Hickory Ridge Highlights
January 12, 2024
Dear Hickory Ridge Families,
This week students in 2nd through 5th grade will take the middle of the year reading and math MAP Growth Test which will help teachers understand how student are growing since the beginning of the school year. Results will be shared at conferences or sent home by Feb 20th.
Also this week all students will be administered the middle of the year DIBELS benchmark test. These quick DIBELS tests provide teachers with information about your child’s reading and how well he or she is progressing on a particular reading skill. Benchmark assessments generally take 2 to 6 minutes to give, depending on the grade. These results will be shared by Feb 20th.
Log into ProgressBook to view your child's report card. Spring conferences are scheduled for February 20th. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your child's teacher. We are looking forward to a fantastic second semester!
Help us celebrate our outstanding staff by nominating a deserving BCSD employee for the "B" For Excellence Award. Whether they inspire in the classroom, serve behind the scenes, or support our students in countless other ways, your nomination will help recognize those who truly embody the spirit of Brunswick Schools. Nominations for the second round of awards will close on January 17th. Use this NOMINATION FORM to recognize an employee.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Mrs. Bailey
Hickory Ridge Elementary
1/13 - DIBELS Testing begins for two weeks
1/15 - MAPS Testing ELA
1/16 - MAPS Testing Math
1/16 - Book Worms Club 3:30 pm
1/17 - Child Protection Lessons Grades 1, 2, 3
1/20 - NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/22 - Coding Club 7:45 am
1/23 - Healthy Hound Dogs Group 2 (Grades 4-5) 7:45 am
1/23 - Fire Drill
1/24 - HOUSE MEETING 2:30 pm (Wear House Shirt)
1/29 - Safety Drill
1/29 - Book Worms 3:30 pm
1/29 - LEGO Club Session 2 3:30 pm
1/31 - Child Protection Lessons Grades K, 4, 5
Attendance Reminder
Journey of a Blue Devil Students of the Month
Photos From The Week
PTG News
Neon Bingo Night will be Friday, February 28th
Spring Dance will be Friday, April 11th
Field Day will be Friday, May 23rd (with a rain out date of May 27th)
Thank you to those that attended our PTG meeting on Wednesday, January 8th. The remainder of our meetings will take place on March 5th, April 2nd, & May 7th.
The first Friday of every month is POPCORN FRIDAY! PTG pops up this yummy, crunchy treat for just $.50 per box. Next Popcorn Friday is February 7th.
These are easy opportunities to support our school while also supporting a local business. Upcoming dine to donates are:
Chick Fil A - January 13th from 4-9 PM
Marcos Pizza - January 15th from 11 AM - 11 PM
Dairy Queen - April 2nd from 5-8 PM
Please reach out to us via our email hrptg@bcsoh.org with any questions, comments, suggestions you may have!
Like us on Facebook @HickoryRidgePTG & Follow us on Twitter @HickoryRidgeOH!
January Counselor's Corner
Happy New Year, welcome to 2025!! I hope you all had a great winter break and are refreshed for the new year. If you have counseling concerns about your child, please continue to use the counselor referral request form on the principal’s newsletter. Or you can call or email me directly at the contact information listed below.
Our Second Step SEL classroom lessons for January will begin our focus on Emotion Management. It’s normal and ok to have strong feelings but it’s important that we learn ways to help us calm down to deal with these feelings. We will talk about using belly breathing, counting and positive self-talk to help them calm down. Ask your child what works best for them when they’re having strong uncomfortable feelings. Please remember there are activities and explanations of the Second Step lessons online. Please see the parent links (listed below in this newsletter) for more information and how you can work with your child on these concepts at home to help with their social emotional learning.
Help Your Child Start the New Year on the Right Track
These ideas will help get your child back into the swing of things now that winter break is over:
Remind your child that school is very important and that you expect them to do their best.
Help your child set some new goals for improving his/her school performance–like bringing a math grade up or doing homework on time.
Make a new schedule for after school activities. Include adequate time for homework and studying.
