Language Assistance Program
Evaluation Technical Assistance
ESSA requires schools to evaluate their LAP (Language Assistance Program) annually.
The Oakland Schools ESL/Title III Consultants will facilitate open technical assistance sessions for interested teams. You and your team may come for the whole day or just a few hours. The benefit to holding these meetings at Oakland Schools is that districts can discuss and problem solve together. This allows like-districts to work together around common programming, staffing, and compliance issues. The Oakland Schools ESL/Title III Consultants will be available to provide district-specific technical assistance during the sessions. The technical assistance sessions will answer the following questions:
When and how are we required to submit a LAP evaluation?
What are the legal obligations of States and LEAs to ELs under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the EEOA?
What does the Office of English Language Acquisition (USED) require?
What is a recommended process to meet the requirement to evaluate the district LAP?
How does the LAP evaluation fit into the MICIP (Michigan Integrated Continuous Improvement Process)?
There is no cost for this technical assistance session and lunch is not provided.
Collaborate. Learn. Grow.
For More Information Contact
Supervisor, Instruction & Pedagogy Unit
Consultant, ESL/Title III
District and School Services
Oakland Schools
Email: suzanne.toohey@oakland.k12.mi.us
Website: www.oakland.k12.mi.us/esl
Location: 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford Township, MI, United States
Phone: 248.209.2070
Twitter: @suzannetoohey
For more information contact
ESL Educational Improvement Consultant
Leadership & School Improvement Unit
Email: Christy.Osborne@oakland.k12.mi.us
Website: oakland.k12.mi.us/esl
Location: 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford Township, MI, USA
Phone: 248-209-2395
Twitter: @COsborne_ESL