Sample Student Products
Addressing SBEC Standard V
Standard 5
All teachers know how to plan, organize, deliver and evaluate instruction for all students that incorporates the effective use of technology for teaching and integrating the Technology Application TEKS (K-2, 3-5, 6-12) into the curriculum.
In other words....
The NEISD District Improvement Plan requires Elementary students to utilize technology for a minimum of 9 hours each 9 weeks including in the computer lab, in learning stations, in pull out groups, on collaborative projects, and in other creative formats using the available classroom tools.
The district is requiring one of the student products representing one of the times the TA TEKS were addressed be submitted to your evaluator during or prior to your summative.
Where do I find the TEKS?
Examples of Teachers Addressing Standard V so far this year
Shared writing using a google Drive document
Students used the classroom ipads to login in to a shared Google Drive document and took turns contributing to the story. The teacher then commented on their writing and they made revisions. Other tools students could use for collaborative writing: PowerPoint, Punultimate App, a Smartboard or slate
Here's a how to on getting students logged in and sharing a Google document:
How does this address Standard V?
Standard V is being addressed because this is a writing lesson with the Technology applications TEKS integrated into the lesson.
- 4.15 B develop drafts by categorizing ideas and organizing them into paragraphs.
- 4.15 C revise drafts for coherence, organization, use of simple and compound sentences and audience
- Draft, edit, and publish products in different media individually and collaboratively,
- Use font attributes, color, white space, and graphics to ensure that products are appropriate for multiple communication media, including monitor display, web, and print;
- Collaborate effectively through personal learning communities and social environments;
Popplet Lite App
These 4th Graders are working together to make a web. They can take photos of their own pictures or things around them and add them to their web, or tpe in their own text.
Content TEKS:
- In science: to explain a process,
- In Writing: pre-writing
- In Reading: reading response in reading pull out groups.
- Create original products using a variety of resources;
- Analyze trends and forecast possibilities, developing steps for the creation of an innovative product
Educreations App
How does this address standard V? Students explain their thinking with this app, making it a good app for assessing mastery of content TEKS.
- Identify information regarding a problem and explain the steps toward the solution;
- Collect, analyze, and represent data to solve problems using tools such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphic organizers, charts, multimedia, simulations, models, and programming languages;
- Evaluate technology tools applicable for solving problems.
For the 1st grade example below:
Content TEKS- Math 1.3 The student applies process standards to develop and use strategies for whole number addition and subtraction computations in order to solve problems
One more idea - Writing and the ShowMe App
Student Task Card -
Student task Card in Spanish -
Teacher Directions text only -
Teacher Directions with screenshots -
How does this address Standard V? The students are using the technology to meet the content and TA TEKS regarding publishing a finished, edited product listed below.
Content TEKS:
- ELA 4.17 Writing/Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, and publishing) to compose text.
- Draft, edit, and publish products in different media individually and collaboratively
For more information...
Jennifer Heine
Instructional Technology Specialist
North East ISD
Twitter: @jheine1