September Newsletter
Millbury Jr./Sr. Guidance Department
Dates to Remember
September 3rd through 13th - Senior Apparel Fundraiser
September 6th - Last day for add/drop period
September 10th - iReady for grades 7 &8
September 17th - Senior Parent Planning Night 6:30-8:00 in the Media Center
September 23rd - Start of the Senior Fundraiser for Krispy Kreme
September 27th & 28th - Sophomore Fundraiser - Baked Goods Table
September 27th - Midterm/Grades/Progress Notes
September 27th - College Fair in Gym
September 27th - 29th - Homecoming Weekend
Sources of Strength
Interested in joining our Sources of Strength Group? We are looking for positive peer leaders passionate about spreading hope, help, and strength. This group's mission is to ensure that during the rough times no one gets so overwhelmed or hopeless that they want to give up. Check out the video on this page for more information!
""A best practice youth suicide prevention project designed to harness the power of peer social networks to change unhealthy norms and culture, ultimately preventing suicide, bullying, and substance abuse. The mission of Sources of Strength is to prevent suicide by increasing help seeking behaviors and promoting connections between peers and caring adults. Sources of Strength moves beyond a singular focus on risk factors by utilizing an upstream approach for youth suicide prevention. This upstream model strengthens multiple sources of support (protective factors) around young individuals so that when times get hard they have strengths to rely on." (https://sourcesofstrength.org/)"
National Suicide Prevention Month
September is National Suicide Prevention Month – a moment that serves as a powerful reminder that there are steps we all must take in looking out for loved ones, the people in our community, and those who have been impacted by this leading cause of death.
Please reach out if you or someone you know is struggling!
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Spanish Language: 1-866-628-9454
Deaf and Hard of Hearing: 1-800-799-4889
Veterans: 1-800-273-8255
Samaritans Statewide Helpline: 1-877-870-4673
The Trevor Project - 1-866-488-7386
SafeLink: 1-877-785-2020
College & Career Fair
September 27th in the Gym
The guidance department will be hosting a College Fair - please see your counselor for more details! We will have a variety of employers in attendance as well as over 50 colleges/universities and technical/vocational schools.
Cartwheel Opportunities
September 10th: The Relationship Between ADHD and Learning Disorders
7:00 - 8:oo pm Register for Webinar
September 17th: Is Social Media Impacting your child/teen's Mental Health?
7:00 -8:00 pm Register for Webinar
Senior Scoop
Attention Seniors! Feel free to stop by to see your counselor to make an appointment to discuss your future goals! Your autobiographical information is a great place to get started!
Self-Care Tip of the Month
We are Here for You!
- Ms. Cabral - School Counselor/School Adjustment Counselor
acabral@millburyschools.org - Ms. Courtney - Jr. High School Counselor
mcourtney@millburyschools.org - Mrs. Ciullo - School Adjustment Counselor
kciullo@millburyschools.org - Ms. DeLucia - Guidance Director/School Counselor
sdelucia@millburyschools.org - Mrs. Desautels - School Counselor/School Adjustment Counselor
hdesuatels@millburyschools.org - Mr. Gomba - School Counselor
lgomba@millburyschools.org - Ms. Holman - School Counselor/School Adjustment Counselor/Social Worker
tholman@millburyschools.org - Mrs. Quinones - Guidance Administrative Assistant
Not sure who your student's counselor is? Please click here for more information.
Check out our Virtual Counseling Suite.
Connect with Us!
Keep in touch and see what is going on by adding us on our social media pages!
Instagram: @the_guiding_woolies
Twitter: @GuidingWoolies