Cedar Reader - PTC Edition
April 2022
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Welcome to Cedar Park Parent Teacher Club (PTC)
Welcome to our new Rachel Carson students and families! All current parents and guardians of CPMS students are automatically members of the PTC.
Our events, programs, school support, and enthusiasm make up this vibrant volunteer community and are indeed, POWERED BY YOU.
Two to Takeaway
1. Learn more about the Board Measure that is up for a vote on May 17th - Did you know school bonds are the only way that capital projects can be funded? This latest bond measure includes improvements to Cedar Park, Beaverton High School and other elementary schools that feed into CPMS. Read below for additional information or click on the hyperlinks here!
2.Join our Cedar Park/RC PTC Board- President & Vice President positions are open for the upcoming school year, as are committee leads for the 5K. Interested in hearing more about what these positions entail? Reach out to Bettina Jeszenszky to learn more.
Mark Your Calendars - Important Dates
- May 2nd - Social Media Awareness for Parents @ CPMS Library or via Zoom at 6pm
- May 17th - Community PTC Meeting, 6:30pm via Zoom
- May 20th & 21st - Spring Play Performance at 7pm
- May 26th - Early Release at 2pm & Rachel Carson Science Fair parent viewing night
- May 30th - Memorial Day Holiday - No School
Looking for Board Members - Help Make Cool Stuff Happen for Kids in Beaverton School District!
CPMS has benefitted from several grants from BEF - most recently helping to co-fund a clay reconstitution machine for the art department alongside the PTC!
BEF is looking for non-BSD staff who reside in the attendance areas of Beaverton, Mountainside, Aloha, and Southridge High Schools. If you are interested in being on the board or nominating someone, please check out this link to learn more. The time commitment is about 2 hrs a month and is a great opportunity for those who might be new to sitting on a board.
Missed our recent Community PTC Meeting?
No worries- we got you - Click here to read the meeting minutes from Tuesday, April 19th!
Note that we are looking for a few parents to help plan a 7th grade outing in coordination with teachers, perhaps to OMSI. Please reach out to our volunteer coordinator to get connected, perhaps the first week in June.
The topic for our May 17th, meeting will be elections for open board positions, which includes President, Vice-President, and Co-Director of Volunteers for Rachel Carson (alongside Sue Herson). Please consider being a part of our Board. It is a great way to support your child's school and stay connected to what is going on.
Our final meeting of the year on June 7th, will focus on welcoming the new board and 5K planning items to cover over the summer.
Bond Measure Coming Up for Vote in May - Learn More Here!
- Modernization of the stage for theater performances
- Seismic upgrades
- Continuation of 1:1 Chromebooks for students
- Network upgrades
- Roof replacement
- Additional security cameras
- Water bottle fillers
- Replacement school busses
If you are curious about how the previous bond's funds were utilized for Cedar Park, check out this link for more information. Curious about how this bond will support other improvements around the district? Click here to learn more.
If you have any questions, you can email David Williams at david_williams@beaverton.k12.or.us.
LIKE “Cedar Park Middle School PTC” ON FACEBOOK
Use our social media to help keep yourself in the know! Look for events, updates, & reminders. And don’t be afraid to “like” every post-- it’s a huge help to spread the word!
Look for our Cedar Reader: PTC Edition newsletter each month. We will be sharing PTC news, event info, important dates, & volunteering opportunities. Miss one? They are all online.
Head to www.cedarparkptc.org and read all about your CPMS community. Check out our blog, programs and events, fundraising info, budgets/bylaws and previous newsletters. It’s all there!
Feel free to subscribe to our blog to be the first to know incoming news and announcements. It's never more than one email a day.
Cedar Park Middle School Parent Teacher Club (PTC)
Email: secretary@cedarparkptc.org
Website: www.cedarparkptc.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CPMSPTC