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Dunstan Newsletter
September 6th
![Dunstan Newsletter September 6th](https://cdn.smore.com/u/f2f0/79c3459bc682570cf13b2767b425c6e1.jpg)
Pics from Mr. Davis' Builders Club
Important Dates for the 24-25 School Year
- 11: SAC Meeting 6:30-7:30 PM @ DMS
- 16: On/Off Track Letter for students will be handed out in Advise
- 19: GMHS parade 12-12:30 PM
- 20: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS) and GMHS Homecoming football game 7:30-9:30 PM
- 23: On/Off Track Letter for students will be handed out in Advise
- 24: Final date to submit an appeal for students who are off track
- 25: 6th Grade Family Night discussing Mental Health and Friendships 6:00-7:00 PM @ DMS
- 27: All On Track permission slips DUE
- 30: Dine for Dunstan at Magill's Ice Cream all day
- Week of 30th: On/Off Track Field trips (all grade levels)
- 2: Choir concert @ DMS
- 8: Orchestra Performance @ GMHS
- 10: Band Performance @ DMS
- 11: 6th Grade Social
- 15: Parent Teacher Conferences 5:00-7:00 PM
- 16: Parent Teacher Conferences 5:00-7:00 PM
- 17: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 22-25: Outdoor Lab (Windy Peak)
- 28-31: Outdoor Lab (Windy Peak and Mt. Blue Sky)
- 30: GMHS Trick or Treat Street 6:00-8:00 PM
- 1: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 6: PTA Meeting 6-7 PM @ DMS
- 2: GMHS Future Ram Showcase 6:00-8:00 PM
- 5: Open House 5:30-6:30 PM
- 12: Band Concert @ GMHS
- 17: Orchestra Concert @ GMHS
- 19: Choir Concert @ DMS
- 3: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 6: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 8: PTA Meeting 6-7 PM @ DMS
- 12 and 13: Parent Teacher Conferences 5:00-7:30 PM
- 14: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 27: Orchestra Concert @ DMS
- 5: PTA Meeting 6-7 PM @ DMS
- 6: GMHS Spring Musical matinee for DMS 8th graders
- 6: Choir Performance @ DMS
- 10: Orchestra Concert @ GMHS
- 13: Band Concert @ DMS
- 24: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 16: 5:00-6:30 PM SEL Resource Fair for incoming 6th grade students and families
- 25: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 7: PTA Meeting 6-7 PM @ DMS
- 9: 8th Grade Dance
- 16: GMHS Graduation
- 22: 8th grade last day of school
- 23: Last day of school for 6th and 7th, Early Release
Click the picture below to access the ODL Parent Presentation
Panorama Social Emotional Learning Student Survey (Grades 6-8)
Dear Families:
Panorama Education is a company who conducts student and family surveys in schools and districts across the country. Dunstan Middle School will be giving students the Panorama Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Student Survey 2-3 times per year.
Content: The Panorama student survey gathers information on the following areas/competencies of social emotional skills:
Social Awareness
Relationship Skills
Responsible Decision-Making
You may review the survey questions by visiting this link. For more information on the SEL competencies visit this link.
The results are compiled into both individual and group summaries of social emotional skill progress. These reports are used by district leaders and school staff to guide our development of school-wide, small group, and/or individual social emotional support. You will be notified if your child is invited to join a small group or individual intervention.
- It is Voluntary. Your child does not have to take the student survey.
- It is Confidential. No students will be identified in any public reports or publications. Individual student information (name, student number, school and grade) will be uploaded into the Panorama system, as with other Panorama surveys.
- Individual student data may be shared with school staff to provide instructional and social emotional support.
Timing: The survey will be administered in the fall, winter, and optionally in the spring. It will take about 10 minutes.
Opt Out: If you do not want your child to participate in the survey, you may contact Leslie Pruitt at leslie.pruitt@jeffco.k12.co.us by Monday, September 23, 2024.
Reminder about Dress Code
To this end, the Dunstan dress code consists of the following guidelines:
Clothing is required that covers the torso completely to mid-thigh and from armpit to armpit. Shoulder straps or sleeves are required. See figure.
Shorts MUST cover your entire bottom area at all times, including sitting, walking up the stairs, using lower lockers, etc.
Stomach should not be visible when your arms are at your sides.
Undergarments should not be seen at any time. This includes underwear waistbands and straps. Bra straps are included.
