CPS Summer Updates
Week 2 | July 8-12, 2024
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Scroll to read information about our Summer Enrichment programs! Learn about our district-wide programs that serve students PK-12 in Chelsea.
Middle School & High School ESY
Students in the Extended School Year program had a busy week gardening, participating in team-building activities, learning in the Surface Tension Lab and mastering academic standards!
Credit Recovery Program
High school Credit Recovery is in full swing with students completing courses they need to get back on track for the upcoming school year. To date, 16 students have completed all their summer coursework, with 41 students having completed at least 1 class! Congratulations to our 4 seniors who finished their graduation requirements!
REACH (Week 1)
The first week of REACH was amazing and jam-packed! Students met their group leaders and participated in team-building workshops, setting the stage for activities in health and wellness, fitness, entrepreneurship, and art. This week, the REACH basketball boys traveled to New Britain High School in New Britain, Connecticut, for a full day of basketball training, mentorship, and a chance to meet former NBA player Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf. Our "What the Story VT" documentary team visited Middlebury College's Bread Loaf School of English in Ripton, Vermont, for a weekend of community building, cross-site learning, and presenting their final documentary on the Chelsea youth perspective on gentrification in Chelsea, MA. Additionally, the REACH Program enjoyed a weekly field trip to SkyZone, where students had a blast! We had an amazing Week 1
8th to 9th Grade Transition Program
This past week, our students got the chance to visit the Harvard Natural History Museum, participated in an escape room led by one of our own teachers, and made collages that represents our their “Creed,” among many other fun activities designed by our amazing team!
Calculus Project
Students are working hard in this summer's Calculus Project program. Students have had many opportunities to engage in STEM activities and practice the math that they will be learning more about in next year's coursework. They had an innovation lab where DEILAB came in to support the students.
Middle School Acceleration Academy & Calculus Project
MS Acceleration & Calculus joined together and took a morning walking trip to Admiral Hill where students got to spend time enjoying the outdoors and get to know each other better and enjoyed a well earned picnic in the park.
ML Summer Enrichment Program
The ML program went on a field trip in Chelsea last week, stopping at the Chelsea Fire Station and City Hall!
The goal of this field trip was to support newcomers in their transition to the Chelsea community. Students were very excited which made teachers extremely happy and proud. The field trip was definitely a success!
ESY Summer Program
The extended learning students at the Mary C. Burke Complex are gearing up for the 2024 Summer Olympics while working on their reading, writing and math skills. Our 8 classrooms are divided up into the following teams: Greece, Iceland, Australia, Italy, Brazil, Japan, Colombia, and Portugal.
Last week our Olympians learned what each Olympic Ring represents. Each color represents the union of the five inhabited continents. They are interlocked to show the inclusiveness of Olympism and how athletes from all over the words come together for the Olympic Games! Classes also spent time learning that the Olympic flame symbolizes the light of spirit, knowledge and life. The torch relay announces the Olympic Games and spreads a message of peace and friendship between peoples. By passing the flame from one person to another in stages, the Torch Relay expresses the handing down of this symbolic fire from generation to generation.
FKO Summer Program
Third and Fourth graders built bridges and tested different materials for strength. Using paper and tape one student was able to create a structure that could hold a box full of the class's summer math material!
First and Second graders were testing different materials to see which material would be the best to construct a hat to protect from the sun.
Learning the Engineering Design Process
Students in the ELC Summer are learning about the engineering design process through stories, class collaboration and hands-on materials. The students have been working to make sun hats.
Room 204
Summer fun and design work is happening in Room 204 at the ELC!