September 3, 2024

September 3, 2024
Millennium Families,
This past week was our first spirit week and all school assembly of the school year. It was fun seeing students dressed in their jerseys for media day. My favorite day day was Throwback Tuesday where students dressed like their first day of kindergarten. The amount of Care Bears and Strawberry Shortcake I saw on campus brought back a lot of memories. 😄
This week progress reports come out on Friday, September 6th. Please note, progress reports are NOT mailed home. They will be available through ParentVue and StudentVue.
On Friday, September 6th we are expecting our first home football game against Campo Verde. If you have been on our campus the last few months, you've probably noticed all the construction going on around the field. While it still looks like there's a lot to be done before the game, we are hopeful we'll be in a good spot to host both our Freshman football game on Wednesday, September 4th and varsity on Friday. We won't be operating at full capacity with all the safety improvements being made on the concourse, and we appreciate your flexibility and understanding as those projects are completed in the coming weeks. It's going to be amazing when it's all finished.
Reminder No School
Friday, August 30th - Monday, September 2nd.
School resumes on Tuesday, September 3rd.
Coming Up: No School on Wednesday, September 11th for Teacher Inservice Day!
Have a great week Tigers!
Nichole Bundy
Millennium High School
Millennium HS is a member of the Agua Fria High School District family of schools
On Campus Senior Portraits - September 9th & 10th
Senior Portraits are on 9/9 and 9/10 in the library, and students will be called up based on their last name, alpha order. If you have already scheduled an appointment through Lifetouch, we will honor those appointments, so please feel free to head to the library during your scheduled time. Picture retakes are scheduled for December 2nd, 2024.
Attire for Senior Portraits is Tux and Drape. Students can come to their photo shoot in a regular t-shirt and Lifetouch will have the Tux and Drape available to put over their shirt. Ladies, it is recommended that you wear a spaghetti strap or tank top. Men should wear a white t-shirt to go under the tux.
Please view the graphic below to see which day you are scheduled for your Senior Portrait.
Stay up-to-date with everything you need to know for senior year on our senior only information page www.aguafria.org/MHSSeniorInformation.
The Agua Fria High School District invites you to share your input as we begin our boundary study sessions.
Who: Everyone is welcome—parents, staff, students, local businesses, government entities, the community, etc.
When: September 11, 2024 from 5pm - 6:30pm
Where: Registered members will receive venue details via email. Click here to register: https://bit.ly/472NNlp
PLEASE NOTE: Currently enrolled students are grandfathered into their existing school, regardless of boundary changes.
To learn more about upcoming public meetings, visit aguafria.org/boundaries
Chromebook Device Protection Plan (DPP)
*This is the last week to purchase the Chromebook Device Protection Plan (DPP) for this school year.
Students having issues with their Chromebook need to contact the library. Many issues can be solved through tips and tricks on the Library website. Students are required to have our campus technicians do any and all repairs to their device. The Chromebook Device Protection Plan DPP is a great way to ensure these repairs are covered. This coverage does need to be renewed each school year. DPP must be purchased by Monday, September 9th.
College Application Workshop
College Application Workshop- Tuesday, September 3rd @ 2pm to 4pm in the MHS Library.
Seniors- Join counselors and College Reps on Tuesday, September 3rd at 2pm for support in completing college applications. All seniors are encouraged to attend.
Varsity Football - Weapons Detectors
In an effort to provide a safe environment for our student athletes, students, families and fans, the AFUHSD has implemented the use of weapon detectors at our football ticket gates. All spectators will be required to pass through the weapon detectors before entering the stadium. Small bags/purses will be permitted and may be subject to a search upon entry (no backpacks or large totes). Clear bags are acceptable. In addition, fans who activate the weapon detector will be subject to a search and may be refused entry to the event. Please plan accordingly and arrive early to the event. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. **THERE WILL BE NO ENTRY AFTER HALFTIME**
We encourage you to arrive early. Gates open at 6 PM. Tickets can be purchased online through GoFan.Co.
