F&P Benchmark Assessments
Flipped PD | Leveling Your Students
Getting Ready for Guided Reading!
Before you go any further....breathe.....sit down.....and tell yourself 'it's going to be ok!" We are about to dive into our first round of benchmark assessments. These assessments will help you level students and get ready for guided reading groups.
This newsletter is to help give you the basics now for administering the Word List assessment and a Running Record. Please review the videos and note any questions you may have. We will get together on Monday, August 8 during each grade level's common plan time and discuss. In addition, if you would like for me to help you by either modeling how to do an assessment or assist in assessing your kids, please email me by Saturday, Aug 6, and we will set up times to do it.
Step One: Word List Assessment | August 9 - 17, 2016
Between Tuesdady, August 9 and Wednesday, August 17, we will focus only on the Word List Assessment. The assessment is given one-on-one and should only take approximately 5-7 minutes per student. Depending on the number of students in your class, you can divide them up and do a small number (4-6) of students each day. You can do the assessments during your Literacy block while students are reading quietly and/or working on an independent activity.
Below are two videos showing how to administer the Word List Assessment. The first is for K-2 and the second one is for 3-5. Everyone should have their Assessment Packet. If you need any additional word lists, please let me know and I will get them for you.
F&P Word List Tutorial K-2
F&P Word List Tutorial 3-5
Step 2: Determine Level of Text for Running Record
Using the chart from the Word List Assessment (on your "how-to" sheet), determine the level of text needed to administer the running record assessment.
Step 3: Administer the Running Record
This involves assessing each student's reading level using a Running Record. Below are several videos to help you get familiarized with the process. We will work on developing a schedule for getting students assessed and get the necessary materials together you will need. We will begin this process the week after we complete the Word List Assessment.
Fountas & Pinnell Running Record
Running Record Assessment with a 6-Year-Old Boy
Running Record Analysis
F and P Benchmark Assessment Sample