People who are “sagging” their pants - Please make sure you can safely walk without holding up your pants. If you are sagging, please wear shorts underneath your pants to cover your underwear.
Hats/hoods are permitted at lunch and before/after school. At all other times, hats should remain in lockers (not in class), and hoods should be down.
Clothing that includes any words, logos or colors related to gangs is not allowed. In addition, clothing may not display profanity, violence, discriminatory messages, sexual/sexually suggestive phrases or images, or any advertisements, phrases or symbols of alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
Shoes with a hard sole must be worn at all times. No slippers - slippers are a safety concern if we had to evacuate the school quickly and/or stand outside in the snow for an extended period of time. Please keep this in mind when selecting shoes.
Important Information about School Lunches
Starting Monday the 9th we will be losing one pin pad and adding a scanner in the cafeteria. The kids are getting their ID cards and need to have them to scan for lunch. They can take a picture and have it in their phone or keep the card in the phone case. Thank you for your help with this!
GMHS Homecoming Parade 24-25 Expectations & Schedule
If any students will be overwhelmed by the parade atmosphere, please send them to the grass area by the bike racks. Mr. Masterson will meet them there.
Stay on the sidewalk unless you are getting candy that might be thrown. Then, go back to the sidewalk!
Be kind to everyone - lots of people want candy, and it’s not fair or kind to take it all.
After the parade, CLEAN UP YOUR AREA by picking up ALL candy wrappers and trash.
Put all candy or other items you got from the parade IN YOUR LOCKER. You may have them at lunch, but you may not take them to class.
Click the photo below for more information about Clubs & Activities
StopFinder coming October 28th
Attention Bus Rider Families: Staring October 29th, our school will be using Stopfinder to share transportation schedules!
What is Stopfinder?
Stopfinder is the all-in-one parent app that allows Jeffco Public Schools to share your student’s transportation schedule, announcements and more with designated parents and guardians. Stopfinder works with Jeffco’s transportation software to provide the most accurate schedule information quickly.
With the Stopfinder app, you can view your student’s schedule from your mobile device, share student schedules with caregivers and family members and view announcements and notifications in the Stopfinder Message Center.
Stopfinder is secure and only for registered users. Designated contacts of bus rider families will receive an invitation providing access to log in to the Stopfinder app.
Bus rider families will receive an email invitation with more information on how to install the app!
Social Emotional Learning
This week, in Advise, students learned about Safe-2-Tell, what it's used for, and how to use it. Safe-2-Tell is such an amazing resource available to all of our students, which is why we always want to remind them about what it is and how to use it. For more information about Safe-2-Tell, and resources for parents, please click HERE.
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
Click the photo below to register for the QPR Training
Patriot Post
The Patriot Post is Dunstan's online newspaper created by Mr. Orthun's Media Literacy elective class.
New Editions Coming Soon!
Community Resources, Events, and Sports
View GMHS 23-24 Major Events Calendar
Learn about what's going on at the high school.
Questions, Comments, Concerns, Errors, or anything you would like to add?
Dunstan PTA News
"Happy creating, dancing, writing, and more representing the theme "Accepting Imperfection." Once your entry is ready, please complete the entry form here and turn your physical entries into the library by Friday October 4th! This is an awesome way to represent Dunstan and share your talents outside of the classroom. Our goal is to get entries from all 6 categories this year. Read more here!"
Magill's Ice Cream Fundraiser for Dunstan
Magill’s Ice Cream – Monday, Sept 30, all day – 25% comes back to Dunstan
School Accountability Committee (SAC)
Dunstan Families,
The first School Accountability Committee (SAC) of the year will be next Wednesday Sept. 11 at 630 pm. You can attend in person in the library or virtually online. We will be discussing the upcoming school year and the most recent testing results. We would love to see you there!
Join the PTA Board!
We are looking for volunteers to fill important roles on the Dunstan PTA next school year:
- President
- Vice President
Learn how these PTA roles support our community at https://sites.google.com/view/dunstanpta/about-us
King Soopers Community Rewards
You can support the Dunstan PTA even through the summer by linking your King Soopers card to the PTA. It's an easy way to support our school - at no cost to you!
Simply log in to Community Rewards and search for us: https://bit.ly/2R6y1mk.
Dunstan Spirit Wear (with updated logo)!
Outfit the whole family in Dunstan Patriot T-shirts or sweatshirts! Go HERE to place your order.
Email treasurerdunstanPTA@gmail.com with any questions.