Hornets' Nest News
Everything you need to know about Castle Rock Elementary
September Newsletter
September Events:
Please note that the following events are scheduled as listed, however, are subject to change.
- Monday, 9/2: Holiday/Labor Day-No School
- Wednesday, 9/4: TK-K Science Field Trip to Mt. Shasta Fish Hatchery
- Thursday, 9/5: 1st-2nd Grade Science Field Trip to Mt. Shasta Fish Hatchery
- Friday, 9/6: 3rd-5th Grade Science Field Trip to McCloud Falls
- Tuesday, 9/10: Back to School Night at 5:30 PM (See Flyer Below)
- Wednesday, 9/11: Minimum Day- Dismissal at 1:00 PM
- Wednesday, 9/18: 6th-8th Grade Science Field Trip Horse Camp Trail (Mt. Shasta)
- Wednesday, 9/25: Minimum Day- Dismissal at 1:00 PM
- Monday, 9/30: 1st Trimester Progress Report Sent Home
- Friday, 10/4: August & September Monthly Awards Assembly @ 9:15 AM
Make sure to read the Welcome Back Superintendent's Message at the bottom of this Newsletter as it contains important information for the school year!
All Fridays are Spirit Days- Wear your Castle Rock Elementary Spirit Shirts!
Other events may occur that are not yet scheduled, but we will keep you posted.
August Happenings
Fun Educational Activities from August
Find below pictures of some of the activities from the month of August. Some pictures are from our July/August Summer Camp Session.
Fun In TK-K
Fun In TK-K
Fun In TK-K
Fun In TK-K
6th-8th Grade Buddy Reading with 1st-2nd Grade
6th-8th Grade Buddy Reading with 1st-2nd Grade
6th-8th Grade Buddy Reading with 1st-2nd Grade
6th-8th Grade Buddy Reading with 1st-2nd Grade
6th-8th Grade Buddy Reading with 1st-2nd Grade
6th-8th Grade Buddy Reading with 1st-2nd Grade
6th-8th Grade Buddy Reading with 1st-2nd Grade
Summer Camp Session 2 Field Trip
Summer Camp Session 2 Field Trip
Summer Camp Session 2 Field Trip
Summer Camp Session 2 Field Trip
Summer Camp Session 2 Field Trip
Summer Camp Session 2 STEM Activity
Summer Camp Session 2 Humane Society Field Trip
Summer Camp Session 2 Humane Society Field Trip
Summer Camp Session 2 Humane Society Field Trip
Summer Camp Session 2 Humane Society Field Trip
Summer Camp Session 2 Humane Society Field Trip
Summer Camp Session 2 Humane Society Field Trip
Summer Camp Humane Society Student Animal Artwork
Summer Camp Humane Society Student Animal Artwork
Summer Camp Humane Society Student Animal Artwork
Summer Camp Humane Society Student Animal Artwork
Summer Camp Humane Society Animal Artwork Miss White
Monthly Awards Assembly
Monthly Awards Assembly Information
At the beginning of each month our school hosts a Monthly Awards Assembly where Student of the Month and Monthly Perfect Attendance Awards are presented to our students. Our first Monthly Awards Assembly will be held on Friday, October 4th at 9:15 AM in our school cafeteria. Since August was such a short month we will be combining August and September Award winners into one assembly. A parent invitation letter for the students that will be receiving awards at the Monthly Awards Assembly will be sent home about a week prior to the awards assembly.
One student from each class is chosen by their teacher as Student of the Month for working hard on exhibiting both the Monthly Value and our Positive Behavior Expectations. For the month of August the Monthly Value was "Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself" and the value we will be working on for September is "Listen to and follow directions the 1st time they are given". Student of the Month Award winners will receive a certificate, a small trophy, and a book of their choice at the assembly.
Monthly Perfect Attendance Awards are given to students that were able to attend school every day for the entire month. These students will receive a certificate, pencil, and a perfect attendance brag tag. We encourage perfect attendance on a regular basis as "the more students are here, the more they will learn".
Monthly Attendance Reminder
Attend to Achieve: Make Attendance a Routine
Studies show that two or more absences in the first month of school begins a negative pattern. Families who start the school year strong with good attendance are more likely to maintain it for the entire school year! This leads to greater academic gains and better social relationships. Look at the school calendar and plan trips and vacations accordingly. If missing for travel can’t be avoided, contact the school office well in advance for information about independent study. In addition, establishing morning and evening routines can keep everyone in the family on the same page and reduce stress.
Superintendent's Message
Message from Leslie Rames
It has been such a fast and amazing first month of school! Our students are hard at work. A huge shoutout to all of the Castle Rock Staff, Students, and Parents for a great start to the school year! Our art and music teachers have begun instruction. Students have completed or are still completing their beginning of the year diagnostic assessment in iReady, which is our online reading and math learning program. We have already scheduled multiple educational field trips and activities that will happen this school year. A few field trips are happening in the month of September, so keep your eye out for permission slips.
Back to School Night is on Tuesday, Sept. 10th at 5:30 PM. Back to School Night is a great opportunity to hear the expectations for your student(s) this school year; as well as finding out ways that you can support your student and our school this year. We will start the evening with a whole school informational meeting in the cafeteria. This will be followed by a dessert bar provided by the Lakehead Lions Club and then classroom visits. The classroom visit is the highlight of the evening as you will be provided with lots of information about your child's classroom and the teacher's expectations.
I will be sending out information for our LCAP (Local Control and Accountability Plan) Committee soon. The LCAP Committee meetings are a great way to become more involved in the school and to help determine the programs available for our students. We really need parent and staff attendance at these meetings so that we can get much needed input when developing plans and programs for the school. Please try to attend at least a few of these meetings this year. The LCAP Meetings are typically once a month for an hour or less. Child care and food are provided for the meetings.
Don't forget to checkout our website and our district app to keep up to date on things happening at the school. You can easily download the district app by going to the district website and clicking on the app link at the bottom of the homepage. You can quickly see calendar events, what's for breakfast and lunch, if it is a minimum day, etc. with a quick look at the website or app. You can also follow us on Facebook (Castle Rock School-Castella) to see pictures of events and activities that are posted.
Have a great September!
Castle Rock Elementary School
29373 Main St.
Castella, CA 96017