Message from the Superintendent
Dear AUSD Community,
As we move into the second month of the school year, I hope you and your children are settling into the “routine” of school. Most schools have completed their Back-to-School Nights (just one more to go!) and they were a rousing success. It’s always impressive to see the hard work and preparation that our teachers, administrators, and staff put in to ensure a smooth opening of school and to keep the lines of communication open.
One thing that most of our schools emphasize at Back-to-School Night is the importance of the home-school partnership, which plays a vital role in shaping your child’s educational experience. Your involvement is invaluable and we encourage you to volunteer if you are able and to join your school's Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). Our high schools have Parent-Teacher-Student Associations (PTSA) with our students taking on leadership roles in activities and fundraisers. PTA/PTSA is a fantastic way to connect with other parents, share ideas, and contribute to the positive development of our school community. Later in this newsletter, you will see information about joining PTA/PTSA and getting more involved. We currently have two elementary schools without a PTA, but we would love to bring PTA back to both campuses. If you are interested in taking on a leadership role and helping to bring back PTA to Granada and Repetto Schools, please reach out to the principal or AP for more information.
In closing, I wanted to share a few thoughts about the recent wildfires that devastated Lahaini, Maui. As Southern California residents, we are fortunate to have relatively easy access to Hawaii. Many of us have enjoyed vacations there or have family or friends who call Hawaii home and have been personally affected by this tragedy. There are many worthy organizations helping the residents and businesses of Lahaina. The County of Maui has created this website with verified information about ways to provide support, donations, and assistance for those affected by the fires: www.MauiNuiStrong.info.
Warmest regards,
Denise R. Jaramillo, Ed.D.
In This Issue...
- OPENING FEATURED EVENT: South Korean Educators Visit AUSD Schools
- August 29th Board Meeting Items
- - Staff Report: 2016 General Obligation Bonds - Second Series Issuance
- - Communication Item: Recognition of San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, Regional Food Recovery Program
- Educational Services
- - LCAP Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting
- - College & Career Center Workshop
- - Alternative Income Form (AIF)
- - Technology News
- Student Support Services
- - Community Check-In: Library Card Day
- - SSS Community Conversations
- - Hazel Health Telehealth Mental Health Services
- - Medi-Cal Redetermination
- Facilities and Construction
- - Facilities Updates
- - Construction Updates
- SMALL SPOTLIGHTS (News and Information from Around AUSD)
- Food & Nutrition Services: Cafeteria Menus
- - Central Production Kitchen 10-Year Anniversary
- Parent Resources: Community Offerings & News
- - Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)
- - Parent Academy
- Scholarship Opportunities
- Non-Profit Partner Organizations (AEF, ALA, AAA)
- News from AEF
- News from ALA
- Human Resources
- - Game Changers
- - Employment Opportunities
- AUSD Calendar
- - Upcoming Events and Important Dates
- - High School Athletics Calendars
- Publicity Requests
- AUSD Featured in Local Papers
- Alhambra USD YouTube Channel
- - FEATURED VIDEOS: Welcome Back, Granada Lions!
- AUSD Website & Social Media - Stay Connected with AUSD!
- "AUSD Connection" Archive
Throughout the newsletter, please CLICK ON IMAGES AND HEADLINES to access additional information, embedded links, and larger versions of the photographs/graphics.
Featured Event: South Korean Educators Visit AUSD Schools
AUSD is excited to announce an international partnership we have started with educators from South Korea. We started this relationship with Alhambra High School students who participated in an amazing cultural exchange, which we will soon expand to other schools.
We are now doing something similar with our teachers. In August, over 40 teachers from South Korea visited AUSD classrooms to begin a cross-cultural educator adventure. The guest teachers visited classrooms for several days and taught lessons to foster cultural understanding and provide enriching learning experiences. We’ve included a few photos to highlight their visit. In the future, AUSD hopes to send some of our teachers to South Korea to visit their schools, teach lessons, and experience South Korean culture. We look forward to sharing updates in the future as we embark on this exciting partnership and opportunity to learn about education from a more global perspective.
Staff Report & Communication Item Presentation Slides
To read more about how SGVCOG has supported the ATA Food Pantry, please click HERE.