Help your child clean out their backpack and agendas. Sort and file old papers.
Set limits on TV, games and other electronic devices.
Revive or start a family reading time.
Reestablish a reasonable school-night bedtime.
Get your child back into the habit of getting ready the night before school. Set out clothes, pack lunch, get papers signed, and put the backpack by the front door.
If you have questions or concerns, call your child’s teacher or counselor for ideas and recommendations.
Source: Parents Make the Difference, The Parent Institute.
The Second Step Program has a link that parents can utilize to reinforce the skills that their children have learned for the week. All you need to do is the following:
Use this link www.SecondStep.org then enter the following Activation Key:
Kindergarten- SSPK FAMILY70 Look for Lessons under Home Link
1st Grade-SSP1 FAMILY71 Look for Lessons under Home Link
2nd Grade-SSP2 FAMILY72 Look for Lessons under Home Link
3rd Grade-SSP3 FAMILY73 Look for Lessons under Home Link
4th Grade-SSP4 FAMILY74 Look for Lessons under Home Link
5th Grade-SSP5 FAMILY75 Look for Lessons under Home Link
Families, at times, struggle to make ends meet. See links below for local food distribution centers and food banks.
Please contact me via the Mach Form attached to the Principal’s newsletter if you have any questions or concerns about your child. In addition here is a link to outside counseling services.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me:
Leanne Lalos
School Counselor
Brunswick City Schools
Hickory Ridge Elementary School
330-225-7731 ext. 1518
Birthday Sign Recognition
School Fees & Lunch Account
Over the summer, BCSD transitioned our lunch and student fee payment system to a new vendor, PaySchools. Click here for PaySchools Central to register and create your account.
Please note that any balances on your student’s lunch accounts (from MySchoolBucks) have already been transferred to PaySchools and will be available immediately upon creating your account in PaySchools. Also, any outstanding student class fees have been transferred to PaySchools. You will also have the option to pay any Athletic and Marching Band Pay to Participate fees through your PaySchools account.
Additionally, parents interested in applying for free and reduced lunches can submit applications starting July 31, 2024, using their PaySchools account.
There are no fees involved when paying your student's fees online.
There will be a small transaction fee for the Meal Accounts.
Credit/Debit Cards (Transactions less than $25.00) $1.65 per transaction
Credit/Debit Cards (Transactions $25 to $49.99) $2.00 per transaction
Credit/Debit Cards (Transactions greater than $49.99) 4.5%
Electronic Check (All transaction amounts) $1.75 per transaction
Several PaySchool links are provided below. At the bottom of each informational document, you will find PaySchools customer service contact information. Feel free to reach out to PaySchools if you encounter a problem when creating your account.
If you have a district-related question regarding your fees please contact Tina Campbell, Administrative Assistant to the Treasurer, at tcampbell@bcsoh.org. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with this transition.
PaySchools Parent Registration
PaySchools Free and Reduced Application
Newsletters From the Superintendent
In case you missed an email message from our school Superintendent Mr. Niedermeyer. Click here to view all previously sent notifications.
Right at School
Right at School will be returning to Hickory Ridge to provide before and after school programming. For additional information or to sign up, please https://ras.news/enroll.
School Fees
You can pay your child’s fees through PaySchools beginning the first day of school and at any time throughout the school year. Checks made out to Brunswick City Schools will also be accepted in the main office.
If you pick up your child early, please email the teacher and the secretary, Mrs. Hovanec, at thovanec@bcsoh.org.
Student Handbook
Nurse- Mrs. Venere
Student Grades
See Something Say Something
Parent Mentors
Kim Hawkins khawkins@bcsoh.org 330-225-7731 ext. 1533
Click here for more information
B for Excellence
Free & Reduced Lunch
Chromebook HELP
Parent Volunteers
Hickory Ridge Elementary
Website: https://www.bcsoh.org/Domain/12
Location: 4628 Hickory Ridge Avenue, Brunswick, OH, USA
Phone: (330) 273-0483
Twitter: @BCSDHRidge