CMS Newsletter
November 8, 2024
Happy November! It’s hard to believe that we are already ten weeks into the school year, which means we are a quarter of the way through it. Report cards are being mailed today, and you can access grades through ParentVue and StudentVue.
I have attached the behavior reports for both September and October. In September, we averaged 2.35 referrals per day, while in October, that number increased to 3.63 referrals per day. However, it’s encouraging to note that the number of minor referrals was higher than major or office referrals. Our goal is to reach zero referrals, but I would like us to aim for an average of 1.0 or less per day. The most common behaviors we have observed are classroom disruptions and disrespect. Please remind your student of the importance of protecting instructional time so that all students can learn effectively.
Please note that the 8th Grade Parent Night scheduled for November 12th has been rescheduled to February 11th. Additionally, several Clio Youth Football teams will have the opportunity to play at the Big House, which is a wonderful chance for our students. More information will be shared in the coming months.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Michelle Pyrett
Monthly Behavior Updates
PTO Corner
Huge Shout Out to the parents and community members that decorated trunks for Trunk or Treat on Halloween. Out students and staffed loved the opportunity and we are so appreciate for all that donated candy, decorated or volunteered planning this event.
The PTO has launched a Gourmet Apple Fundraiser, and the money raised will go toward field trips for each grade, as well as PBIS prizes and Mustang Market. Please see the additional information below.
Merry Market Sign Up
Important Information
We will not have After the Bell on Early Release Tuesdays and the second Tuesday of each month.
Winter Sport Schedule
Apple fundraiser information
Academic Incentives for Students
Mustang Market
This past Friday, our Mustang Market was officially opened by our PTO. Students now have the opportunity to earn Mustang Money by demonstrating Pride in school. The PTO has set up the room and purchased items for students to buy. These purchases can be made using funds collected from fundraisers.
We are starting another fundraiser this week, and the more apples we sell, the more money we will have for field trips and to enhance students' experiences at school.
We are always accepting donations for our Market. If you have any questions or items you would like to donate, please feel free to email me.
Mustang Market Shopper and Money Collector
Mustang Market Staff
Educational Benefits Form
Calendar of Events
November 8th-Marking Period 1 Grades Finalized
November 19th-Early Release-12:30
November 27th-December 1st-Thanksgiving Break
December 3rd-PTO Meeting at 6:00 in the CMS Media Center
December 17th-Early Release 12:30
December 17th-Choir Concert at CHS Auditorium @ 5:00
December 17th-6th Grade Band Concert at CHS Auditorium @ 7:00
December 21st-January 5th-Winter Break
January 6th-Return from Break
January 7th-PTO Meeting at 6:00 in CIS Media Center