August 12, 2024

August 12, 2024
Millennium Families,
We had a great first week of the school year welcoming back all of our students on campus. Thank you for your patience as everyone gets adjusted back into a routine. Students are getting adjusted and finding the best route to each of their classes. Lunch time seems to be flowing smoothly and everyone is getting fed in a timely manner. I know there are a lot of cars arriving and departing campus at the same time. Thank you for taking extra precaution during these times.
I am excited about our transition to digital IDs this year. This adds another layer of protection for our community. They will be able to access them with any electronic device - cell phone, Chromebook, etc. The digital IDs will take the place of the printed IDs we have used in the past. Students will use them for getting on the bus, entering campus, bookstore purchases, lunch purchases, etc. This week during advisory students will learn how to access their digital IDs. No more sending students to the bookstore for replacement IDs because they forget them at home. 😄 You will find more information below about the digital ID platform, Minga.
This week several of our fall sports will begin tryouts. The schedule for tryouts is listed below. Reminder all our students must be clear in Final Forms prior to tryouts.
Good luck to all our student athletes!
Nichole Bundy
Millennium High School
Millennium HS is a member of the Agua Fria High School District family of schools
Digital IDs
We're excited to introduce Minga, a new platform designed to make your child’s school experience easier and safer. At Millennium, we’re committed to providing a safe and supportive environment, and Minga helps us achieve that goal.
What this means for your child:
Access digital IDs and school updates from any school-issued or personal device at app.minga.io using their school email credentials. The app can be accessed through a 1-1 device (a school laptop, notebook, tablet, or other mobile computing device).
Stay informed with important school announcements and events, fostering school community and spirit.
Automates tasks like attendance and event check-in making it easier to focus on learning.
We take safety and security seriously and so does Minga. Learn more about Minga and its security features in the Welcome to Minga Family Guide.
If you have any questions or need further help please refer to the Minga Help Center or contact us directly.
Dual Enrollment
Courses that are eligible for dual enrollment with either EMCC or Rio Salado will be able to sign up and enroll this week. Please see the counseling section below for more information. Teachers have been making this announcement with their classes about this opportunity.
Join Millennium Hype Squad
Are you MHS's Biggest Fan? Become an Official Student Section Leader - Get hyped at games and leave a legacy.
We need leaders who are... Excited to lead cheers and get crazy Passionate about TIGER Athletics Motivated, ambitious and hard-working Willing to work and plan behind the scenes Wanting to make an impact and build a brand. Does that sound like you? Apply on the link below.
Google Classroom: bhyudwv
Dance Club Meeting
The first Dance Club meeting of the year will be Tuesday, August 20th from 2:15 to 2:35 in the new dance room, N122. Open to all MHS students and no dance experience is necessary! Meet our officers, learn about the club and performance opportunities etc.. Regular meetings will run 2:15 to 2:55 starting August 27th. We hope to see you there!
Dance Club Tshirts
The Tigers Dance Department and Dance Club are selling dance department and club shirts for $15 each. Use the link/QR provided to order and then pay in the bookstore by August 30th to the Dance Club account. Pre-orders of shirts will start August 12th through August 24th. Any questions please contact Mrs. Kolaga at mkolaga@aguafria.org
Chromebook Device Protection Plan (DPP)
Students having issues with their Chromebook need to contact the library. Many issues can be solved through tips and tricks on the Library website. Students are required to have our campus technicians do any and all repairs to their device. The Chromebook Device Protection Plan DPP is a great way to ensure these repairs are covered. This coverage does need to be renewed each school year. DPP must be purchased by Monday, September 9th.
Student Support Specialists
Mrs. Tejada and Mr. Robles are the MHS Student Support Specialists and are here to build connections with/help support students. Please share this flyer/QR code for students who may like to meet with us.
Grief Group
This semester will be our second cohort for Grief Group. Grief group will take place every Friday for 8 weeks during RTI. If you know a student this may benefit or who may be interested, please email ktejada@aguafria.org or reach out to the students counselor.
Are you interested in robotics? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you! Our school is forming a new FIRST Tech Challenge robotics team and we want you to be a part of it. We're hosting an interest meeting on Thursday August 15th, from 2:30 to 3:00pm in B110. Whether you're a seasoned expert or just curious about what robotics is all about, we invite you to come and learn more about FIRST and joining our team.
Boys Golf
Boys interested in trying out for the golf team need to see Coach Nasenbeny in Room M612. Stop in his room to give your name to him. Tryouts begin Monday, Aug. 12, at Tres Rios Golf Course in Goodyear. You must have all paperwork submitted online at Final Forms.
Girls Tennis (Spring Information)
Girls Tennis Team: Girls interested in playing on the tennis team next Spring need to see coach Nasenbeny this week during B lunch or before school.
DECA Club: Students interested in joining the business/marketing DECA Club should join the Deca Club Google Classroom. The Google classroom code is odz4tim. Also, see Mr. Nasenbeny in Room M612 this week. There will be a short information meeting with the election of officers next week. Stay tuned!
Millennium School Counselors
Melissa Mangahas - Counselor A-Co mmangahas@aguafria.org
Jennifer Grumbling - Counselor Cr-G jgrumbling@aguafria.org
Erika Fierros - Counselor H-K/ELL efierros@aguafria.org
Marwin Lee - Counselor L-Ne mlee@aguafria.org
Jill Thomas - Counselor Ng-Se jthomas@aguafria.org
Eric Oliphant - Counselor Sh-Z eoliphant@aguafria.org
Dual Enrollment Sign Up
Aug. 13th- EMCC will be in the library registering students for Dual enrollment.
Aug. 20th- Both EMCC and Rio Salado are on Campus
***Rio will have two team and go directly to the classrooms of Bjork and Barlow
***EMCC will be in the library to help student finish or a make up day if they missed the 13th
Aug. 27th- Rio Salado will be back on campus for a makeup/finish up registration day
Unofficial and Official Transcript Requests
ALL transcript requests whether unofficial or official must be requested through Parchment.com.
Ordering your high school transcript on Parchment.com is fast, easy, and secure. You may track the entire process on your account from the website. Parchment offers a user guide and a tutorial videos that explains how to order high school transcripts at: Support.Parchment.com.
Student Athletic Passes/Family Passes
Game days are right around the corner! Avoid the long lines by purchasing a student or family pass! Both passes will be digital this year. Student passes can be purchased in the bookstore or online through our webstore and family passes can only be purchased online through GoFan.
Student Pass: bit.ly/MHSBookstore
Family Pass: bit.ly/MHSFamilyPass
Follow us on social media:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/millenniumhsaz
Millennium Administrators
Nichole Bundy, Principal | nbundy@aguafria.org
Michael Butts, Assistant Principal | mbutts@aguafria.org
Amie Gilbert | Assistant Principal | agilbert@aguafria.org
Remigio Gordillo, Assistant Principal/AD | rgordillo@aguafria.org
Carissa Harvey, Assistant Principal | charvey@aguafria.org