August 5, 2024

Reduced Education Plan
Over the past few months, the School Board has provided guidance and approved additional elements to the Reduced Education Plan in order to create a budget. We will continue to update the district website as additional changes or details are available. We also know this information will help families make informed decisions as school starts.
Athletic/Transportation Reductions
HS sports will be offered for Varsity & JV
HS C-teams will be eliminated
MS sports will be offered for Varsity & JV with the exception of MS Football
MS C-teams will be eliminated
Parents will be required to provide transportation to and from events
These changes will reduce overall participation
Pay to Play Fees
HS ASB Card - $75
HS Sports Fee - $200
HS Football Fee - $250
MS ASB Card - $50
MS Sports Fee - $100
Meal Prices
- All Elementary students and YES will receive free meals provide through state and federal funding
- Students at middle and high schools who qualify for Free or Reduced Meal will need to apply. See Food Service website for details.
- Students who do not qualify will pay increased meal prices fees
- Breakfast K-12: $2.25
- Lunch K-5: $3.60
- Lunch 6-12: $3.95
- Milk only or Extra Milk: $0.50
Staff Reductions
We are continuing to call back staff in certificated and classified positions based on procedures in the collective bargaining agreements (CBAs).
Total number of staff reductions will be available when call backs are finished.
At this time, over 90 administrators, non-represented, certificated and classified staff have been reduced.
In addition, administrative staff have been furloughed (reduction of work days): 10 days for Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent; 5 - 8 days for all other administrators
- Technology purchases to refresh student Chromebook or teacher device inventory have been postponed
Facility Use Fees
- Increase fees for outside organizations have been implemented
- Review the fees on the district website
Student ID Cards
- Photo ID
- ASB Card/Sticker (secondary only)
- Meal Account Code
- Transportation Scan Code
We are excited to consolidate these services into one card. It is important that all students get school photos taken. Remember that all fees associated with ASB, fines/fees and meal payments can be made online.
Students will need their ID Cards daily for food purchases and accessing transportation. Look for more information coming out later this month on when students will get their card.
New Website Launches August 19
We have a new website coming soon! Please take a moment to look around and set your bookmarks!
Check out some new features and updated information
- Access comprehensive calendars, news, announcements and event updates
- Learn about student achievements and highlights
- Engage in our schools and community
- Access resources to support students and families
- Personalize your experience with click of a button (bottom-left)
- Select language translation for any page on-demand (bottom-right)
- Experience improved usability on mobile devices
We appreciate any feedback if you see something that needs our attention!
Technology Fees
Free & Reduced Meal Applications
The federal Free & Reduced Meal Applications are now available. We strongly encourage all parents/guardians to submit a Meal Application. Completing an application takes less than 10 minutes, and parents only need to complete one Meal Application.
CORRECTION August 7: Appplications are only available in paper for and can be downloaded from our website. Please submit them to the Food Service Department at Once you submit an application, you will receive a notice as to whether your child/children can receive free or reduced-price meals.
If you qualified last year, your benefits will expire on October 15. Be sure to get your application in to avoid any meal changes.
EVERY ELIGIBLE FORM COUNTS! Every eligible form that is not submitted means lost resources for our schools.
Community Partnerships Benefit Students and Families
Business Partner Program
This program has been in place for over two decades and is a two-way collaboration that allows schools and sponsors to collectively provide informative/beneficial family oriented programs dedicated to educating individuals of all backgrounds on topics outside of the standard school day. These business sponsors are in turn are provided the opportunity to be recognized in our school newsletters and e-flyers depending on their chosen partnership level. These sponsorship funds help create engaging events at our schools creating memorable experiences that make learning fun. Sign up today!
Volunteer in Schools
Would you like to volunteer in a school, at an event or serve as a mentor? Complete an online application.
For the safety of our students, all applications are run through the Washington Access to Criminal History (WATCH) as part of the clearance process.
Complete the online application. Applications will be processed starting August 26.
Oly Fed - Two Cent Campaign for August
Yelm Community Schools is thankful for Oly Fed's for the Pride of the Prairie campaign. During the month of August, every time memebers use an OlyFed debit card to make a purchase, OlyFed will donate two cents to help support the Pride of the Prairie Fund, a newly developed initiative to help support student activities and athletics, in light of the district’s recent budget challenges. Not an OlyFed customer? Open a Journey Checking account this month, and they will also donate another $25 to the Pride of the Prairie Fund.
Upcoming Activities/Events
Check you school website for details about activities and events to kick off the school year.
Aug 6: Remember to Vote
Aug 10: FREE Sports Physicals at YHS 9am-2pm
Aug 19: Offices Open
Aug 21: MP Kinder Roundup
Aug 23: YHS Picture Day & Freshmen Orientation
Aug 27: YMS Orientation
Aug 28: RMS Orientation
Aug 29: School Board Meeting at District Office 6pm
Sept 3: First Day of School for Grades 1-12
Sept 6: First Day for Kindergarten and Transition to Kinder
Sept 16: First Day of Preschool
Stay Connected
Yelm Community Schools does not discriminate in any programs, activities or employment opportunities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights: Doyla Buckingham, 360.458.1900,; Title IX Coordinator: Lisa Cadero-Smith, 360.458.6120,; and 504 Coordinator: Shannon Powell, 360.458.6124, Address: 107 First St N, PO Box 476, Yelm, WA 98597.