Term 1

Mid Year - End of Term 2 - 2024
Our Goal - Growth (to increase or develop)
Kia ora koutou (Hello everyone)
Our days are cold and crisp and half of the year has gone by so quickly, now we find our self nearing the July winter holiday that starts on Friday 5 July 2024.
Our News
Science in a van
The juniors were entertained through science into the wonderful world of bubbles. Our tamariki (children) learned about different mixtures and how they come together and separate.
The seniors met Steve (the rubber chicken) who specially took off time from the chicks to come and give a demonstration on how forces and mass effect speed.
Science Fair
Our akonga (students) hard work truly showed during the science fair. They covered very interesting topics and shared their findings through impressive displays.
Students Taking Action
Jack, Luke and David of Pīwakawaka Whānau took action after learning about the lack of animal habitats in our school. After doing a survey of the school grounds, graphing creatures and researching pests and natives, these boys created an insect hotel. Other students also made bird houses and other happy homes for bugs.
- Rosie Bohling
The school was treated to a special performance last week by the Marlborough Maestros (school orchestra) and the Marlborough Singers (school choir). The musicians have been working hard all year and showed expertise and skill in their melodious music making. Ka rawe! (to be excellent)
- Megan Shoebridge
Matariki Breakfast
On Thursday the MPS Staff treated our akonga (students) and whānau (family) with a Matariki Breakfast.
As you approached the hall the smell of barbequed sausages, toast and coffee filled the air. There you were greeted with a heart warming view of our community coming together while enjoying their meals, decorated with stars and lights in the background.
A big thank you to all MPS staff, standing ready with tongs, spoons, butter knives and very welcoming smiles, for making our MPS whānau feel included and cared for. YOU ARE TRULY AMAZING AND WE APPRECIATE YOU!!
Matariki Disco
They danced, laughed and had a really, really, really good time. Our FOS hosted a Matariki Disco and our tamariki (children) had a blast!! They came dressed as characters starting with a "M" and they have once again blown us away with their originality and creativity.
"Friends of the School are pleased to announce that our Disco event was a great success. The children enjoyed an hour of evening fun with lights and music, glow toys and snacks. We raised $2,146.92, and these funds will support one of the exciting projects we've agreed upon with the school. " - Thanks Nicola
A shout out to our FOS team and all their helpers for making this possible, yet again creating another memorable moment for our tamariki (children) at MPS.
Room 2 - writing
Matua Owen would like to share the following, written by students from Room 2:
A Matariki Poem
(A Poem by Jamie Law)
Matariki shone brightest, like a smile. Waiti was flexible, like the stream. Waita glowed, like an anglerfish. Waipuna Rangi burned, like water vapour. Tapuaenuku was warm, like carrots in the dirt. Tupuarangi shed light, like birds shed feathers. Ururangi blew, like the breeze. Pohutukawa moved like a spirit. I made a wish on Hiwa-i-te-Rangi, like a prayer to god.
An information report about Weta
(An information report about Weta by Carlos)
Introduction: Did you ever want to know about Wetas in New Zealand? Well, in this information report we will talk about how it is capable of being large and fast and why it is friendly.
Are Wetas as old as the dinosaur period?
Maybe. Australia found wetas fossils before New Zealand existed. Wetas are as old as dinosaurs as scientists found.
Do Wetas have enemies ?
Yes, wetas main predators are monkporks and bats. All tho these predators are common wetas rare predators are long tailed bat stoats. kiwi, mice, different birds, rats, and cats.
Does New Zealand have a record for the largest weta?
Yes weta is the largest insect and heavier than a mouse a female called giant weta weighed 71g. Its body is half as long as a male's head. Also it was pictured that a weta was half quarter long as a male's boot.
What do wetas look like?
Wetas are brown shiny brown dark colored fur big black eyes. black strips skinny legs 4 or 5 legs large size 100 millimeters and can jump up to three meters.
What do wetas eat?
Wetas are herbivores so they eat plant berries and other things whatever they eat not a single person heard a insect is a herbivore.
Conclusion: Wetas are incredibly large and capable creatures. They are scary at the first sight you see. If you take a look at their personality and behavior they are actually friendly.
I was camping in the holidays enjoying my car ride the time I got there and setted up the camp. and rested there for 2 days. When it was cooking time I went into the cooking hall walking around and I stepped on a weta. It was super large. I thought it was gonna bite me but instead it ignored and didn't bite me. The weta rested there with no nest or home that's why the wetas environment should be protected. It is our job to protect them from creatures who attack them. and we should do something about it.
‘We’re in this together.’
(A Poem by Reign Ann about Friendship)
Forever and for always the bond becomes stronger. Lifting each other up during hard times, during times of suffering, they all love you, don't you know? Whether moments darken or lighten, they stand by your side. True friends will never leave you. They are koala’s stuck to you. It is as if they are your biological family. We can do this together. The bond deepens, even when you are almost dead,skin and bones, rotting flesh, bones showing, body decomposing, old and dead, they won't leave you. When you are about to get married, they sit there in the wedding venue, smiling at you with tears.
“Some roads lead you to dead ends, however, others lead you to success.”
Ka Pai (well done) to these student for showing such amazing writing skills!!
Room 3 Learnings
Mrs. Hildesley made learning extra fun in Room 3 by combining learning about measurement, inquiry about grassland animals and art, and the outcome was extraordinary.
Room 3 drew a 3 metre tall elephant that has been put up against one of their classroom walls representing the "real life size" of an actual elephant calf.
Mini Fair
Our Year 4-6 akonga (students) had another Mini Fair and there were multiple options to pick and choose from. From fun games to warm pizza, they surely catered for every individual preference.
