August Back to School Newsletter
August 2024 Bronc and Filly Flyer
The Principal's Message
Dear Cody Middle School Community,
As the principal of Cody Middle School, it is my pleasure to welcome you to another promising school year. Our school is well know throughout the state for its academic excellence and high performance. We celebrate and take great pride in our students' achievements and the exceptional quality of our staff.
Since its adoption in 2016, Cody Middle School has consistently outperformed the state average on the Wyoming Test of Proficiency and Progress (WY-TOPP), a testament to our commitment to academic excellence. Our experienced staff brings extensive knowledge in their content areas and a deep understanding of adolescent development, ensuring that our students receive the best education possible during these formative middle school years.
Cody Middle School also offers unique learning opportunities that set us apart from other public schools. For example, last year Cody Middle School had partnerships with the Cody Police Department, Cody Regional Health, Wyoming Game & Fish, the Park County Public Library, the Park County Animal Shelter, the Wyoming Civil Air Patrol, and several other businesses and organizations all in an effort to provide students with unique enrichment opportunities not seen in in a traditional classroom setting. In the 2023 - 2024 school year our students also excelled in numerous academic competitions throughout the state, including Challenge of the Books, Science Fair, World Language Days, and National History Day. In addition to academic achievements, our students also performed well in the athletic arena, earning multiple conference championships. I look forward to seeing what our students will achieve this upcoming school year!
My goal as the principal of Cody Middle School is provide our staff and students with a safe learning environment and to serve all of our stakeholders to the best of my ability each and every day. Middle school is a unique and critical period in a young person's life, and our staff is well-equipped to support students in their learning, achievement, and growth.
I strongly encourage parents and guardians to take an active role in their student's education. We believe that regular communication between parents and teachers is crucial. Attending parent-teacher conferences, participating in our Kid’s First Parent Group, and engaging in school events and activities are excellent ways to get involved. Be curious about what your student is learning, ask questions, and help your student take full advantage of the opportunities we offer.
I am confident that together we can ensure that every student at Cody Middle School has a successful and enriching school year. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. Go Broncs and Fillies!
Jacob R. Gogan
Cody Middle School
At-A-Glance Important Upcoming Dates
🏫 Monday, August 12 - 8:15 am - 4:00 pm | Building open to the public, student schedules released on Powerschool, and returning student registration due
🏫 Tuesday, August 13 - 8:15 - 4:00 pm | Building open to the public
🔕 Wednesday, August 14 - Friday, August 16 | Teacher In-Service & Building closed to the public; Front Office will be open for payment of fees and sports signups
🏫 Monday, August 19 - 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm | 6th Grade Orientation
🏫 Monday, August 19 - 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm | CMS Open House; Parent Teacher Conferences
🔕 Tuesday, August 20 | Teacher Workday & Building closed to the public; Front Office will be open for payment of fees and sports signups
🏈 Tuesday, August 20 - 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm | Football Gear Checkout
🎓 Wednesday, August 21 - 8:15 am - 3:30 pm | 1st Day of School
🎷 Thursday, August 22 - 6:00 pm | Band Rental Night
🏅 Wednesday, August 21 - After 3:30 | Fall Sports Practices Begin
📸 Wednesday, August 28 | School Pictures (Girls)
📸 Thursday, August 29 | School Pictures (Boys)
School Attendance Matters!
Cody Middle School requires attendance for purposes of successfully completing and satisfactorily earning a grade in any class or course. Any student missing more than 10 days of school in a given semester will receive written notification, and face potential consequences including, but not limited to, a mandatory conference with administration, the development of an attendance plan, agreement to an attendance contract, and/or referral to the county attorney for poor attendance (W.S. 21-4-104).
It is the parents'/guardians’ responsibility to see that their child(ren) attend school regularly
and to inform the school when their child is absent. Excused absences shall require the parent/guardian to notify the school within 48 hours of the following: a death or serious illness in the student's family; illness; injury; or the health care needs of the student. All other absences shall be considered unexcused unless approved by the administration.
Required Student ID
If your student rides any bus, please make sure they have their Student ID. PCSD6 Transportation will begin strictly enforcing the use of Student IDs on all buses, including in-town field trips. PCSD6 wants to make sure all students are safe and accounted for as well as be able to identify when and where they get on and off the bus. If your student requires a new Student ID, please let the Cody Middle School Front Office know and we will provide you with a replacement card form that you can return to us along with a $5 ID replacement fee. If you have questions, please call the PCSD6 Transportation Department at 307-587-2851.
Canvas and PowerSchool
Canvas houses the assignments. PowerSchool houses the attendance and grades.
Canvas Online Learning Portal
Canvas is the course management system / online learning platform of Park County School District 6. Canvas is used throughout PCSD6 Schools to enhance the traditional classroom education that students receive. Canvas allows for staff and students to utilize a hybrid or blended model of learning. It allows teachers to post assessments, assignments, information, and grades online. Canvas offers discussion boards for asynchronous discussions, chat rooms for live discussions, and it provides students with a password-protected online classroom in which they can submit work and communicate with their teacher and classmates. Cody Middle School encourages students and parents/guardians to become familiar with the Canvas environment and its tools in order to succeed in their coursework. Students should check Canvas daily.
PowerSchool is a tool provided by the district to improve communication related to student attendance, academic progress, and grades. Parents and students each receive a username and password to access the PowerSchool Portal. If you need access, please contact the CMS Student Services Office for support. Teachers are required to update grades weekly. Attendance and grades can be checked at any time through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. It is highly encouraged for all parents/guardians to utilize this tool in order to monitor their student’s attendance, grades, and work completion.
Standards-Based Education Information
Cody Middle School's curriculum is based on the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) Content and Performance Standards. As such, the terms standard-based and standards-referenced are commonly used to describe our approach to assessing and reporting student learning and performance. If these terms are unfamiliar to you, here are brief definitions for both.
Standard-Based Grades
Standard-based grading is an assessment system that focuses on students' proficiency and mastery of specific academic standards. Cody Middle School utilizes traditional letter grades and students are evaluated based on their understanding and proficiency in key concepts outlined in WDE' Content and Performance Standards.
Standards-Referenced Grades
Standards-referenced grading is a method of assessment that links students' learning and performance directly to standards. Students are evaluated based on their achievement of these standards, and grades reflect the extent to which they have met the established criteria. This approach emphasizes a clear connection between what students are expected to learn and how their learning is assessed, providing transparency and alignment with educational objectives.
August Breakfast Menu
August Lunch Menus
CMS School Nutrition
The PCSD6 School Nutrition Department would like to ensure that all students who want breakfast or lunch receive that meal. In order to receive meals all students will need to present their Student Identification (ID) Card to the nutrition supervisor upon request. Students who fail to present their ID may be served last. The PCSD6 School Nutrition Department does not want to take food away from or deny any student in the serving line. However, excessive negative balances in students’ accounts necessitate the protocols listed below.
Account Balance Information
Low balance (3 meals remaining) equal to or up to a $5 negative balance
The Food Service Supervisor will tell the student that they need money in their account and they will notify the parent/guardian when there is a negative balance.
A negative balance equal to or greater than $10
School Office Staff may call and will mail letter #1, signed by the principal, along with a Free & Reduced Meals application to the student's home.
A negative balance equal to or greater than $15
School Office Staff will mail letter #2 signed by the principal to the student's home. The Principal and/or School Counselor will conference with the family to seek out solutions.
A negative balance equal to or greater than $25
School Office Staff will mail letter #3 signed by the principal to the student's home; no further meals are served. The Principal and/or School Counselor will conference with the family to seek out solutions.