Student Athletic Passes/Family Passes
Game days are right around the corner! Avoid the long lines by purchasing a student or family pass! Both passes will be digital this year. Student passes can be purchased in the bookstore or online through our webstore and family passes can only be purchased online through GoFan.
Student Pass: bit.ly/MHSBookstore
Family Pass: bit.ly/MHSFamilyPass
Rocket Club
Our Rocket Club is starting up a new season, Tuesdays, room 302, after school. Come check it out.
Esports Tryouts
Save the date! MHS Esports tryouts are next week! Tryouts will be in the esports room in the back of the library from 2:15 to 4:00. On September 3rd, Tuesday, League of Legends. Next Wednesday, Super Smash Ultimate, and next Thursday will be Rocket League tryouts. We have all the equipment, but you can also bring your own controller. Tigers, see you there!
Girls in Aviation Day at the Goodyear Airport
Have you ever wanted to fly an airplane? The Arizona Cardinals is hosting a Girls in Aviation Day at the Goodyear Airport on September 20th, 2024. This is an amazing opportunity for 11th and 12th grade female students to learn more about numerous careers in Aviation. Students will be introduced to the United Aviate Flight School that operates right down the road from Millennium High School. Attendees will tour the facility, meet instructors and other students, experience advanced simulator flight time, and even get an opportunity to go on a discovery flight. Sign up with Mr. Schmadeke in room J503.
Tiger Tutoring
Students at Millennium can get a free 30-minute tutoring session with members of the Millennium chapter of National Honor Society. This "Tiger Tutoring" is a volunteer service that is offered only to MHS students. If your student might need some assistance in their classes, please have them complete the below-linked Google Form.
Tiger Tutoring Form - bit.ly/mhstigertutoring
Self Management Group
The Self Management group is a Tier 2 intervention and 10 week course. We will be focusing on teaching students knowledge and tools to support executive functioning to stay focused, delay gratification, follow and remember tasks, exercise impulse control, and organize tasks, things, and time.
If you think any of your students could benefit from being a part of this group, please submit this google form and we will meet with the student to see if it is a good fit for them: https://forms.gle/dzJyn4ew1gMbMkSN6
Group will start the first week of September and be every week on Thursday during RTI. Thanks so much for your support in helping us support our students at MHS!
- Kayla Tejada and Lino Robles, MHS Student Support Specialist
FAFSA Peer Coach Team
Our FAFSA Peer Coach Team is here to help seniors with all things college, especially the FAFSA Application. We will be visiting Gov/Econ classes in October to create FSA IDs and start the FAFSA Application Process. Our goal is for 75% of our seniors to complete their FAFSA application and be #1 in Arizona.
Millennium School Counselors
Melissa Mangahas - Counselor A-Co mmangahas@aguafria.org
Jennifer Grumbling - Counselor Cr-G jgrumbling@aguafria.org
Erika Fierros - Counselor H-K/ELL efierros@aguafria.org
Marwin Lee - Counselor L-Ne mlee@aguafria.org
Jill Thomas - Counselor Ng-Se jthomas@aguafria.org
Eric Oliphant - Counselor Sh-Z eoliphant@aguafria.org
Unofficial and Official Transcript Requests
ALL transcript requests whether unofficial or official must be requested through Parchment.com.
Ordering your high school transcript on Parchment.com is fast, easy, and secure. You may track the entire process on your account from the website. Parchment offers a user guide and a tutorial videos that explains how to order high school transcripts at: Support.Parchment.com.
Follow us on social media:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/millenniumhsaz
Millennium Administrators
Nichole Bundy, Principal | nbundy@aguafria.org
Michael Butts, Assistant Principal | mbutts@aguafria.org
Amie Gilbert | Assistant Principal | agilbert@aguafria.org
Remigio Gordillo, Assistant Principal/AD | rgordillo@aguafria.org
Carissa Harvey, Assistant Principal | charvey@aguafria.org