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Please join us at our September 11th LCAP Meeting. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. See the flyer below for details and Zoom link. The LCAP is a tool to help AUSD set goals, plans and actions to improve the welfare of our students, staff, and community. Click HERE to access the LCAP website for resources to help illustrate AUSD's implementation of the LCAP.
College and Career Center Workshops
Alternative Income Form
Technology News
Los Angeles County of Education (LACOE) is working collaboratively with the County of Los Angeles encouraging families that are eligible sign up for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). The ACP helps ensure that income-eligible households can afford home internet services that are essential for school, work, healthcare services, and more by providing a discount of up to $30 a month. Click HERE to apply online or print out a mail-in application.
Student Devise Care Best Practices: We'd like to remind our students to make sure to take good care of their Chromebooks, as they are an essential tool for learning.
Community Check-In: Public Library Card Day
SSS Community Conversations at San Gabriel High School
The Community Empowerment Team from AUSD’s Student Support Services Division would like to invite you to a 2023-24 SSS Community Conversations Event. Join us for an hour of powerful conversation surrounding student health and wellness and the impact they have on your child’s achievement. This event will take place at San Gabriel High School on Friday, September 8th from 8:30 am to 9:30 am. Click Here to register. We hope to see you there. (Photo shown was taken at the SSS Community Conversation at Ramona School).
Hazel Health Telehealth Mental Health Services
Medi-Cal Redetermination
Facilities & Construction
Facilities Updates
Mark Keppel HS - Kitchen, Cafeteria, and Serving Line
Mark Keppel HS - Kitchen, Cafeteria, and Serving Line
Mark Keppel HS - ASB Room
Mark Keppel HS - ASB Room
San Gabriel HS - Career Center
San Gabriel HS - Career Center
Construction Updates
Brightwood School Modernization Project is on schedule with ongoing site improvements. Currently, the roof of Building F has been removed in preparation for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) upgrades and seismic enhancements.
Aerial view of roof removal of Building F
Seismic upgrades of Building F
HVAC Upgrades at Six Sites
HVAC Equipment and control upgrades at Fremont, Garfield, Granada, Northrup, Park, and Repetto Schools have been completed. Repetto School still has DSA work in progress in the Cafeteria.
Fremont Elementary School
Garfield Elementary School
Granada Elementary School
Northrup Elementary School
Park Elementary School
Repetto Elementary School
Garfield School held their annual Back-to-School picnic on Friday, August 18th. Garfield Wildcat Families spent quality time enjoying the sun, having a delicious dinner and painting pieces for their hallway wildcat mural. Go Wildcats!
Superintendent Dr. Denise Jaramillo and Coordinator of College & Career Preparation Dr. Leann Huang were privileged to be part of the 2023 Holy Land Democracy Project and Education Leaders Trip to Israel this past summer. This was the first-ever statewide cohort uniting 43 educators from seven school districts throughout California. They explored religious sites, met with elected officials, and visited at-risk teens and youth impacted by terror. The group left with a deeper understanding of this complex region.
The students at Park School students have started a student-designed and student-made cafeteria mural. The mural is currently in progress but is coming together nicely and students are hoping to have it finalized early September.
Diana Diaz-Ferguson, AHS Principal was awarded the first AUSD "Excellence in Leadership" award at the most recent General Principal's meeting. This award is for a principal who has gone above and beyond. It is a rotating trophy -- Principal Ferguson will keep the award in her office until the next principals meeting, when the next honoree will be selected.
This year's Vision 2030: Success with Equity at East Los Angeles College featured a familiar face playing a key role. Our own superintendent Dr. Denise Jaramillo was a panelist for the topic, "Scaling Dual Enrolment in Los Angeles CCD." The partnership with community colleges has a goal of providing students with the opportunity to enroll in college credit courses while still in high school. Several members of the AUSD team also attended the event and attended the implementation workshop focused on "Equitable Dual Enrollment Expansion."
Central Production Kitchen 10-Year Anniversary
Parent-Teacher Association
Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) play a vital role in fostering a caring and successful school environment. We encourage all staff members, parents/guardians, and other family members to get involved in your site PTA. AUSD currently has 14 schools with active PTAs. To join one, please visit: https://jointotem.com and select the school you would like to support.
