandated Curriculum that is taught through your student's Science and Physical Education classes. I hope you were able to come to our Zoom Sessions where we explained and showed the curriculum.
If you would like to see the curriculum in person, you are welcome to come to the La Mesa Campus to go through the curriculum and verify what will be taught to your student. If you would like to see the video clips used for the lessons, you may see those by clicking HERE
If you would like to opt out of any part of the curriculum, you may do so by going HERE and completed the opt out form for La Mesa.
Santa Clarita Resources
La Mesa Counseling
Vision - The comprehensive counseling department at La Mesa proactively supports ALL students to learn with vigor, lead with vision, and live with value. ALL students will be opportunity ready through data-driven guidance and development in their academics, career and college goals, and social-emotional wellness.
Mission - The mission of the La Mesa counseling department is to engage in a flexible learning community that positively impacts the lives of ALL students in a nurturing environment. To do this we collaborate with our stakeholders to provide support and advocate for ALL students in achieving their academic and personal goals. Working in coordination with our families, teachers, administrators, support staff and community members, we strive to cultivate equity and inclusivity for ALL students in their behavioral and mindset development.
Howl Den
Do you need food or winter clothes? Come and visit our HOWL Den where you will find pasta, pasta sauce, canned fruits and vegetables, beans of all kinds, rice, cereals, winter jackets, sweaters, and many others. These resources are FREE to our families. Please use the link below to make an appointment.
¿Necesitas comida o ropa de invierno? Ven y visita nuestro Howl Den donde encontrarás pastas, salsa para pasta, frutas y verduras enlatadas, frijoles de todo tipo, arroz, cereales, chaquetas de invierno, suéteres y muchos otros. Estos recursos son gratuitos para nuestras familias. Utilice el siguiente enlace para hacer una cita.
Stay Informed of School Policies...
Nondiscrimination Statement
The William S. Hart Union High School District prohibits unlawful discrimination against and/or harassment of any student, employee, or job applicant on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, ancestry, religion, age, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, military or veteran status, political affiliation, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, sexual orientation, or any other basis prohibited by state and federal nondiscrimination laws, respectively, at any District site and/or activity. The William S. Hart Union High School District also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. All inquiries regarding discrimination, civil rights, Title II, and/or Title IX should be directed to Mark Crawford, Director of Human Resources. Complaints regarding 504 plans should be directed to Erum Velek, Director of Student Services. Both can be reached at the William S. Hart Union High School District, 21380 Centre Pointe Pkwy, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, or by phone (661) 259-0033, or by email: UCP@hartdistrict.org.
El Distrito de Escuelas Secundarias William S. Hart Union prohíbe la discriminación ilegal y/o el acoso de cualquier estudiante, empleado o solicitante de empleo en base a la raza, el color, el origen étnico, el origen nacional, el estado migratorio, la ascendencia, la religión, la edad, reales o percibidos. , estado civil, embarazo, estado parental, discapacidad física o mental, condición médica, estado militar o de veterano, afiliación política, sexo, género, identidad de género, expresión de género, información genética, orientación sexual o cualquier otra base prohibida por leyes estatales y federales. leyes de no discriminación, respectivamente, en cualquier sitio y/o actividad del Distrito. El Distrito de Escuelas Secundarias William S. Hart Union también brinda igualdad de acceso a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos juveniles designados. Todas las consultas sobre discriminación, derechos civiles, Título II y/o Título IX deben dirigirse a Mark Crawford, Director de Recursos Humanos. Las quejas sobre los planes 504 deben dirigirse a Erum Velek, Director de Servicios Estudiantiles. Se puede comunicar con ambos en William S. Hart Union High School District, 21380 Center Pointe Pkwy, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, o por teléfono (661) 259-0033, o por correo electrónico: UCP@hartdistrict.org .