Counselor's Corner
Mrs. K---Preschool---December
Dear Preschool Families and Friends,
Last month, students were able to build on the idea of self-control by learning how to respect personal space. Understanding where our space ends and other begins allows us to build on our healthy friendships within the school community. Another skill that allows us to build on our healthy friendships is how we approach conflict with those around us. Students practiced and learned how to talk with others when conflict or a disagreement happens.
During the month of December, we will take some time to understand the word gratitude and how we can experience this each day.
Please look for lesson worksheets to come home to help navigate conversations at home. As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions
Christina Kottenstette
ELC School Counselor
Book Titles/Activities for December
Through reading The Gratitude Jar by Katrina Liu students will gain a positive mindset and thankfulness. This delightful story introduces thankfulness and helps kids strengthen their gratitude skills. It's an excellent tool for developing children's core values, mindful habits, happiness, and overall quality of life.
Mina was feeling sorry for herself. She always seemed to notice the good things that others had, but she didn't. One day, her family decided to make a gratitude jar, and things began to change. Soon the family discovers the power of gratitude and appreciation for life's simple things.
December Practice
December Family Resources
Holiday Help
The Holiday season is rapidly approaching. What a wonderful time to celebrate as a family. As an ELC Family, we would like to help make sure this is an enjoyable and happy time for everyone. Through the many resources that are available and offered to our school community, we can offer holiday help to those families that are in need. If you would like more information on how you can receive assistance during this time please reach out to Mrs. Kottenstette (Mrs. K), ELC School Counselor, by email: Kottenstette.1@napls.us or phone at 614-413-8716.
An additional resource that can be very helpful is the New Albany Food Pantry. During the holidays, the pantry offers Thanksgiving meals and food boxes for New Albany Families. You can sign up to receive any of these opportunities by following this link.