Great work you guys, on helping to raise funds for your Senior camp in December.
The year 5 and 6 basketball team, the Marlborough L James, have had a fantastic season. They have put in a tremendous amount of work in their trainings, and have made it to the 3rd and 4th playoff this week against Kristin. The team will be playing on Wednesday 3rd of July at the Eventfinda Stadium in case you would like to come and support this amazing group of students!
- Robbie Gannaway
Guess who visited the office ....
Some of our students have earned bragging rights for visiting our Principal with the good work they delivered.
Exciting new developments ....
Our Board of Trustees are excited to share some of the new additions that will be added to our MPS grounds. After careful consideration and multiple discussions the amount of $340 000.00 has been agreed upon to go towards funding for these additions. The breakdown of how these funds will be spent are as follow.
An outdoor canopy by Pacific Membrane is going to be erected in front of rooms 5 to 7, covering the junior courts. Ensuring that our tamariki (children) have more shade from the sun and cover from the rain. This will also serve as an outside hall as it provides more space to seat more individuals than our hall currently is able to. A quote for the amount of $275 000.00 has been accepted for this.
Along the outside of our new pump track that is in the making, a perimeter planting will be started. Each whanau will be given their own section to create and maintain their own flower garden. Along these plantings big outdoor (weather proof) musical instruments will be placed. Funding for the amount of $50 000.00 has been accepted for this.
The FOS team used the funds they raised to purchase bikes for the school. To ensure these bikes are kept safe and taken care of properly they need to be stored and kept dry. As a solution to this the board has agreed to purchase a storage container for the amount of $15 000.00.
How wonderful is it to know that our leaders aren't just taking care of the academic needs, but also taking the physical experiences and growth of our akonga (students) to the next level. A big thank you to Whaea Michelle and our Board of Trustees.
Breakfast Club
We have a Breakfast Club running in the hall every morning. We welcome any students that might just need a top up before school starts. Please join Mrs. Light in the hall from 8:30 till 8:50.
This Friday 5th July we have our special Matariki assembly. Our junior and senior Kapa Haka will be performing, and our whānau teams will be sharing some of their learning about the different Matariki stars.
The assembly will be at 1:30pm on the stage/court area outside Piwakawaka/Takahe whanau. If it rains, it will be assembly times as normal (1:45 senior, 2:15 Junior).
It will be great to have you with us.
Please note that our assembly times have changed for Term 3 and will be as follow:
13:30 for our seniors
14:15 for our juniors
From our side we hope you have a wonderful holiday and we look forward to seeing our akonga (students) again on Monday 22 July 2024.
Stay safe and be kind.
🌿Your Marlborough Primary Team 🌿
Enrolment Application
A reminder to parents that we are open for enrolment applications for Term 2,3 and 4 2024 and term 1 of 2025. If you have a child that is due to start school between now and April 2025, please complete your enrolment forms so we're able to plan appropriately.
Enrolment can be done online (the link is on our website) or on paper, with application packs available from the office.
Out of zone enrolments:
Term 4
Deadline for receipts of applications - Monday 21 August 2024
Please contact the office if you have any queries regarding enrolment - office@marlboroughprimary.school.nz
Dates to remember
Term 2
29 April - 5 July
5 July - Assembly hosted by Kereru
Term 3
22 July - 27 September
26 July - Wheels day
2 August - Assembly - hosted by Kereru
5 August - Book fair character parade
5 August - Book fair begins
9 August - Book fair ends
9 August - Wheels day
7-8 August - Goal Setting Conferences
9 August - Kaipatiki Matariki Festival
15 August - Rippa Rugby
16 August - Assembly hosted by Kotare
19 August - Year 6 Glenfield Intermediate
21 August - Board of Trustees Meeting at 3:30 pm
23 August - Wheels day
30 August - Assembly hosted by Tui
6 September - Wheels day
13 September - Assembly hosted by Takehe
18 September - Board of Trustees Meeting at 5:30 pm
20 September - Wheels day
27 September - Assembly hosted by Piwakawaka
Term 4
14 October - 20 December
16 October - Board of Trustees Meeting at 5:30 pm
28 October - Labour Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
29 October - Curriculum Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
20 November - Board of Trustees Meeting at 5:30 pm
2 - 4 December - Year 5 -6 Camp
18 December - Board of Trustees Meeting at 5:30 pm
Friends of the School
Parents can keep up to date with Friends of the School news and events, as well as communicate with each other in our parent Facebook group. Simply request to join and answer the membership questions:
Contact us
Marlborough Primary School
Email: office@marlboroughprimary.school.nz
Website: www.marlboroughprimary.school.nz
Location: 4 Wykeham Place, Glenfield, Auckland, New Zealand
Phone: 09 - 481 0365
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Marlborough-Primary-School-112129594831867
Connecting in our community
Sushi Day - Sushi
· To order weekly sushi lunch, please visit www.sushiday.co.nz and if you are a new parent, you can go to the link www.sushiday.co.nz/sushi-login to register under Marlborough Primary School.
· Don’t forget – Order cut off time is 9pm (Wednesday) for THURSDAY order delivery.
· Any question, please contact Dan on order@sushiday.co.nz or 021 339 700.
Vietnamese Summer Rolls only.
Summer rolls can be prepared in a packet of 2 pcs for $6. The ingredients are as follow.
- Rice Paper
- Mixed green salad including cabbage
- Carrots
- Capsicum
- Cucumber
- Chicken Katsu (Crumbed Chicken)
- Honey Mustard and Sweet Chili
Please call 09-442 2040 to place your order.