Parent Education Academy
In conjunction with Asian Youth Center, we are excited to offer our 2nd Annual Parent Education Academy to the AUSD community. The classes are FREE, and will include dinner and childcare. Courses will be held weekly in the AHS Dream Center beginning the week of September 21 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm. (Exact day of the week is still TBD, but probably Wednesday or Thursday.) Translation will be available in Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese. Click HERE to register.
Non-Profit Partner Organizations
Alhambra Educational Foundation
Alhambra Latino Association
Asian American Association
News from AEF
The 18th Annual Shopping Extravaganza is a one-day, ultimate shopping experience on Saturday, September 30th. Ticket holders receive exclusive discounts at many retail stores, a catered lunch, live entertainment, and opportunities to win over $90,000 in retailer gift cards and prizes - all while benefiting local charities like AEF! To purchase tickets or for more information visit the AEF website: www.aef4kids.com.
Join AEF on Sunday, October 29th for the 10th Annual Alhambra Pumpkin Run and Halloween Fest in Downtown Alhambra! Proceeds will benefit the Alhambra Educational Foundation! The Pumpkin Run's mission is to provide a fun, family environment to promote physical fitness, health, and fun through a community-based event with costumes, music, and entertainment! For more information visit the AEF website: www.aef4kids.com.
Service to Education Dinner & Gala
Saturday, Sep 16, 2023, 06:00 PM
Hilton Los Angeles/San Gabriel, West Valley Boulevard, San Gabriel, CA, USA
AUSD Game Changers
AUSD Employment Opportunities
(Subscribe to Receive Automatic Updates)
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
- September 4: Holiday: Labor Day (All AUSD offices and schools are closed)
- September 8: SSS Community Conversations at SGHS 8:30am-9:30am (Flyer)
- September 10: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- September 11: LCAP Meeting 6:45pm-8:00pm (Zoom Link, Flyer)
- September 16: SSS Community Check-In: Library Card Day 11:00am-1:00pm (Flyer)
- September 16: AEF 17th Annual Service to Education Dinner & Gala 6:00pm (Flyer)
- September 17: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market/Fiesta Alhambra 9:00am-11:00am
- September 19: Board of Education Meeting (Agendas & Minutes)
- September 21: AHS Back-To-School Night 5:30pm-8:00pm
- September 22: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter Emailed to Parents & Staff
- September 24: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- September 30: AEF 18th Annual Shopping Extravaganza 9:00am-9:00pm (Flyer)
- September 30: ALA Noche de Loteria 6:00pm-8:00pm (Flyer)
- October 1: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- October 3: Board of Education Meeting (Agendas & Minutes)
- October 4: 16th Annual College Fair, SGHS 6:30pm (Flyer)
- October 6: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter Emailed to Parents & Staff
High School Athletics Calendars
Featured Event: AUSD Back-To-School Nights
There was an amazing turnout of parents as teachers presented wonderful presentations at this year's Back-to-School Nights across AUSD. THANK YOU to the schools that provided photos of their successful evenings. We have just one more Back-to-School night left. The last Back-to-School Night is for Alhambra High School, and will be on September 21st, beginning at 5:30pm.
All Back-to-School Nights are special, but the one for our LIFT (Learning Independence for Transition) program was EXTRA special because it signaled the end of the two separate campuses of LIFT North and LIFT South. Both LIFT programs are now united under the same roof at their Marengo campus (the former home of Century High School). In addition to the traditional Back-to-School Night class presentations, LIFT staff, students, and families celebrated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, dinner together, and fun activities like swinging at a piñata (created by one of LIFT's many micro-businesses).
Read about AUSD in these Local Papers
Featured Videos: Welcome Back, Granada Lions!
Thank you to Granada School intervention teacher Harvey Chin for creating this wonderful video commemorating the start of the 2023-24 school year. You can access the video below or by clicking HERE.
About Alhambra Unified School District
Website: www.ausd.us
Address: 1515 West Mission Road, Alhambra, CA, USA
Email: AlhambraUSD@ausd.us
Phone: (626) 943-3000
Facebook: @AlhambraUSD
Instagram: @AlhambraUSD
Twitter/X: @AlhambraUSD
YouTube: @AlhambraUSD