Timber Talks
River Mill Elementary - May 24, 2024
Dear River Mill Families,
Thank you all for your cooperation when our district participated in its reunification drill. We know some of our students were picked up early, and ultimately, traffic was minimally impacted. The event went very well. Thank you for understanding our urgency to prioritize the reunification drill.
There is no school on Monday, May 27th. Therefore, Friday, May 31st will be a regular school day. Please update Pickup Patrol plans for Friday so we know your child's end of day plans on that day.
While we are about halfway through our ABC Countdown to the end of the year, we have so much left to accomplish here at school. Your child is continuing to learn new content. Please prioritize arriving to school consistently on time and daily school attendance.
Don't Wait, Purchase Your Yearbook Today!
Field Day Volunteers Needed!
Our students love field day and so do we! However, without volunteers, we cannot make it a special day and memory for our kids. Do you have some time on June 11th to volunteer? Please email Tiana Allgeier right away. Thank you!
Tiana Allgeier: allgeiert@estacada.k12.or.us
ABC Countdown
Our ABC countdown allows us to continue to make lasting memories as a school community. Please help your child participate. The days highlighted in blue are dress up days.
Next Week's Schedule!
Next Week:
- May 27th: No School, Memorial Day
- May 28th: Regular School Day
- May 29th: Regular School Day
- May 30th: Regular School Day
- May 31st: Regular School Day
Upcoming Events:
June 4 - Career Day
June 5 - Battle of the Books Competition
June 6 - Ice Cream Social After School
June 7 - REID Day, by invite only
June 11 - Field Day
June 12 - Sports Challenge
June 13 - 5th Grade Promotion & Final full day of school
June 14 - REID Day, by invite only
June 17 - Grade Day - No School
5th Grade Promotion
It's time to celebrate our 5th Grade Students as they get ready to go to middle school. Please help us in honoring them and their successful elementary school experience.
June 13, 2024
Doors will open at 12:45 and Hometown Tickets will be required. If you do not have them upon entry, we will ask you to take a moment to do this.
The event will begin at 1:15 and will be held in River Mill's Gymnasium. Students are encouraged to dress nicely for the event and if you would like to bring a gift for your child, you are allowed to do so.
We are looking forward to our time together and hope to see you there!
2024-25 School Year Registration is Open!
Attendance Matters, Every Day!
We are Hiring!
The Estacada School District has many career opportunities available. Please help spread the news, or if you are interested, let us know if you have any questions. Thank you!
Follow us on Facebook!
Nutrition Services
Meal Prices for the 2023-24 School Year
Reminder - Cell Phones & Smart Watch Expectations
Cell phones are permitted as long as they are turned off and out of sight during the school day. Students who wear a cell phone watch can wear the watch to tell time, but need to turn off text and call features during the school day. Students who disobey this rule will have their cell phone taken and returned at the end of the day on the first offense. For a second offense, the cell phone will be taken to the office for parent pick up. Cell phones that ring during class are the responsibility of the student. Additional offenses will result in further disciplinary action. Cell phones may be used for educational purposes with teacher permission only.
Weather Changes & Clothes
If your child gets super wet at recess or has a bathroom accident, we do not have extra clothes for them. For all students, Pre-K to 5th grade, please have a spare outfit (including socks) in your child's backpack. This will help make them more comfortable while they are at school.
Birthday Celebrations at School
Student Safety - arrival & dismissal
Please remember that our doors open on Monday through Thursday at 7:20 and on Friday at 7:50. We do not have supervision until those times so please do not drop your child off sooner than that time.
When it comes to dismissal, it is imperative that you update pick up patrol. We have several after school clubs and we need plans to be accurate. In addition, we still use pick up patrol on Friday, REID days and we need plans changed in that system on that day as well. If you need any support with this, just let us know. If we have not heard from you, we use the student's default plan in Pick Up Patrol to know where to send them. Thank you for understanding.
River Mill Elementary
Principal Corinne Johnsen
Go Timbers!
Email: johnsenc@estacada.k12.or.us
Website: www.rmes.estacada.k12.or.us
Location: 850 North Broadway Street, Estacada, OR, USA
Phone: 503-630-8517
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiverMillElem
Twitter: @RMTimbers