Virtual Back to School
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Tomorrow is the big day!
All high school students will begin virtual instruction. This includes students who chose the in-person option. The plan is for students who chose In-person instruction to begin physically attending school beginning on Wednesday, September 2, 2020.
Tomorrow morning from 7:30-10:00am, we will have someone out in front of Lake View to assist with Device check-out, printing schedules (if you have not yet been successful accessing that info for your child), and providing a handout that explains how to access Home Access Center, student emails, Schoology, and Edgenuity.
Due to current resitrictions, no visitors will access the building, but we will help you get the information you need.
Event Information
Schedules, Info, and Device Check-out
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 07:30 AM
900 East 43rd Street, San Angelo, TX, USA
Contact Info
Website: https://lakeview.saisd.org/
Location: 900 East 43rd Street, San Angelo, TX, USA
Phone: 325-659-3500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LVhighschool
Twitter: @sa_lakeviewHS